Дома / Приложение
  • Dogs of the world (Premium) Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Dogs of the world (Premium) Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked]


    Illustrated guide with breeds of dogs is always at hand in your phone! Browse through colorful photographs, read interesting stories about popular and rare breeds.

    Key features of this application:

    ● It contains no advertisements of any kind
    ● Internet access is not needed for this program

    ● More than 60 known breeds of dogs
    ● More than 300 quality photographs of dogs
    ● Any photo could be viewed in full size
    ● History of breed's discovery
    ● Description for every breed (appearance, typical behavior, required care)
    ● Information on breed standards from various canine organizations (FCI, UKC)
    ● Various dog sounds (bark, growl etc.)
    ● Any photo could be set as a device wallpaper (wallpaper editor is included)
    ● Quiz about dog facts and breeds of dogs
    ● Search for breed by any part of its name

    ● Simple and convinient interface - even a child will be able to use it
    ● Page swipe gesture is used for navigation
    ● Application interface is designed to be operated by the thumb of one hand
    ● Screen rotation support for more effective usage
    ● Tablets (pads) and devices with non-standard screen proportions are fully supported

    ● Built-in floating hints for new users (can be disabled in preferences)
    ● Vibration feedback for screen buttons (can be disabled in preferences)

    This is a full version. It has no limitations.
  • Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary Мод APK 8.0.250 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary Мод APK 8.0.250 [Unlocked]


    Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary is a user-friendly dictionary designed to address the needs of both English-speakers and learners of English at upper-intermediate and advanced levels. All those who use English as a native or foreign language, whether high school and university students, professionals, or the general public, will find it a useful addition to their library.

    The dictionary contains over 50,000 main and sub-entries, reflecting the status of English as the international language of communication.

    Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary is both a teaching and learning tool. Its goal is not only to provide information, but also to teach active and appropriate use of words and phrases. Meanings are explained in simple vocabulary and grammar, without the use of abstract terms. The typical examples of usage, rich in collocations, are corpus supported and are taken from everyday life. The entries are packed with a wealth of information. Irregular plurals, spellings, pronunciations and phonetic transcriptions are all indicated. Nouns show countability or uncountability. Verb entries show principle parts and irregular spellings. Irregular adjective and adverb comparative and superlative forms are indicated. Usage is indicated by labels such as formal, informal and slang. Notes are provided to cover grammatical problems in English, and other points that may be confusing for non-native users of the dictionary. Both British and American forms, meanings, spellings and pronunciations are given.

    Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary is completely up-to-date, with present-day expressions and vocabulary in science, technology, communications, the arts and humanities. A rich set of appendices provides a wealth of encyclopedic knowledge on a broad variety of topics, while headwords appear in color.

    NEW! With the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • Salah/Namaz, Ablution Learning Мод APK 1.1.6 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Salah/Namaz, Ablution Learning Мод APK 1.1.6 [Unlocked]


    "સાલાહ/નમાઝ, અબુલ્યુશન લર્નિંગ" એ નવા નિશાળીયા અને બાળકો માટે ઑફલાઇન ઉપયોગમાં સરળ મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકા છે જે વપરાશકર્તાઓને ઇસ્લામિક પ્રાર્થના કેવી રીતે કરવી તે શીખવામાં મદદ કરવા માટે રચાયેલ છે. વિગતવાર પગલું-દર-પગલાં સૂચનો અને ચિત્રો સાથે, સલાટ વપરાશકર્તાઓને ઇસ્લામિક પ્રાર્થનાના દરેક તબક્કામાં, ઇસ્લામિક અબુલ્યુશન વુડુથી અંતિમ સલામ સુધી માર્ગદર્શન આપે છે.

    સલાટ મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકા ઑફલાઇનની સુવિધાઓમાં શામેલ છે:

    1- ઇસ્લામિક એબ્લ્યુશન ગાઇડ: સલાટમાં ઇસ્લામ એબ્લ્યુશન કરવા માટેની વ્યાપક માર્ગદર્શિકા શામેલ છે, જે ચિત્રો અને સ્પષ્ટતાઓ સાથે પૂર્ણ છે.

    2- ઇસ્લામ પ્રાર્થના માર્ગદર્શિકા: સલાટ દરેક પ્રાર્થના કરવા માટે પગલા-દર-પગલાની સૂચનાઓ પ્રદાન કરે છે, જેમાં શરૂઆતની તકબીર, કુરાની શ્લોકોનું પઠન અને અંતિમ સલામનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.

    3- સ્પષ્ટ કુરાન ઓડિયો રીડિંગ: સલાટમાં કુરાની શ્લોકોના ઓડિયો પઠનનો સમાવેશ થાય છે જે ઇસ્લામ પ્રાર્થના દરમિયાન પાઠવામાં આવે છે, વપરાશકર્તાઓને તેમના ઉચ્ચારને યાદ રાખવા અને સુધારવામાં મદદ કરે છે.

    4- કિબલા શોધક: સલાટમાં એક કિબલા શોધકનો સમાવેશ થાય છે જે મક્કામાં કાબાની દિશા બતાવે છે, જે વપરાશકર્તાઓને ઇસ્લામની પ્રાર્થના દરમિયાન પોતાને ચોક્કસ રીતે દિશામાન કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.

    તેના વપરાશકર્તા મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ ઇન્ટરફેસ અને વ્યાપક સુવિધાઓ સાથે, પ્રાર્થના શીખવા અને સુધારવા માંગતા કોઈપણ માટે સલાટ સંપૂર્ણ મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકા છે (નવા નિશાળીયા અને બાળકો માટે પણ). આજે જ સલાટ ડાઉનલોડ કરો અને વધુ પરિપૂર્ણ આધ્યાત્મિક જીવન તરફ પ્રથમ પગલું ભરો.

    આ માર્ગદર્શિકા ઇન્શાઅલ્લાહ તમને તમારી ફજર, ધુર્હ (ઝુહર), અસ્ર, મગરીબ અને ઇશાની પ્રાર્થનાને સુધારવામાં મદદ કરશે. સ્પષ્ટ કુરાન ઓડિયો વાંચન તમને તમારા ઉચ્ચારને સુધારવામાં પણ મદદ કરે છે.

    "સાલાહ/નમાઝ, અબુલ્યુશન લર્નિંગ" એ મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકા ઑફલાઇન છે જેનો અર્થ સમગ્ર વિશ્વના મુસ્લિમોને બધી આવશ્યક માહિતી સાથે અસરકારક રીતે પ્રાર્થના (સાલાહ/નમાઝ) કેવી રીતે કરવી તે વિશે સૂચના આપવા માટે છે. તે નવા નિશાળીયા અને બાળકો માટે પણ યોગ્ય છે. "સાલાહ/નમાઝ, અબુલ્યુશન લર્નિંગ" એ વિશ્વાસીઓ માટે દૈનિક ઇસ્લામ પ્રાર્થના, બિન-ફરજિયાત નમાઝ અને અન્યના દરેક પાસાઓથી પોતાને પરિચિત કરવા માટે એક વ્યાપક પ્રાર્થના માર્ગદર્શિકા છે. અને સ્પષ્ટ અલ કુરાન ઓડિયો વાંચન પણ તેમાં મદદ કરશે.

    નવા કાર્યો:

    1. કિબલા શોધક - અમારા હોકાયંત્ર સાથે તમારી આધ્યાત્મિક યાત્રાને એકીકૃત રીતે નેવિગેટ કરો, જે તમને મક્કાની દિશા તરફ માર્ગદર્શન આપે છે.
    2. સ્પષ્ટ કુરાન ઓડિયો રીડિંગ - ઉચ્ચારણ અને સમજણ માટે ઓડિયો પઠન અને ધ્વન્યાત્મકતા સાથે અલ કુરાનની સુંદરતામાં તમારી જાતને લીન કરો.
    3. સ્ટેપ બાય સ્ટેપ સાલાહ - દરેક પ્રાર્થના કરવા માટેની સ્પષ્ટ સૂચનાઓ, જેમાં શરૂઆતની તકબીર, અલ કુરાનની શ્લોકોનું પઠન અને અંતિમ સલામનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.
    4. અલ કુરાન સંશોધક - દરરોજ અલ કુરાન છંદો સાથે પ્રેરણાદાયી વિડિઓઝ.

    "સાલાહ/નમાઝ, અબુલ્યુશન લર્નિંગ" એ એક વ્યાપક એપ્લિકેશન છે જે તમને નમાઝ કરવા અને યોગ્ય રીતે અશુદ્ધ કરવા માટે જરૂરી બધું પ્રદાન કરે છે. સ્ટેપ-બાય-સ્ટેપ સમજૂતી તમારા માટે પ્રક્રિયાને સરળ બનાવશે અને તમને કોઈ પણ પ્રકારની ભૂલ વિના નમાઝ અને વુડુ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપશે. નવા નિશાળીયા અને બાળકો માટે પરફેક્ટ. વધુમાં, અમારા મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકામાં એક ઉપયોગી કિબલા શોધક છે જે તમને તમારી જાતને મક્કા તરફ સરળતાથી દિશામાન કરવામાં મદદ કરશે. અને દરરોજ અલ કુરાનના નવા અવતરણો તમને તમારા આધ્યાત્મિક જીવન માટે ઘણી પ્રેરણા આપશે.

    "સાલાહ/નમાઝ, અબુલ્યુશન લર્નિંગ" એ ખાસ કરીને નવા નિશાળીયા અને બાળકો માટે યોગ્ય રીતે પ્રાર્થના કેવી રીતે કરવી તે શીખવા માટેનું તમારું મુસ્લિમ માર્ગદર્શિકા ઑફલાઇન છે.
  • English Dictionary Мод APK 7.7.0 [Unlocked] 3.9

    English Dictionary Мод APK 7.7.0 [Unlocked]


    અંગ્રેજી ડિક્શનરી અને ટ્રાન્સલેટર એપ્લિકેશનથી અંગ્રેજી સરળતાથી શીખો! મફત ડાઉનલોડ અને ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન આવશ્યક નથી!

    અંગ્રેજી શબ્દકોષ અને અનુવાદક એપ્લિકેશન તમને અંગ્રેજી શબ્દો વ્યાખ્યા, ઉદાહરણ, ઉચ્ચાર અને વધુ સાથે શોધવામાં સક્ષમ બનાવે છે.


    - વિગતવાર શબ્દ વ્યાખ્યાઓ અને ઉદાહરણ વાક્યો
    - સંબંધિત શોધ સૂચનો
    - અદ્યતન વાક્યો વિશ્લેષક
    - પ્રિય શબ્દો અને શોધ ઇતિહાસ
    - સ્વ-લર્નિંગ સપોર્ટ માટે ફ્લેશકાર્ડ્સ
    વધુ સારી રીતે વાંચી શકાય તે માટે કસ્ટમાઇઝ ફોન્ટ કદ
    ઇંગલિશ અને વાઇલ્ડકાર્ડ પાત્ર શોધ સપોર્ટ
    - ધ્વન્યાત્મક સાથે બ્રિટીશ અંગ્રેજી અને અમેરિકન અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર

    અંગ્રેજી શબ્દકોશ અને અનુવાદક એપ્લિકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે આપનું સ્વાગત છે!
  • @Voice Aloud Reader (TTS) Мод APK 15.5.2 [Premium] 4.6

    @Voice Aloud Reader (TTS) Мод APK 15.5.2 [Premium]


    Discover the ultimate app for multitaskers: @Voice Aloud Reader, designed to read aloud web pages, news articles, lengthy emails, TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, OpenOffice documents, EPUB, MOBI, PRC, AZW, and FB2 eBooks. Whether you want to read on-screen or listen when your eyes are occupied, this versatile app caters to your every need.

    Top Features:
    • Read and listen to web pages and various local files, including text, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, OpenOffice documents, and HTML files.
    • Enjoy clutter-free web pages, with menus, navigation, ads, and other distractions removed.
    • Create and customize listening lists with multiple articles for continuous, uninterrupted playback.
    • Synchronize between devices the reading positions of ebooks or other long texts, bookmarks, and use optional "@Voice Add to List" extension for desktop browsers to easily add the articles you browse on your computer to @Voice's reading list.
    • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) extracts text from PDFs where standard text extraction fails.
    • Effortlessly share content from other apps or copy and paste text into @Voice Aloud Reader for seamless listening.
    • Export and listen to WhatsApp chats.
    • Experience eBooks with original formatting and images, either on-screen or by listening with headphones.
    • Supports Chinese and Japanese vertical text (right-to-left mode) and horizontal mode.
    • Easily import saved Pocket articles to your @Voice reading list.
    • Record spoken articles as sound files in WAV (uncompressed) or OGG (compressed) formats.
    • Access dictionaries, translations, Wikipedia, and web search with a long-press on any word or phrase.
    • Enhance speech with TTS correction, including optional use of Regular Expressions (RegEx).
    • Adjust speech generator volume, pitch, and speech rate to your preference.
    • Conveniently pause, resume, or skip through content using wired or Bluetooth headset buttons.

    Advanced Features
    • Detects articles or long stories split into multiple pages, offers to download all parts/chapters of the story into one EPUB file by following "Next" links.
    • Automatically translates text with Google Translate
    • Optionally shows and reads both original and translated text with appropriate native language voices, ideal for language learning
    • Automatic voice changes for dialogs in books or web novels, with unique voices for narrators and characters
    • Swap voices with a single tap on screen or headphones button, if you find out that e.g. its reading female character phrases with male voice or vice versa.

    Upgrade your reading and listening experience with @Voice Aloud Reader – the all-in-one solution for busy individuals on the go. Download now and unlock the full potential of multitasking!
  • Officiel du SCRABBLE LAROUSSE Мод APK 1.1 3.5

    Officiel du SCRABBLE LAROUSSE Мод APK 1.1


    The only application arbiter of Scrabble to play and win!

    Designed for amateurs and professionals Scrabble and word games, this application includes a list of 400,000 words authorized by the Official Scrabble game in its latest edition ODS7.

    - A precious help to play well
    • A dictionary lists all the words accepted in Scrabble with women, plurals, spelling variants but all the conjugated forms and definitions of the most complicated words.
    • Optimize the game: the solution to your shortcomings ... Just enter the letters from his easel (and up to 7 letters plateau) and the application finds the best combination allowed.
    • A scoring tool: a simple tool to keep score and keep logs of its parts.
    • The rules for play beyond dispute.

    - A fun application
    • We can not emphasize it enough: to win you have to train. You have 5 minutes before you? It is quite enough for a small meeting!
    From a random selection and a limited time, find the longest word or the most relevant points. After the elapsed time, make sure you've found the best combination.
  • Stedman's Medical Abbreviations Мод APK 8.0.251 [Premium] 4.0

    Stedman's Medical Abbreviations Мод APK 8.0.251 [Premium]


    Stedman's Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols offers quick, easy access to more than 75,000 essential abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. You'll also find a wide range of appendices on symbols, professional titles and degrees, associations and organizations, chemotherapy and other drug regimens, and clinical trials.

    Everything You Need, Accessible in an Instant:

    * More than 75,000 entries are defined by the most trusted name in medical references
    * Facilitates compliance with The Joint Commission requirements for institutions

    NEW! With the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the Stedman's Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • World History Atlas Мод APK 2.72 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    World History Atlas Мод APK 2.72 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Prezentarea cronologică și geografică a subiectelor și evenimentelor istorice. Călătorește prin istoria fascinantă a omenirii de la cele mai vechi civilizații până în prezent.



    ◼️ perioade istorice:

    ◾ Preistorie:
    Epoca de piatră, Epoca cuprului, Epoca bronzului, Epoca fierului

    ◾ antichitate:
    Orientul antic, egiptologie, antichitatea greacă, Roma,
    Egiptul Antic, Sumer, Elam, Akkad, Babilonia, Hurrian, Hitit, Meder, Asiria, Israel, Fenicia, Persia, Arabia de Sud Antică, Imperiul Urartian, Frigieni, Lidieni, Luwier, Cultura Minoică, Celții, Grecia Antică, Etrusci, Cartagina, Imperiul Roman, Antichitatea târzie, triburile germanice, migrația popoarelor etc...

    ◾ Evul Mediu: Imperiul Franc, Imperiul Bizantin, Vikingi, Cruciade, Imperiul Otoman, Războiul de o sută de ani, Imperiul de mână, iobăgie, vremea Sengoku etc...

    ◾ Timpul modern
    Renaștere, expansiune europeană, Sfântul Imperiu Roman, Reforma, Contrareforma, Războaiele de Religie, Iluminismul, Absolutismul, Războaiele Cabinetului, Revoluția Franceză, Revoluția Americană etc...

    ◾ timpurile moderne
    Eliberarea fermierilor, revoluția industrială, liberalismul, comunismul, Biedermeier, problema socială
    Imperialism, Primul Război Mondial, Al Doilea Război Mondial, colonialism, Revoluția din octombrie, perioada interbelică, Holocaust, expulzare

    ◾ Secolul XX:
    Uniunea Sovietică, RDG, Națiunile Unite, Războiul Rece, Blocul de Est, războiul proxy, cursa înarmărilor, întoarcerea, conflictul din Orientul Mijlociu, era nucleară

    ◾ Secolul 21: politică climatică, terorism, criză financiară, energie regenerabilă, robotică, inteligență artificială

    Câteva mii de evenimente istorice pe următoarele subiecte:

    ◾ Evenimente / conflicte militare: bătălii, asedii, bătălii navale, războaie religioase și multe altele.

    ◾ Personalități istorice celebre: împărați, regi, dictatori, autori, doctor, erou, compozitor, inventatori, exploratori, geografi, navigatori, militari, poeți, filozofi, botaniști, actori, revoluționari, astronomi, papă, episcop, politicieni, arhitecți, iluminator, profeți și multe altele.

    ◾ Evenimente naturale istorice:
    Furtuni, inundații, cutremure, furtuni, viscol, erupții vulcanice, avalanșe, erupții solare și multe altele.

    ◾ Evenimente astronomice: cometă, meteor, eclipsă de soare, supernove

    ◾ Realizări tehnice din domeniul militar, medicină, astronomie, chimie, fizică, biologie, transporturi, energie, arhitectură, spațiu.

    ◾ Societăți istorice: anarhism, absolutism, monarhism, fascism, comunism, socialism și altele.

    ◾ Stiluri de artă / Lucrări de pictură, muzică și literatură: gregorian, impresionism, orientalism, baroc, realism, romantism, expresionism, dadaism, suprarealism, naturalism, neoclasicism, clasicism, pop art etc...

    ◾ Evenimente sportive istorice:
    Campionatele Mondiale, Jocurile Olimpice

    ◾ Evenimente religioase din creștinism, iudaism, hinduism, islam, budism, șintoism, sikhism, bahaitism, jainism.

    ◾ Clădiri istorice din diferite epoci legate de religie, armată, economie, educație etc…

    Evenimente, imperii, triburi, state, migrații, călătorii, expediții, operațiuni militare, orașe, locuri, capitale etc...

    Informații tehnice

    Aplicația este instalată automat pe cardul SD (dacă este posibil), pentru a salva memoria internă. Este necesară o descărcare inițială a datelor de aproximativ 400 MB.
    Nu este necesară nicio conexiune la internet după aceea. Conținutul este în continuă extindere..

    Surse din: Wikipedia, literatură de specialitate, atlase, literatură istorică, hărți istorice.

    Vedeți și: History4geeks

    Pentru întrebări sau sugestii, vă rugăm să contactați [email protected].

    Multumesc pentru interes.
  • Oxford Portuguese Dictionary Мод APK 9.1.363 [Premium] 3.9

    Oxford Portuguese Dictionary Мод APK 9.1.363 [Premium]


    The Oxford Essential Portuguese Dictionary is a compact Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese dictionary that offers up-to-date coverage of essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations.

    The dictionary is based on Brazilian Portuguese with extra information about differences with European Portuguese, including the latest spelling reforms, new words and culture notes, as well as extended coverage of key entries. Now with the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    NEW! Translate words in any other Android app with the Tap to Translate feature, and do it in style with any of the four colorful new themes.

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Designed to provide the most comprehensive search experience the dictionary combines several search tools to match or suggest what you are looking for, including:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled.
     • NEW! Tap to Translate entries in other apps
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • Designed to give you the freedom to structure your studies the way you see fit the 'Favorites' option allows you to create custom folders with lists of words from the vast library of entries
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get even more with PREMIUM:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • Oxford American Thesaurus Мод APK 9.1.363 [Premium] 4.0

    Oxford American Thesaurus Мод APK 9.1.363 [Premium]


    A convenient and complete thesaurus for school, work, and home, the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus includes more than 12,000 main entries and over 350,000 synonyms, with example sentences and phrases for almost every sense. Synonym Studies that show the subtle differences in meaning among a group of easily confused words are also included. This thesaurus is an essential tool for everyone who needs to write quickly, clearly, and well.

    NEW! With the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use the dictionary simultaneously with other apps.

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • On this day. Historical calend Мод APK 3.1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    On this day. Historical calend Мод APK 3.1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    "On This Day" helps you know what events happened today: holidays, observances, what famous people were born or died, and important historical events from all around the world. You can also choose a specific day using the Calendar option.

    Tens of thousands of facts. Important events are regularly added by Wikipedia users. The application uses only up-to-date information.

    Illustrations. The App loads pictures from all related articles. Read more interesting than Wikipedia itself.

    Summary. Tooltips appear when you click the term mentioned in the note.

    Links to articles. If you want to know more, you can follow the links to Wikipedia articles.

    Ability to share. The most interesting facts you can send to friends via messenger or publish on your page in the social networks.

    The app allows you to share entries with friends and family through social networks, messaging apps, and email. We hope you'll find new and interesting things and encourage you to share that knowledge with others. (If the text doesn't copy automatically long press and use the "Paste" option.)

    The application makes use of the materials of The Free Encyclopedia https://wikipedia.org.
    Content is available in accordance with CC BY-SA 3.0.
  • Sky Atlas Мод APK 1.41 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Sky Atlas Мод APK 1.41 [Unlocked]


    Sky Atlas is not planetarium or simulation software. It is designed analog to a paper atlas for the purpose of looking up sky positions of celestial objects. The electronic form takes advantage of zooming and selection of objects to be displayed or not -- possibilities which are not available to paper. The star chart is plotted on equatorial coordinates. Current horizontal positions, rise & set times, etc. for objects can be viewed after selection of an object of interest. A star chart can be saved to external memory card for documentation purposes, such as websites or blogs.

    The use of Sky Atlas is believed to be simple, intuitive and largely self-explanatory, yet requiring basic knowledge of astronomy and familiarity with your Android phone.

    Atlas Objects
    Opens a list of object categories. Tap on a category to view available objects. Upon selection of an object, its data is shown in a message box, from which to return to selection of another object or choose to center an object on the star chart. Categories which contain a large number of objects are assigned a sub-menu (tap on screen's menu button) which allow to narrow down by various criteria dependent on the nature of the category.
    * Constellations
    * Named Stars
    * Nearby Stars
    * Binary Stars
    * Variable Stars
    * Exoplanets
    * All Messier objects with images
    * Bright deepsky objects with images
    * All Caldwell objects with images
    * Solar System Planets
    * Dwarf Planets & Asteroids
    * Comets
    * Meteor Showers
    * Hubble Objects
    * Kepler Field Overlay
    * Celestial Poles

    This list of items is not directly related to the star chart, but to astronomical time-keeping, information and visualizations.
    * Rise, set, twilight times
    * Day & Night Visualization
    * Planisphere
    * Rectangular view of the sun's vicinity
    * Earth Globe in 3D
    * Moon Atlas in 3D
    * Moon Calendar
    * MSL Curiosity Station
    * 3D planetary phase views
    * Planetary Moons
    * Spacecrafts
    * Pleiades Close-up
    * Solar Eclipses
    * Greek Alphabet
    * Glossary
    * Historical Timeline
    * Zodiacal Signs
    * Martian Moons
    * Plutonian Moons

    This section is for astronomical computing, such as current positions of the Galilean moons, orbit simulation, calculation of optical equipment performance and more.
    * Galilean Moons
    * Orbit Simulator
    * Distances among Stars
    * Speed of Light Simulation
    * Telescope Calculator
    * Binocular Calculator
    * CCD Imaging Calculator
    * Optical Formulae
    * JD-Date/Date-JD Converter

    Star Chart
    * Stars down to magnitude 6.4
    * Constellation lines
    * Constellation boundaries
    * All Messier objects
    * Bright NGC/IC objects
    * All Caldwell objects
    * Sun, moon and planets overlay
    * Equatorial Grid
    * Equator line
    * Ecliptic line
    * Associated object labels
    * Color display
    * Monochrome, negative display
    * Nightview (red display)

    Sky Atlas is designed only for Android phones operating in portrait mode. If you own a tablet please search for "Sky Atlas Tablet".

    Galaxy Precident SCH-M828C and similarly small phones not supported.

  • Poems Мод APK 1.4 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Poems Мод APK 1.4 [Unlocked]


    Poem is an application where you can find thousands of poetry and poems from World literature.

    With this application;
    - You can easily find poems and poets by searching.
    - You can add poems and poets to your favorites, then you can easily access this favorite poems and poets.
    - Every day the most popular poem by the users comes to the pocket as a notification.
    - You can share poems on any social network you like, such as Facebook, Twitter. You can send your friends as messages.
    - You can follow the most popular poems and poets.
    - You can hang around as far as you want between poems and poets.
  • Scary Stories Мод APK 2.9.5 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Scary Stories Мод APK 2.9.5 [Unlocked]


    Are you interested in mysticism and can't live without horrors? Our scary stories are waiting for you! Every day we add more stories! Smart design and interactive environment with scary images help you to enjoy chill of fear…

    • Read stories offline! All stories you can see online will be available offline.
    • Estimate and discuss stories with other users!
    • Add your stories and you can become the best author! Your likeminded people will use the application and they can estimate you!
    • In application you can find section of stories recommended by moderators, chosen and accident. All stories are divided on many sections.
    • Find new friends and chat with them.

    All our stories are from open sourses. If you have rights for a story or image and you right wasn't indicated or you are against its using in our application please contact us. We will correct data or delete it as soon as possible. All information is used for noncommercial purposes. Application authors aren't responsible for use of data available in the application. Any commercial use of application data without written permission is prohibited.
    If you want to add your stories:
    • You are responsible for your story content:
    • You are responsible for image attached to your story:.
    • Your story shouldn't be copied, only original works. If we find out contrary we have right to delete your story.
  • Osmanlıca Sözlük & Çeviri Мод APK 3.5 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Osmanlıca Sözlük & Çeviri Мод APK 3.5 [Unlocked]


    Tevakk the Ottoman Dictionary and Translation, or from Turkey Turkish Ottoman Turkish Ottoman Turkey is a quality application that you can search the glossary and translation from the Turkish Ottoman Turkish.
    Total 216.000+ contains words and phrases and allows you to translate a sentence of indefinite length.

    Why Tevakk the Ottoman Turkish dictionary?

    results without the need to press the Search button will bring up instantly. You can search the movable or harekesiz.
    It makes automatic corrections against several spelling errors. Thus, even if you write the word wrong translation can be accessed quickly.

    216.000+ with words and phrases from other Ottoman dictionaries dictionary has the largest vocabulary.

    Man sorting is applied are the following method:
    1. Use level
    2. Supply reliability
    3. Domestic Placement
    In this way, the closest Turkish meaning top rankings
    You'll see. The meaning of the words used are rarely taken into the dictionary. Thus you can find the weakest meaning in the dictionary.

    Published by the Turkish Standards Institute, according to the characteristics of the Ottoman Keyboard TS13206 certificate number has been established.

    The sentence you write in the Latin alphabet can translate automatically be written by the Ottoman alphabet. The only thing you should do is write the sentence you want to translate. Ottoman translation will be carried out automatically.

    You can hear how to pronounce the words. Thus, you will learn how the sounds of the letters removed.

    Eye fatigue and Arabic learners in order to use the easiest, Google's Material Design principles are designed considering.

    Symmetrical SEARCH:
    You can search the dictionary Ottoman Turkish or Turkish of Turkey.

    The Tevakk dictionary does not need internet connection while translating.

    You can change the font of the word, and can adjust the size according to your request. So you can read the translations are more comfortable.

    You can use the application free of charge.

    Musab Gideon - IU

    Some sources used when preparing the dictionary:
    Abdullah Tiller - New Lugati
    Jamal Erşan - Ottoman Lugati
    Mehmet Kanar - Ottoman Turkish Dictionary
    Omar Sevinçgül - Concise Lexicon
    Comprehensive Ottoman-Turkish Writing Guide - Joel Thomas
    Altınbasak Publications - Ottoman Lugati
    Printed Word Publications - Ottoman Lugati
  • How to Tie a Tie Мод APK 4.0.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    How to Tie a Tie Мод APK 4.0.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Download this app and don't waste your time and money searching the internet and trying to find out how to tie a decent knot on your own. Here they are - tens of tie knots from classical Windsor knot to extravagant and ultra rare Krasny Hourglass knot, presented in clear instructions and diagrams together with simple explanations.

    Clear and easy – just follow simple instructions and pictures, and you'll be able to tie a pretty tie knot on your own!
    Helpful and handy – now you won't need any help of your wife or any other person to tie a pretty tie knot.
    Innovative and fashionable – don't be boring with your ties! We have lots of amazing, unique, creative and cool tie knots for you to try out and get innovative with your look!

    Other great features:
    • great choice of popular tie knots. You'll learn how to tie knots such as classical Windsor knot, Four-in-hand, Simple double, and also extravagant styles such Eldredge, Trinity, Ediety or Merovingian, Krasny Hourglass, Boutonniere knots and many more!
    more than 26 knots (13 for free) - for any occasion! Classical tie knots such as Windsor are perfect for official events and extravagant tie knots for weddings and parties with friends.
    Different cool hanky folds to complete your look! Look respectable on any special occasions of your life
    • great but simple design - nothing disturbs you from tying a pretty tie-knot from the first time.

    Many people would agree that making a tie is a big problem because we use them quite rarely. The new app How To Tie a Tie is a real life-saver for you if you don't know how to knot ties. If you don't have much practice in making necktie knots, start with making the simplest tie knots like Four-in-Hand or Simple Double. After that, you'll get the idea of how to make other more difficult tie knots.

    To tie a beautiful necktie knot easily and quickly - with How to Tie a Tie this is real!

    android.permission.CAMERA used for mirror background mode.
  • Offline Thesaurus Dictionary Мод APK [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    Offline Thesaurus Dictionary Мод APK [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]

    મફત ઑફલાઇન શબ્દકોશ અને થિસોરસ એ 150000 થી વધુ શબ્દો અને તેમના સમાનાર્થી અને વિરોધી શબ્દો એટલે કે અંગ્રેજી, સ્પેનિશ અને ફ્રેન્ચ થિસોરસ સમાવિષ્ટ 3 માં 1 મફત છે.

    તે 3 ઇન 1 ડિક્શનરી કમ થીસોરસ છે જેમાં સમાવેશ થાય છે
    1. ઑફલાઇન અંગ્રેજીથી અંગ્રેજી શબ્દકોશ અને થિસોરસ
    2. ઑફલાઇન અંગ્રેજીથી સ્પેનિશ શબ્દકોશ અને થિસોરસ
    3. ઑફલાઇન અંગ્રેજીથી ફ્રેન્ચ શબ્દકોશ અને થિસોરસ

    અંગ્રેજીમાંથી શબ્દોના અનુવાદો શીખીને સ્પેનિશ અને ફ્રેન્ચ શીખવાની સૌથી સહેલી રીત.
    સંપૂર્ણ અંગ્રેજીથી સ્પેનિશ અને ફ્રેન્ચ થિસોરસ શબ્દકોશ .લેખકો, કવિઓ માટે તેમના લખાણોમાં વિવિધ શબ્દોનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે એક સંપૂર્ણ.

    હવે શબ્દ શોધવા માટે ઇન્ટરનેટની જરૂર નથી. શબ્દભંડોળ શક્તિ મેળવવાનો સમય છે, હવે ઑફલાઇન.

    તમે 2 રીતે શોધી શકો છો
    - શબ્દ / પ્રારંભિક દ્વારા શોધો
    - મૂળાક્ષરો દ્વારા શોધો

    - પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટેની ભાષાને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરવા માટે સેટિંગ્સ સુવિધા.

    - શબ્દકોશ માટે 3 ભાષાઓ ઉપલબ્ધ છે - અંગ્રેજી, સ્પેનિશ અને ફ્રેન્ચ
    - તેના પ્રકાર મુજબ સમાનાર્થી અને વિરોધી શબ્દોનો ભેદ બતાવે છે જેમ કે વિશેષણ, સંજ્ઞા, ક્રિયાપદ વગેરે.
    - તમારા લખાણને સુધારવા અથવા શબ્દ શોધવા માટે, શબ્દ રમતો અને કોયડાઓમાં ઉપયોગ માટે આદર્શ
    - બુકમાર્ક મનપસંદ શબ્દો
    - તે મુજબ દર્શાવવા માટે ભાષાઓને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો
    - શબ્દ શોધ માટે A થી Z ફોર્મેટ
    - સોશિયલ મીડિયા પર શબ્દોની વ્યાખ્યા શેર કરો
    - નિયમિત અપડેટ્સ
    - સંપૂર્ણ આધાર
    - સ્પષ્ટ અને સંક્ષિપ્ત

    આ ડિક્શનરી કમ થિસોરસ એપ્લિકેશન તમને તમારી કારકિર્દી યોજનામાં મદદ કરશે અને GRE, GMAT અને અન્ય MBA અને અન્ય અંગ્રેજી પરીક્ષાઓની તૈયારીમાં મદદ કરશે.

    સુધારાઓ માટે સૂચનો અને પ્રતિસાદ માટે અમને [email protected] પર લખો.

    અમને ટ્વિટર @gamesnapps4u પર અનુસરો
  • L für die Reise: Reisesätze Мод APK 5.5.90 [Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.5

    L für die Reise: Reisesätze Мод APK 5.5.90 [Free purchase][Unlocked]


    શું તમે એવા દેશની મુસાફરી કરી છે જેની ભાષા તમે બોલતા નથી, પરંતુ તમે હજી પણ ક્લાસિક પ્રવાસી તરીકે બહાર આવવા માંગતા નથી? L für die Reise સાથે - Langenscheidt ના પ્રવાસ શબ્દકોશ સંગ્રહ - તમે તમારા વેકેશન માટે તૈયાર છો અને સ્થાનિકો સાથે વાત કરી શકો છો અને કટોકટીમાં સક્ષમ રીતે વાતચીત કરી શકો છો. અમે તમારા માટે યોગ્ય વાક્યો એકસાથે મૂક્યા છે. અંગ્રેજી, ઇટાલિયન, સ્પેનિશ, ફ્રેન્ચ, પોર્ટુગીઝ, સ્વીડિશ, નોર્વેજીયન, ડેનિશ, ફિનિશ, પોલિશ, ક્રોએશિયન, ડચ, ટર્કિશ અને ચાઇનીઝમાં.

    એપ એ એવા દેશોમાં તમારો સંપૂર્ણ પ્રવાસ સાથી છે કે જેની ભાષા તમે બોલતા નથી.
    તમે ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન વિના એપ્લિકેશનના સંપૂર્ણ સંસ્કરણનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકો છો.

    ખરીદી કરતા પહેલા 14 ભાષાઓમાંથી દરેકનું પરીક્ષણ કરી શકાય છે. દરેક ભાષા અલગથી ખરીદી શકાય છે. 1 ભાષાની કિંમત €2.99 છે, સિક્સ-પેક (અંગ્રેજી, ફ્રેન્ચ, ઇટાલિયન, સ્પેનિશ, પોર્ટુગીઝ, ડચ) €4.99માં ઉપલબ્ધ છે અને બધી ભાષાઓ એકસાથે (સંપૂર્ણ પૅક) €8.99માં ઉપલબ્ધ છે.

    ટ્રાવેલ ડિક્શનરી કલેક્શન - સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ પ્રવાસ શબ્દસમૂહો

    - ભાષાઓ માટે શબ્દસમૂહ પુસ્તક: અંગ્રેજી, ઇટાલિયન, સ્પેનિશ, ફ્રેન્ચ, પોર્ટુગીઝ, સ્વીડિશ, નોર્વેજીયન, ડેનિશ, ફિનિશ, પોલિશ, ક્રોએશિયન, ડચ, ટર્કિશ, ચાઇનીઝ
    - મુસાફરી વાક્યો મૂળ વક્તાઓ દ્વારા બોલવામાં આવે છે - જેથી તમે ઉચ્ચારમાં વિશ્વાસ રાખી શકો
    - મુસાફરી કરતી વખતે સામાન્ય પરિસ્થિતિઓ અનુસાર વાક્યો ગોઠવવામાં આવે છે, દા.ત. અભિવાદન કરવું અને વિદાય આપવી, પૂછવું અને આભાર માનવો, સંમત થવું અથવા ઇનકાર કરવો
    - તમે જે દેશમાં મુસાફરી કરી રહ્યા છો તે દેશમાં વાક્યોનો ઉપયોગ કરવા વિશે ઘણી બધી માહિતી
    - તમે જે દેશમાં મુસાફરી કરી રહ્યા છો ત્યાં મુસાફરી કરવા અને કેવી રીતે યોગ્ય રીતે વર્તવું તે વિશે ઘણી બધી માહિતી
    - જ્યારે શબ્દો, હાથ અને પગ લાંબા સમય સુધી પૂરતા ન હોય ત્યારે છબીઓ બતાવવાથી તમે જે દેશમાં મુસાફરી કરી રહ્યા છો તે દેશમાં વાતચીત કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે.

    શબ્દસમૂહો અને શબ્દો શોધો અને શોધો

    - સૉર્ટિંગ: મુસાફરી કરતી વખતે સામાન્ય પરિસ્થિતિઓ અનુસાર તમારા માટે વાક્યો સૉર્ટ કરવામાં આવે છે
    - શોધ: સ્થાનિક ભાષામાં વ્યક્તિગત શબ્દો શોધવા માટે શોધ કાર્યનો ઉપયોગ કરો

    આ વાક્યો તમને વાંચવા મળે છે

    એપ્લિકેશનનું વાંચન કાર્ય તમને શબ્દો અને વાક્યોના સાચા ઉચ્ચાર બતાવે છે. તેઓ મૂળ વક્તાઓ દ્વારા બોલવામાં આવે છે. આ રીતે તમે જે દેશમાં મુસાફરી કરી રહ્યા છો ત્યાં બોલતી વખતે અને સક્ષમતાથી વાતચીત કરતી વખતે તમે આત્મવિશ્વાસ અનુભવી શકો છો.

    તમારી વ્યક્તિગત મુસાફરી શબ્દભંડોળ

    મનપસંદ સૂચિ વારંવાર શોધાતા વાક્યો અને શબ્દોની ઝડપી ઍક્સેસની મંજૂરી આપે છે અને તેથી તે તમારો સંપૂર્ણ પ્રવાસ સાથી છે: મહત્વપૂર્ણ વિદેશી ભાષાના વાક્યો અને શબ્દોને તમારા મનપસંદમાં સાચવો જેથી તમારી પાસે હંમેશા ઝડપી ઍક્સેસ હોય અને ટ્રાવેલ ડિક્શનરીમાં તેમને ફરીથી શોધવાની જરૂર ન પડે. .

    શોધ ઇતિહાસ

    સર્ચ હિસ્ટ્રી ફંક્શન વિદેશી ભાષામાં તાજેતરમાં જોવામાં આવેલા 100 શબ્દો દર્શાવે છે: તમારા સૌથી તાજેતરમાં શોધાયેલા શબ્દો અને વાક્યોને સ્થાનિક ભાષામાં ઝડપી ઍક્સેસ સાથે એક્સેસ કરો અને તમારી પોતાની ટ્રાવેલ શબ્દભંડોળ બનાવો.

    14 ભાષાઓમાંથી દરેક અલગથી ખરીદી શકાય છે. 1 ભાષાની કિંમત €2.99 છે, સિક્સ-પેક (અંગ્રેજી, ફ્રેન્ચ, ઇટાલિયન, સ્પેનિશ, પોર્ટુગીઝ, ડચ) €4.99માં ઉપલબ્ધ છે અને બધી ભાષાઓ એકસાથે (સંપૂર્ણ પૅક) €8.99માં ઉપલબ્ધ છે.

    અમે આશા રાખીએ છીએ કે તમે તમારી સફરનો આનંદ માણો!
  • Offline Idioms & Phrases Dicti Мод APK [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    Offline Idioms & Phrases Dicti Мод APK [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]

    Idioms , Phrases, Proverbs & Homonyms Dictionary is a free offline dictionary app with over 20000 Words with usage of english idioms and Phrases with meanings and usage in sentences.
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    This dictionary will help you in your career plan and helps in preparation of english as well as competitive exams and curriculum exams .

    Write us at [email protected] for suggestions and feedback for improvements.

    Follow us on twitter @gamesnapps4u
  • Oxford American Dict. & Th. Мод APK 6.0.009 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Oxford American Dict. & Th. Мод APK 6.0.009 [Unlocked]


    This dictionary bundle packs an extraordinary amount of information into a handy app that is practical, dependable, affordable, and easy to read. The bundle includes the Concise Oxford American Dictionary and the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus.

    The Concise Oxford American Dictionary includes more than 180,000 entries and definitions, complete with pronunciations, parts of speech, syllabification, inflected forms, and derivatives. All Oxford American dictionaries use an easy-to-use respelling system to show how entries are pronounced. It uses simple, familiar markings to represent common American English sounds.

    The Concise Oxford American Thesaurus includes more than 12,000 main entries and over 350,000 synonyms, with example sentences and phrases for almost every sense. Synonym Studies that show the subtle differences in meaning among a group of easily confused words are also included. This thesaurus is an essential tool for everyone who needs to write quickly, clearly, and well.

    NEW! With the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:
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     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use the dictionary simultaneously with other apps.

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the Concise Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus:

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  • Oxford Dictionary of English Мод APK 9.1.284 [Premium] 3.6

    Oxford Dictionary of English Мод APK 9.1.284 [Premium]


    Oxford Dictionary of English version 11 is here boasting an even greater catalog of words and senses, thanks to the latest 2020 update from the Oxford University Press.


     • NEW! Stay up-to-date with the very latest words and expressions, brought to you by the most recent 2020 database update by the Oxford University Press.
     • The very latest vocabulary, with over 350,000 words, phrases and meanings
     • With tens of thousands of regionally specific entries The Oxford Dictionary of English reflects the unique richness and global adaptability of English.
     • Have the strength of The Oxford English Corpus' research excellence at your fingertips.
     • 75,000 audio pronunciations of both common and rare words, including those with varying pronunciations
     • With a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right into the intricacies of English faster and easier than ever!
     • Translate words while using other apps with our Tap to Translate feature.
     • Learn and translate in style with one of four beautiful themes.

    The Oxford Dictionary of English is the mobile version of the Oxford University Press' Oxford English Dictionary, widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study of English with more than a 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in MobiSystems' large catalog of dictionaries the app features advanced search and language tools designed by a developer vastly experienced in the creation of dictionaries and learning tools.

    Tailored to professionals, students, and academics, as well as anyone who needs a comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of current English at work or at home.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Designed to provide the most comprehensive search experience the dictionary combines several search tools to match or suggest what you are looking for, including:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • Looking for a specific word but don't know how it's spelled? We've got you covered with our automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • Tap to Translate entries in other apps.
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • Designed to give you the freedom to structure your studies the way you see fit the 'Favorites' option allows you to create custom folders with lists of words from the vast library of entries.
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • Learn a new word every day with our ‘Word of the day' option.
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance


     • Audio pronunciation - listen to how words are pronounced
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection

    * Includes small apps extension for Sony products *
  • Longman Dictionary of English Мод APK 2.2.0 [Patched] 3.5

    Longman Dictionary of English Мод APK 2.2.0 [Patched]


    The new edition of the best-selling Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is a complete vocabulary and grammar resource that will enhance your learning of English.
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    The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (6th Edition) © 2015
    Now with integrated Grammar, Thesaurus, and Collocations Dictionary.
    Improve your English with the full content of the dictionary at your fingertips:

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    Easy to use – easy to understand
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    Write and speak fluently
    ● An integrated Collocations Dictionary with more than 65,000 collocations: learn word combinations to use the correct words together, such as ‘take a test' (not ‘make a test'), ‘heavy rain' (not ‘strong rain'), and ‘highly successful'.
    ● The integrated Thesaurus with more than 18,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words helps you improve your writing by using more precise and high level words: stop saying ‘nice', instead, say ‘lovely, delightful, enjoyable, wonderful, brilliant'.
    ● Register Notes on the differences between spoken and written English help you express yourself precisely.

    Improve your grammar
    ● Avoid making common mistakes and get extra help with grammar patterns and using the correct tenses.
    Improve your pronunciation
    ● All headwords pronounced in both British and American English 
    ● All example sentences pronounced in either British or American English (via external links)

    All this makes the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English the largest resource of English available on any mobile platform.

    Application Features:
    ● Full content of the print dictionary
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    ● Search for idioms and phrasal verbs
    ● Search history to help you find recently searched for words
    ● Support for search from within other compatible apps on your device
    ● Fully detailed color Retina Display images
    ● Bookmark your favorite words
    ● Copy words and text to clipboard
    ● Word-of-the-Day notifications
    ● New design and improved navigation
    ● Adjustable font scaling to support visually impaired users
    ● Saved bookmarks will be updated in a forthcoming release

    The ultimate learner's resource of the English language for use anywhere, anytime.

    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Sixth Edition (LDOCE6)
    © Pearson Education Limited 2009, 2015
  • Chambers English Dictionaries Мод APK [Unlocked] 3.7

    Chambers English Dictionaries Мод APK [Unlocked]

    8 comprehensive English dictionaries and thesauruses available for in-app purchase.
    Full wordlist and 50 sample entries of each dictionary to preview before buying.

    The app allows to easily and quickly navigate through and try out any dictionaries, as well as experience the most advanced search, learning and input features.
    Now you can make sure that a dictionary complies with your language level and contains all words you need before purchase.
    Full-fledged versions are available for buying with the in-app dictionary catalog, containing:

    Chambers Dictionary Ultimate Edition
    Chambers Thesaurus Ultimate Edition
    Chambers Adult Learners' Dictionary
    Chambers Advanced ELT English Dictionary
    Chambers ELT English Dictionary
    Chambers Concise Dictionary
    Chambers Compact Thesaurus
    Chambers Crossword Dictionary

    * New! Drag components of your products between storages, for instance, internal or external memory or delete a component if necessary. This option is available at My dictionaries -> Manage.
    * Comfortable in-app translations from any book or document without switching between applications or accessing the Internet. Chambers dictionaries support FbReader, AlReader and Ebook Reader.
    * The integrated flashcard quiz helps study new words faster and smarter.
    * Thank you for your valuable feedback, we are dedicated to continuously improving our apps. Enjoy a brand-new feel&translate app with ever better navigation for your comfort.

    Convenient search methods allow you to find any word in a number of different ways:

    • Headword search.
    • Full text search.
    • Search for anagrams (bat-tab).
    • Search within entries to narrow down and quickly navigate larger entries.
    • Wildcard search to find the word even if you don't know its exact spelling.
    • Similar words search in case of misspelling.

    Search and input features:

    • Full text search feature allows you to look up words more efficiently throughout the whole dictionary content, including headwords and usage examples.
    • Enter the word in your own handwriting with Paragon's PenReader handwriting recognition software, search by voice using Google Voice recognition service (Available for OS 2.2 and higher) or take a picture of the text and get definition of words with Google Goggles.
    • Easy copy-and-paste functions and the Share button feature (Available for OS 4.0 and higher) allow to copy unknown words from an active application, like web browsers or email, and automatically to open the relevant dictionary entry.
    • Use the Share button to send copied text to the dictionary directly and get the definition in one click! (Available for OS 4.0 and higher).
    • English morphology module helps to find words in any grammatical form.

    Learning features:

    • English audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
    • Favorite articles to quickly access and revise frequently searched words.

    Interface features:

    • Built-in dictionary catalog for in-app purchases.
    • Dictionary installation on SD card (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
    • Search History feature shows the last 100 words looked up.
    • Hyperlinks between articles and directions.
    • Flexible font size settings for your comfort.
    • No Internet connection required.
  • Arabic - German Dictionary Lan Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.8

    Arabic - German Dictionary Lan Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked]

    Lost in translation? - Not with this app! Our German Arabic dictionary provides on-the spot help. Tried and tested a million times over. From the number 1* dictionary publishers.

    Test the German Arabic dictionary for free and look up German and Arabic words and translations among 16,000 words and phrases. If you like it, get the full version of the German Arabic dictionary including about 138,000 words and phrases for only 9.99 EUR.

    • About 138.000 words and phrases
    • Both directions of translations (German - Arabic, Arabic - German)
    • Phonetic spelling of German and Arabic words
    • Listen to pronunciation recorded by native speakers
    • Perfect for everyday communication
    • Additional support when taking language courses
    • Vocabulary from fields such as profession, everyday life and traveling
    • Mobile companion while traveling
    • Handy tool to teach Arabic natives the basics of German

    No internet connection required. The German Arabic dictionary app also works in flight mode and abroad without roaming fees.

    • Searching is lightning-fast and also functions via handwriting recognition.
    • optimized search function for both directions of translation (German – Arabic, Arabic - German)

    * According to market research institute Media Control GmbH, Langenscheidt is number 1 for dictionaries sold in Germany.
  • Deutsch - Italienisch Wörterbu Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.7

    Deutsch - Italienisch Wörterbu Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked]

    หายไปในการแปล? - ด้วย App พจนานุกรมภาษาอิตาลีเยอรมันนี้ไม่มีเลย! ความช่วยเหลือฉุกเฉินสามารถพบได้ในพจนานุกรมภาษาเยอรมันเยอรมันของเรา แปลได้ง่ายรวดเร็วและน่าเชื่อถือโดย Langenscheidt ผู้พิมพ์พจนานุกรมฉบับที่ 1 *

    ลองใช้คำศัพท์ภาษาอิตาลีฟรี ในฐานะพจนานุกรมภาษาเยอรมัน - อิตาลี Langenscheidt เวอร์ชันเต็มคุณมีพจนานุกรมสามเล่มไว้เพื่อให้คุณสามารถเลือกคำศัพท์ที่เหมาะสมตามความต้องการของคุณได้ คุณสามารถซื้อพจนานุกรมอิตาเลียนเวอร์ชันเต็มได้จากแอปพจนานุกรมเนื่องจากการซื้อในแอป: ดาวน์โหลดแอปฟรีก่อนเลือกพจนานุกรมภาษาอิตาลีที่คุณต้องการและทดสอบหรือซื้อ

    พจนานุกรมภาษาอิตาเลียนเยอรมันของ LANGENSCHEIDT
    •ทั้งสองทิศทางการแปล (เยอรมัน - อิตาลี, อิตาลี - เยอรมัน)
    •ค้นหาข้อความแบบเต็ม (เวอร์ชันเต็มเท่านั้น)
    ค้นหา anagrams
    •ค้นหาภายในรายการเพื่อ จำกัด การค้นหาของคุณให้แคบลงและค้นหารายการที่ใหญ่ขึ้นได้อย่างรวดเร็ว

    •ประมาณ 140,000 คำวลีและคำแปล

    •ประมาณ 365,000 คำวลีและคำแปล

    •ประมาณ 950,000 คำวลีและคำแปล

    APP TO BOOK: พจนานุกรมภาษาอิตาลี - เยอรมัน
    คุณได้ซื้อพจนานุกรม Italian - German จาก Langenscheidt แล้วและมีรหัสสำหรับแอพหรือไม่? จากนั้นดาวน์โหลดแอพฯ และเลือก "App to the book: Dictionary Italian German" และใส่รหัส เนื้อหาที่ถูกต้องถูกปลดล็อกไว้แล้วสำหรับคุณ

    พจนานุกรม German-Italian ไม่จำเป็นต้องเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตและการใช้งานนี้ยังสามารถใช้งานได้ในโหมดการบิน ไม่มีค่าบริการข้ามแดนอัตโนมัติเมื่อเดินทางไปต่างประเทศหรือเดินทางเนื่องจากแอปพจนานุกรมทำงานได้แบบออฟไลน์อย่างสมบูรณ์

    คำศัพท์ทั้งหมดของอิตาลีฟังเพลงในภาษาพื้นเมือง อ่านคำที่คุณอ่านเพื่อเรียนรู้การออกเสียงที่ถูกต้อง

    เขียนคำบนหน้าจอแทนการพิมพ์ ทำให้การค้นหาง่ายขึ้นและช่วยในการหาคำแปลได้อย่างรวดเร็ว

    Speech Recognition
    ใช้ไมโครโฟนและพูดคำที่คุณต้องการค้นหาในพจนานุกรม วิธีนี้จะช่วยให้คุณประหยัดเวลาในการพิมพ์และใช้เวลามาก เหมาะอย่างยิ่งสำหรับคำที่คุณไม่ทราบว่าจะเขียนได้อย่างไร

    รายการโปรดให้การเข้าถึงที่รวดเร็วในการค้นหาคำเยอรมันและอิตาลีที่ค้นหาบ่อยๆ: บันทึกคำสำคัญในรายการโปรดของคุณเพื่อให้คุณสามารถเข้าถึงได้อย่างรวดเร็วและไม่จำเป็นต้องค้นหาอีกครั้งในพจนานุกรม

    คุณลักษณะประวัติการค้นหาจะแสดงคำค้นหาล่าสุด 100 คำ: เรียกค้นคำค้นหาล่าสุดในพจนานุกรมได้อย่างรวดเร็ว ไม่สำคัญว่าคุณจะค้นหาเป็นภาษาเยอรมันหรืออิตาลี

    โน้มน้าวใจตัวเองก่อนซื้อคุณลักษณะการค้นหาการแปลและการเรียนรู้ที่เป็นนวัตกรรมใหม่ของแอพ Langenscheidt โดยใช้เนื้อหาฟรีของเราในพจนานุกรมภาษาเยอรมันเยอรมัน

    สถาบันวิจัยตลาด Media Control GmbH กล่าวว่า Langenscheidt เป็น บริษัท แรกในการขายพจนานุกรมภาษาต่างประเทศในประเทศเยอรมนี ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ www.langenscheidt.com
  • German - Spanish Translator Di Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.5

    German - Spanish Translator Di Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked]

    Lost in translation? - Not with this app! Our Spanish Dictionary provides on-the spot help. You can try out various dictionaries for size before you decide to buy. Give them a try and find the one which fits your needs. Langenscheidt Spanish Dictionary - tried and tested a million times over. From the number 1* dictionary publishers.

    • no internet connection required, the Spanish app works OFFLINE, even in flight mode and abroad without roaming fees
    • lightning-fast searching and displaying of results in the dictionary
    • important entries spoken by native speakers (German and Spanish)
    • with declension and conjugation tables
    • lots of search settings (full-text search, search for similar words, etc.)
    • option to save favourites - quick access to frequently searched words
    • menus, fonts, colours - lots of customisable settings

    Try the innovative search, translation and learning functions before you buy and select the perfect-fit Spanish dictionary for you. You can select via in-app purchases from the following options:

    • Professional: XL size - our extra-large, in-depth series.
    • Standard: L size - large and comprehensive - our all-rounder!
    • Basic: M size - clear and uncomplicated - ideal for travel!

    * According to market research institute Media Control GmbH, Langenscheidt is number 1 for dictionaries sold in Germany.
  • Look Up - A Pop Up Dictionary Мод APK 1534 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Look Up - A Pop Up Dictionary Мод APK 1534 [Unlocked]


    Are you a bibliophile & hate going to google for every tough word you face?
    Or an ex- iOS user missing the nifty look up feature?

    Welcome to Look up!
    Your offline pop up dictionary!

    * Moon Reader Dictionary Support
    * Anki Flashcard support

    Look up supports 7 Languages
    - English
    - Italian
    - Spanish
    - German
    - Portuguese
    - French

    Look up also supports the following plugins -
    - Urban Dictionary
    - Google Define
    - Vocabulary.com
    - Wikipedia
    - Cambridge

    You can Search for word in 3 ways!

    * On copying a word (Android < 9.0)
    * On Pressing lookup button after selecting the word (Android 6.0 and above)
    * On selecting a word and sharing it to the Lookup App.


    * Anki Flashcard support
    * MoonReader support
    * Offline Wordnet Database with 0.22 Million Words and Phrases
    * Fast & Predictive searching
    * Sync to your drive! (can be disabled)
    * You can star the words you like to remember
    * Travel to the past swiftly with Recents
    * Add notes to words, so that you remember every word in the context you want to.
    * Dark mode for easy night time reading
    * App speaks the word for you
    * Material Design with gorgeous text
    * Word of the day, in app and as a notification
    * Use copy button for Lollipop or lower & Look up button in 6.0 plus (Copy button can be used too in 6.0
  • Dictionary English<>Spanish Мод APK 7.1.210 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Dictionary English<>Spanish Мод APK 7.1.210 [Unlocked]


    A medium-sized dictionary with 280,000 keywords, phrases and translations.

    Who can benefit from this app?
    Anyone who needs to continually look up Spanish or English terms in everyday life, in their spare time or even in their job.


     • Current and comprehensive vocabulary containing around 110,000 keywords and phrases and more than 170,000 translations.
     • Bi-directional: English => Spanish and Spanish => English.
     • Including many new words and phrases from areas such as computers, Internet and entertainment.
     • Includes both British and American styles of English.
     • Reflects language use in Spain and Latin America.

    NEW! Now with the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:  
     • Search autocomplete helps you find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type.  
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases.  
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word.
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results.
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled.
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device.
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library.  
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words.  
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily.
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance.
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use the dictionary simultaneously with other apps.

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version.

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list.  
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues  
     • Ad-free
  • 掌閱 Мод APK 7.0.0 [Unlocked] 4.0

    掌閱 Мод APK 7.0.0 [Unlocked]


    ireader focuses on the reading of high-quality novels, and is committed to creating a novel reader with a comfortable reading experience for users. The bookstore has a complete range of categories, covering male and female categories, and has a large number of genuine high-quality novels.

    Pampering, sweet and warm, everything you expect. Scum abuse, rebirth, counterattack, experience a variety of lives in the novel, enjoy the love and hatred! Domineering, evil, paranoid, there is always one for you. Reading novels, finding friends, cute CP, and reading can also be fun!

    The list of popular online novels and rich reading columns allow you to easily capture your favorite content. Intuitive and concise interface design, smooth page-turning effect, and timely push of novel updates are dedicated to giving you an excellent reading experience.

    [Massive novels] Massive novels to read casually, rich presidents, pure love in the city, rebirth ability, youth campus, antique flavors, oriental fantasy, different world continents, classical fairy tales, fantasy comprehension, business tycoons, ups and downs in officialdom, medical masters, to create wonderful stories for you A feast of novels!

    [Genuine authorization] Exclusive authorization from the great god, bringing you popular novels that are popular nowadays.

    [Simultaneous update] Real-time updates of popular models and authors on the whole network, preview the latest and hottest novels, personalized message reminders, and never miss the most popular chapters.

    [Personal Settings] Various settings such as reading background, font size, font, night mode, page turning effect, word spacing, etc., create a comfortable reading experience for you.

    ■Super popular novels & comics:

    "The Return of the City's Son-in-Law", "Eternal Emperor's Son-in-Law", "Madame Her Vest Is a Sensation in the City Again", "Hongtian Shenzun",

    "Nine Dragons Returning to One", "The Female President's Visiting Son-in-Law", "The Master", "Douluo Continent", "Immortal Rebellion",

    "Golden Eyes", "May you shine brightly", "The Evil King Chases His Wife", "The Miraculous Doctor's Mother Kisses She Is the Big Boss",

    "Four Treasures of Genius: The Daddy of the Gold Master is a Big Brother", "The President is Above", "Marriage by Finger", "The First Daughter of the Miracle Doctor"

    ■Book Type:

    President, wealthy family, military marriage, romance, pure love, marriage, white-collar

    Time travel, killer, house fight, harem, farming, female strong, fairy man

    Xianxia, ​​fairy, magic, fantasy, online games, fantasy, martial arts

    Tanmei, Youth, Campus, City, King of Soldiers, Competition, History

    Military, Game, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror, Fandom, Feng Shui

    ■ Popular authors:

    Celestial Silkworm Potatoes, I Eat Tomatoes, Mao Nian, Tang Jia San Shao, Yue Guan

    Jiang Xiaoya, Feng Nong, Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing, Nanpai Third Uncle, Angel Oscar

    Tang Qi, Chen Dong, Fresh Guoguo, Ming Xiaoxi, The Second Murloc, Xiao Ding

    Taiyu, Jiu Yuexi, Once Junhua, Bandit Wosicun, Gu Man, Ding Mo


    Navigation of 25 famous novel sites such as Reading, Zongheng, Hema, Chengbang, etc.!
  • Ukrainian Dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Ukrainian Dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked]


    TTdic Ukrainian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 200.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline
    • Backup/Restore user data
    • Night mode

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    TTdic is offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
  • Russian-french dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Russian-french dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked]


    TTdic Russian to French & French to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 130.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    TTdic is offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
    (Le dictionnaire Russe-Français, Français-Russe)
  • Russian-turkmen dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Russian-turkmen dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked]


    TTdic Russian to Turkmen & Turkmen to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 165.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    TTdic is offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
  • Russian-latvian dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Russian-latvian dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked]


    Russian to latvian & latvian to russian (Krievu ⇄ latviešu vārdnīca) is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 390.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline
    • Night mode

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
  • Russian-greek dictionary Мод APK 1.0.51 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Russian-greek dictionary Мод APK 1.0.51 [Unlocked]


    Russian to Greek & Greek to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 100.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    TTdictionary is offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
  • Russian-german dictionary Мод APK 2.0.24 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Russian-german dictionary Мод APK 2.0.24 [Unlocked]


    Russian ⇄ German Dictionary is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 110.000 words.

    ★ Features:
    • Favorite words
    • Bookmark
    - Rename a bookmark
    - Sorting a bookmark
    • Adding notes to word
    • History( as day,month ...)
    • Adding new words
    • Editing words

    • Random word button

    • Search filters
    - suffix (starts with)
    - prefix (ends with)
    • Text-to-speech (TTS) (word or selected text)
    • Voice recognition
    • Night mode
    • Backup/Restore (File & Dropbox )
    • Tabs visibility - you can show or hide tabs (in settings).

    ✓ Supports Android N
    ✓ Tablet UI Support

    • Changing text size on the description window
    • Sharing in other apps
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.

    * Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, Note, History list

    TTdictionary dictionaries are offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
  • Russian-spanish  dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Russian-spanish dictionary Мод APK 2.0.21 [Unlocked]


    TTdic Russian to Spanish & Spanish to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 175.000 words.

    • Very efficient, fast and good performance.
    • high-speed search options
    • Search filters - search for suffix, prefix(starts with, ends with)
    • Voice recognition
    • Works offline

    • You can add marked words to the favorite list
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark list
    • Keeping of Looked-up words in history( as day,month ...)
    • Creating bookmark and adding words to bookmark
    • Sharing in other apps
    • Sounding of word or marked text (Text-to-speech engine)

    Description window is opened as clicking on the word. You can minimize and maximize the description window with swipe function.
    • The option of searching, sounding and sharing of marked word in the description window.
    • Description of selected word are opened on the same window.
    • Tablet UI Support

    - Setting
    • Changing option of text size
    • Changing option of UI color
    • Clearing option of Bookmark, Favorite, History list
    • You can change the size of text with clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change the color of UI with double clicking on down/up volume buttons.
    • You can change description view position on landscape mode (description view on left/right)

    TTdic is offline dictionary, offline dictionary needs memory.

    You can give suggestions, comments and legal questions related to dictionary to this address. [email protected]
    (Diccionario Completo Español-Ruso, Russe-Espagnol)
  • Cantook by Aldiko Мод APK 3.0.39 [Unlocked][Premium] 4.0

    Cantook by Aldiko Мод APK 3.0.39 [Unlocked][Premium]


    Welcome to Cantook! The favorite reading app for the true bookworms.

    Bring all your eBooks and audiobooks in the same place, no matter where they're coming from. Available on iPhone, iPad or macOS.

    With Cantook, we make it easy to bring all your books in the same place:
    • Built-in support for public libraries, allowing you to easily browse your library's catalog and borrow books from them
    • Thousands of public domain books from the Cantook Bookstore
    • Import your own EPUB or PDF files
    • Add your own catalogs, for example using Calibre

    Cantook provides an extensive set of features for both casual and power users:
    • Customize your reading experience with multiple fonts and themes
    • Full support for dark mode throughout the app
    • Organize your bookshelf with categories and collections

    Our philosophy is to contribute to and leverage open standards:
    • Read EPUB files via a Readium Mobile based reading experience
    • Explore catalogs using OPDS
    • Full support for Readium LCP based on EPUB, PDF and audiobooks
  • Collins Latin Dictionary Мод APK 9.1.284 [Premium] 3.9

    Collins Latin Dictionary Мод APK 9.1.284 [Premium]


    The Collins Latin Dictionary offers the learner of Latin extensive coverage of Latin and English in a compact, portable format.

    Developed as part of the Collins Education stream, this dictionary is designed for all levels of language learners, whether at home, at school, or at work.

     • Comprehensive and authoritative, with all the words and phrases you need
     • Extra help with difficult words
     • Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

    NEW! Translate words in any other Android app with the Tap to Translate feature, and do it in style with any of the four colorful new themes.

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Designed to provide the most comprehensive search experience the dictionary combines several search tools to match or suggest what you are looking for, including:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • Looking for a specific word but don't know how it's spelled? We've got you covered with our automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
     • NEW! Tap to Translate entries in other apps
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • Designed to give you the freedom to structure your studies the way you see fit the 'Favorites' option allows you to create custom folders with lists of words from the vast library of entries
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • Spanish Dictionary and Grammar Мод APK 9.0.275 [Premium] 3.9

    Spanish Dictionary and Grammar Мод APK 9.0.275 [Premium]


    Коллинз испанский словарь является идеальной книгой, чтобы помочь вам понять, общаться и расширять свои знания языка.

    & # 8195; & # 8226; Более 80 000 слов, фраз и переводы
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Всесторонний и актуализированный охват всех слов и фраз, которые необходимо
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Углубленная обработка сложных слов
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Очистить макет цвет поможет вам найти то, что вы ищете быстро и легко
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Культурные заметки дают представление о жизни в испаноговорящих странах
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Нотации для латиноамериканских испанского, и культурных эквивалентов.
    & # 8195; & # 8226; NEW! Перевести слова в любом другом приложении Android с Нажмите, чтобы Перевести функцию, и сделать это в стиле с любым из четырех красочных новых тем.

    Словарь имеет многочисленные ссылки современного лексикона, включает в себя язык текущих дел, бизнеса, вычислительной техники и туризм, а также, как и во всех словарях Collins, акцент прочно сделан на современном языке и выражении.

    Также включает в себя расширенный поиск и языковые средства, которые стали одним из основных продуктов приложений языка качества от MobiSystems, Inc.

    Инструменты поиска. - легко найти слова, благодаря четкой, функциональной и простой в использовании интерфейс

    Разработанный, чтобы обеспечить наиболее полный опыт поиска словарь сочетает в себе несколько инструментов поиска, чтобы соответствовать или предложить то, что вы ищете, в том числе:
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Поиск автозаполнения помогает найти слова быстро, отображая прогнозы, как вы набираете
    & # 8195; & # 8226; поиск по ключевым словам позволяет осуществлять поиск в сложных слов и фраз
    & # 8195; & # 8226; В поисках конкретного слова, но не знаю, как это пишется? У нас вы покрыты нашей автоматической «Fuzzy фильтра» , чтобы исправить слово орфографию, а также «дикой карты» ( «*» или «?»), Чтобы заменить буква или целые части слова
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Поиск камеры смотрит слова в видоискатель камеры и отображает результаты
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Используйте наш поиска Voice , если вы не знаете, как пишется запись.
    & # 8195; & # 8226; NEW! Нажмите, чтобы Перевести записи в других приложениях
    & # 8195; & # 8226; определения Share слово с помощью установленных приложений на устройстве

    УЧЕБНЫЕ TOOLS -. Зацепляющие особенности, которые помогут вам улучшить ваш словарный запас

    & # 8195; & # 8226; Разработанный, чтобы дать вам свободу, чтобы структурировать ваши исследования, как вы видите подходят опции «Избранное» позволяет создавать пользовательские папки со списками слов из обширной библиотеки записей
    & # 8195; & # 8226; «Последние» список легко просмотреть смотрели вверх слова
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Изучают новое слово каждый день с нашей опцией «Слово дня»
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Начальный экран виджет предоставляет случайные слова на первый взгляд

    *** Это полнофункциональная 30-дневная пробная версия ***

    Получить MORE , купив полную версию:

    & # 8195; & # 8226; Постоянно разблокировать полный список функций.
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Автономный режим - искать слова без подключения к Интернету
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Премиум-поддержка - получить ускоренную поддержку каких-либо проблем, связанных приложений
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Свободный от рекламы


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