Дома / Игра
  • Parsons Dog Simulator Мод APK 1.0.6 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    Parsons Dog Simulator Мод APK 1.0.6 [Unlimited money]


    Love dogs? Try the Parsons Russell Terrier simulator on Android! Enjoy fun and exciting adventures with this lively breed.

    The Parson Russell Terrier is a breed of small white terrier that was the original Fox Terrier of the 18th century. The breed is named after the Reverend John "Jack" Russell, credited with the creation of this type of dog. It is the recognised conformation show variety of the Jack Russell Terrier and was first recognised in 1990 in the United Kingdom as the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. In America, it was first recognised as the Jack Russell Terrier in 1997. The name was changed to its current form in 1999 in the UK and by 2008 all international kennel clubs recognised it under the new name.

    Parsons Dog Simulator Features:
    - Full Offline Game ,Play full offline game whenever you want, no internet required.
    - You can use the joystick, on the left to move your dog, jump button on the right to make it.
    - Amazing 3D country side environment with realistic controls,Simulated Dog Life Game Play
    - Lot of funny dog Behavior like sitting, walking, running, jumping and many others more
    - Simulation provided you every aspect of dog life, play around and find things
    - Beautiful 3d graphics (city park scene, Village environments)
    - Destroy items as required by the mission
    - Hunting specific enemies

    Play as a real puppy - jump, bark, destroy the items and do whatever you want. Cute puppies and fun adventures are waiting for you!
  • Twist Ring Мод APK 1.3 4.0

    Twist Ring Мод APK 1.3


    Twist the ring is casual game that will keep your head twist for hours !
    You have to destroy enough cubes to pass level
    You can collect diamonds to buy themes or to help you pass level
    press and release to play ,that's how simple it is
  • Virtual Puppy & Dog Adventure : My Family Pet Game Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    Virtual Puppy & Dog Adventure : My Family Pet Game Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money]


    Ready! Let's go have fun with best “Virtual Puppy & Dog Adventure : My Family Pet Game” available around. Are you a pet lover, come pick a sweet dog or a cute puppy from pet shop located in puppy town near your house. Start grooming your pet do a lot of different kind of mini tasks like, pet wash, pet feeding, join cute pet contest and go to parks.
    Got your Dog or puppy, name it as u want Alex, ralph, bill whatever you want. In this virtual pet game you have to do a lot of fun tasks. Your pet dog will be there too for your help in household. Your pet is a special one for you take care of mini pet.
    Dream Pet Tasks:
    There are a lot of mini tasks for pet owners.
    Pet Feeding – can my dog eat, obviously! Take your dog to it feeding spots and remove hunger
    Pet Bathing – Take you dog or puppy to bathrooms, put them in bathing tub, rub shampoo and make it fun
    Pet Walk – your dog is tired of being in house, take to Dog Park, let them play with toys there
    Pet Family Adventure - have fun in family game night with your dog to, play with your Dog a lot of different games
    Puppy dog Pals – Take your sweet dog to his pet buddies in neighbors for some pet competition
    Puppy Hover boards – Take your Dog on ride of hover board make him electric house pet
    Pet Grooming – Groom your pet and take care of your boy puppy all through the game
    Complete your game level by level to move on in the game and earn coins. You can use coins to unlock a lot of different features in the game. Buy yourself dogs of different breeds there can be pubs, Labradors, golden retrievers and many other fluffy and cute dogs. Grow these baby animals into adult dogs who can protect you too. Make them a VIP pet.
    This Free Puppy Game is Presented by “The Game Forest Studio”
  • Party Gang .io – Animal Fun Game Мод APK 1.0 3.5

    Party Gang .io – Animal Fun Game Мод APK 1.0


    Join the party & create panic. Invade the world of most creative io games and become a part of the gang beast clan. The game party is about to begin, play this party game online and get hooked to creative ideas of animals about to party on! The fun party of animals is the gang best that's ever gonna come. Play io games with crazy animals. You have the power to make party more happening than it can be. Play this fun io game and make party go on.The wait is over for party maniacs stick fight mini game available for multiplayer games free for all ages. Breath taking environment for party royale and weekend party atmosphere in the jungle. Jump party with noodle man or instant play party royale like a king in scenic outdoor jungle atmosphere. Whether you like stick fight in a mini game or play multiplayer games free online. Be like noodle man and party royale in jump party and immerse yourself in weekend party mode. Whether your friends are one two three four or five no worry because this game is here for you so don't feel lonely count one two three four and start weekend party.

    Enter amazing environments of thrilling io games. become a gang beast and let the amazing game party begin. Play io mini games filled with innovation & excitement, this party game online with crazy fun animals is one piece of exquisite gang best fun io game. As you enter the party you are going to create a panic in the party. So, here's what you got to do in this fun party game, Play casual games on full swing and Party on with tiny weird animals. The fun io game lets you party on, in amazing setups. Join the party of crazy weird beings & gangbusters and have the best time of your life!!

    Download Party game to have a great time with the crazy animals,

    Features of Party Gang .io – Animal Fun Game:

    *Engaging BGM & sound effects to keep you goin in your party game.
    *Spontaneous & innovative fun animal character responses.
    *Superb Variations in io games to choose from.
    *Absorbing Gameplay to keep you hooked.
  • Impossible Tracks Real Car Stunt - 2018 Мод APK 1.1 3.7

    Impossible Tracks Real Car Stunt - 2018 Мод APK 1.1


    "Mejore su truco de carreras de coches y las habilidades de conducción simulador, proporcionando
    que la vista más realista de simulación. Saltar y montar en el medio del aire
    pistas increíbles y sentirse como un piloto de carreras de coches truco. acrobacias de coches en
    pistas imposibles no son tan fácil como parece.

    Pistas imposibles Stunt real del coche - 2018:
    ¿Estás aburrido de jugar a juegos tales como aparcamiento, aparcamiento Prado, coche
     las carreras, simulación y tanto muchos de los juegos de simulación y las carreras?
    Los jugadores DEN le ofrece unas pistas reales, peligrosos e imposibles
    Real Stunt Car - 2018 de elevada montada respirar toman caminos. Asi que
    Ahora es el momento para que usted pueda prepararse para jugar todo un reto
    Imposible selva Pistas de coches y convertirse en el maestro de acrobacias automovilísticas
     lo que puedan pensar los demás imposible.

    Pistas imposibles real Stunt Car - 2018 le vuelven loco.
    Alta velocidad de conducción con obstáculos y saltos locos locos en el camino
    será verdadera prueba de sus habilidades de conducción del coche.
    Es un simulador de conducción circuitos de carreras donde se puede ganar este truco de carreras.
    Correr rápido a la línea de meta en el simulador de conducción truco loco. Usted está
    capaz de carreras de coches y la conducción truco del coche del truco, mientras que su prisa por
    chocar las carreras de los oponentes.

    Pistas imposibles real Stunt Car - 2018 tiene múltiples nuevo y moderno
    derivas coches disponibles para montar en el garaje juego. Personalizar su favorito
    automóvil mediante el uso de las recompensas en efectivo y hacer su propia poderosa
    atrofiar el simulador de coches para vencer a los conductores de automóviles profesional del truco. los
    juego de coches truco tiene múltiples Xtreme reto misiones de aparcamiento
     en diferentes pistas de carreras imposibles. Cada misión tiene más
    rampas peligrosas y difíciles para saltar y cruz. Así que es el momento de
    mostrar sus habilidades de conducción y estacionamiento perfecta superdeportivo y el uso de la
     engranajes oportuna desplaza para realizar las increíbles saltos de altura.

    - vehículos de lujo
    - vehículo de doble real de velocidad rápida
    - Saltar a ovoide el obstáculo
    - pistas increíbles peligroso aguda
    - Motor de gran potencia para la aceleración
    - Modo de un jugador para jugar offlinemode
    - Modo Creador
    - impresionantes Car Stunts
    - Gráficos increíbles HD
    - Mejorar sus habilidades de conducción de coches
    - el manejo de automóviles suave y realista
  • Dottania Мод APK 1.1.2 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Dottania Мод APK 1.1.2 [Unlimited money]


    Dottania is a simulation game of reconstruction and business management. 

    Choose a hero and manage his or her estate as the lord of the town.
    Each of the main characters has their own path to follow, whether it's to rebuild the town or to make wishes come true by creating items.
    You can ask deepen exchanges other lords and explore unique countries.
    There are also mini-games for each of heroes. Enjoy choosing the character that suits you best.

    All game data is stored on the device you're playing. If you delete the app, the data cannot be restored.

    For the latest information, I recommend following us on Twitter.

    I also keep you informed about the game on our website.
  • ctapp Мод APK 1.2.2 [Unlimited money] 3.8

    ctapp Мод APK 1.2.2 [Unlimited money]


    Congrats, you've just reached the most unexplored spot on the map! Your ‘fantasy vs. reality' adventure in Amazonia is about to begin!

    Follow Amazonia trails and explore Atlantean civilization with aspiring adventurers Robert and Nicole!

    In any adventure, camp, food and tools matter the most! Set up your farm, build factories and start to craft resources!

    ⚒ This area is packed with mysterious ruins! Restore Atlanteans' magic workshops with the help of powerful crystals!

    Want to explore Amazonia and the local culture even better? Complete adventure goals and work on farm produce orders!

    Nicole and Robert just started pitching a tent! Go help them with the rest of adventures!
  • MechBeet Мод APK 0.1 3.9

    MechBeet Мод APK 0.1


    Eliminate all rogue androids in the area.

    - Collect tech scrap from the fallen units to spawn more MechBeets.
    - Do not flip your MotherBeet over.
    - Your MotherBeet cannot attack but it can hurt enemies, when walking over them. Its not very effective. Watch its health bar.
    - Your blinking radar shows the direction to the closest enemy.
    - Use your MotherBeet to destroy buildings, so your units can reach the enemy.
    - Keep on trying various strategies until you win.
    - How fast can you clear the area? Compete on the leader board.

    Good hunting!
  • 八男って、それはないでしょう!~もう一人の転生者~ Мод APK 2.0.6 [Weak enemy][Invincible] 3.6

    八男って、それはないでしょう!~もう一人の転生者~ Мод APK 2.0.6 [Weak enemy][Invincible]




    広大なリンガイア大陸にある、ヘルムート王国。 王家と貴族が支配する王国で、人々はそれぞれの暮らしとささやかな幸福を享受していた。
    15年前、突如魔物たちが凶悪な力を持ち始めたことにより、平穏な日々は終わりを告げる。 かつてない危機に揺れるリンガイアにおいて、人々は冒険者たちの力を必要としていた。

    「あなた」も、冒険者になるための最終試験に臨んでいる若者の1人。 しかしそれは「黒の魔導師」の乱入によって波乱の幕開けを迎える。 絶体絶命の危機に陥った「あなた」に突如宿った召喚の力、それによって呼び出されたのは……

    小説、コミック、アニメで大ヒットの「八男って、それはないでしょう!」原作者Y.A先生完全原案ストーリー! 「世界なんて救わない物語」のパラレルワールド、「世界を救う物語」が今始まる!

    ゲームの舞台は「アニメ世界」とは違う「もう一つの世界」のリンガイア大陸。 どちらの世界にも、同じ名前の国が存在し、同じ名前の人間が生活している。 しかし15年前、「あること」をきっかけに世界は異なる道を歩み始めた。 「暗黒化」と呼ばれる魔物の凶暴化、召喚の力を使う「あなた」の登場――

    リンガイア大陸は南北2つの国によって統治されている。 主な舞台となるヘルムート王国は大陸の南半分を有し、 王家に忠誠を誓った貴族たちがそれぞれの領地を運営している。 リーグ大山脈や魔の森など各所に魔物が住み着いてはいるが 生息域から出てくることは少なく、人々は平穏な生活を営んでいる。

    統治する国、地形や地名などは全て「アニメ世界」と同じ。 しかし15年前より魔物が凶暴化し、生息域を出て人々を脅かすようになった。 人々は自らの生活を守るために魔物に対抗する力を欲し 平民はもちろん、貴族の子弟にも冒険者を志す者が少なくない。 王侯貴族は、魔物の凶暴化の究明に心血を注いでいる。

    平凡な若手商社マンである一宮信吾(25)が、僻地に領地を持つ貧乏貴族の八男ヴェンデリン(5)という存在意義さえ怪しい子供に憑依し、権謀術数渦巻く貴族社会で、ただ平穏無事に生きることを願う異世界貴族一代記。原作小説はKADOKAWA MFブックスより刊行中で、現在は第20巻までが発売されている


    ・Android 6.0 以上
  • Gang Clash 3D - Battle Survival Мод APK 7 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Gang Clash 3D - Battle Survival Мод APK 7 [Unlimited money]


    Prepare your army for the coming war

    - Tap to jump and deploy troops. In the process, a lot of aid could be received
    - Try to dodge obstacles.
    - Buy new troops to strengthen your forces. Merge them to win
    - Use your skills to complete increasingly difficult levels

    - One finger control.
    - Multiple unique levels.
    - Nice graphics and suitable for everyone
  • Enjoy Driver Мод APK 4.0 3.9

    Enjoy Driver Мод APK 4.0


    There is more than 10 modern car which you can buy, you can change lots of car modules in this game, so do not wait and downland this game.

    This game like a car simulator, you must obey traffic rules.

    This game is 3d car driving game with multi cars, maps and rules.

    Thanks for downloading our car driving simulator.
  • Truck Driver Crazy Road 2021 Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money] 3.8

    Truck Driver Crazy Road 2021 Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money]


    The game you've been waiting for has arrived! Enjoy a realistic 3d simulation game for driving trucks all over extreme mountain roads.
    If yes then go ahead!
    You will find different cargoes that have to be delivered intact. You are asked to be the best and not give the burden to rest, who needs to destroy stuff !?
    Your driving skills and accuracy will be tested in practice!
    Get in your truck and go!

    Preparing to become the best truck driver?
  • Extreme Toon Car Parking Мод APK 0.1 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    Extreme Toon Car Parking Мод APK 0.1 [Unlimited money]


    Advance Extreme Toon Car Parking game master is a toon parking game having advance stylish toon parking cars. Toon Car parking thrilling levels are designed in cartoonish environment with highest graphics ever with advance toon parking game master! Car parking Play with different advance toon Car parking game modes such as free, Time and Challenging mode. In advance toon parking game master Player will park his toon Car according to the mode playing. Car parking after completing each level, player will be rewarded with some coins which he uses in purchasing new advance stylish toon Cars parking master and upgrading them.
    Car Parking Master has a realistic driving experience that will take you to another level! Toon Car parking tests your Car driving skills with many features like interior view, realistic sound effects, and different Cars.

    Advance Toon Car parking master Thrilling levels
    Toon Car parking Thrilling levels in each mode will be designed. Extreme Toon Car Parking specially designed for lovers of Car parking games. Car parking you can improve your parking skills by enjoying car parking of 2021. Car parking precision in handling steering wheel of a racing Car games is attribute that is associated with new game Extreme Toon Car Parking.
    Toon Car ar parking offer you a game with superior quality graphics game download, the best easy parking management and interesting Car parking and driving simulator.

    Advance Stylish Toon Car parking master
    Ton Car parking play with stylish toon Cars. Make the most of this time with this amazing Advance Stylish Toon Cars. This is the advance Car parking simulator 2021 game with realistic physics engine. Like other Car simulation & racing toon Car games, Advance Extreme Toon Car Parking games 2021 specially designed real Car driving experience. With smooth and realistic controls player enjoys real Car parking experience. Toon Car parking play these free parking games of 2021 and sharpen your parking techniques.

    Features of toon Car parking game master
    • Thrilling and Exciting levels.
    • Quality HD Graphics.
    • Upgrade your cars.
    • Smooth and Realistic Controls.
    • Reverse Camera
  • Dungeons & Castles Мод APK 1.0.3 3.7

    Dungeons & Castles Мод APK 1.0.3


    Holding on to what little dignity remains under the endless attacks of the enemy. According to the revelation of our ancestors, "Dungeons and Castles" can only be activated when defending against the enemy's attacks. For Dungeons and Castles have sleeping heroes, powerful guardian towers, and, with swords in their hands, the most loyal defenders of the darkness. The endless mines in the underground world of the fortress will provide a constant source of power, and the destroyed enemies will be collected by the fortress and become the keys to unlock powerful heroes and weapons. The light has come, the darkness will soon dissipate, and you will and the ancient underground fortress will be brought back into the world.

    Game features
    1、Guarding your own defense tower, you need to bring a lot of weapons to fight together.
    2、Enjoy the most perfect battle, find the secret of the last home and improve the defense value of the whole ancient castle. 3、Explore more exciting stories happening, the tower defense battle will always continue.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  • Flower Home Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlimited money] 3.8

    Flower Home Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlimited money]


    “Flower Home”is one kind of relaxing and cute simulation games.
    Our story begins with a wooden trolley and a lady cat who dreams of having her own flower shop. At that time, a wandering mouse who is known as Mr. Hat told Sue that he had fallen in love with her and gave her many rare seeds.
    Working hardly, day after day, they finally built their home and flower store and got acquainted with others in this town and other towns.

    You could plant flowers in your own field and sell them in your own shop. In addition, you could make your bouquets with the fresh flowers you have grown.
    Try to find all kinds of flowers no matter it is common or rare!

    You could prepare the backpack of Mr. Hat for his next journey after which he would give you a pleasant surprise.
    Try to collect all kinds of seeds and postcards!

    You could get in touch with guests who live in other towns through mailbox in front of your shop. By fulfilling different engagements from distinct guests, you could get to know their stories and make a change of thier life.

    Try to earn more bones for unlocking different furniture and appearance of your house.
    Make your own flower shop unique!
  • Wood Carving NEW -2021 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Wood Carving NEW -2021 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlimited money]


    Do you like wood carving? You don't need to have wood carving technology, just follow the steps.

    Use tools to process wood into designated artwork. It's a total decompression exercise because turning the wood is so calm and satisfying.

    Main Features:
    ★ Cut wood into specified shapes.
    ★ Interesting wood lathe.
    ★ Simple operation: cutting, polishing, painting.
    ★ Make your woodcarving.
  • Rift Miner Мод APK 0.1 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    Rift Miner Мод APK 0.1 [Unlimited money]


    Добро пожаловать в Rift Miner - новую игру-симулятор с активной системой ожидания. Начини добывать межпространственное топливо с небольшого капитала и пары рабочих. Прилагай все усилия, чтобы эффективно управлять базой и расширять свои владения, чтобы исполнить свою мечту - Осваивание новых миров внутри пространственных разломов!

    Активная система ожидания.
    Не пропусти ни мгновения и всегда будь эффективным! Благодаря активной системе ожидания ты всегда контролируешь процесс развития базы и управляешь скоростью работы. Пока ты спишь - копится время перемотки, а когда играешь - время идет в десятки раз быстрее по одному нажатию кнопки!
  • Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D Game Мод APK 1.2 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D Game Мод APK 1.2 [Unlimited money]


    Master Driving-Free Car Parking 3D Game is actually a modern car parking game for those who want to spend quality time by drive and park different cars in a high quality realistic car parking plaza. Alpha Kodez Gaming Studio produce this car parking school simulator game with our affection for modern car parking games. Get ready to play offline car games from the most addictive free driving car games in 2020. We bring the multi car parking 3D challenge for car parking game lovers as a treat. Dare to accomplish the ultimate parking challenge with you favourite car from the garage. You have a lot of cars in garage to choose from. You can drive formula car or monster truck as well to drive through the parking plaza and complete the parking levels of Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D Games.

    Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D Game came up with unique gameplay and parking spots in multi story parking plaza. Play as master car driver and formula car driver to complete the impossible levels of parking games 3d. You can drive monster truck in this parking game. Master driving test is not only a car parking game 2020 but also advance parking game contains monster trucks and formula cars in it. Have you heard about formula car parking and monster trucks parking in parking plaza free parking games 3D? We bring this parking games thrill to you as a advance parking games 2020 so you can improve your car parking skills and train for driving test. Fasten your seat belt and beware of the moving obstacles in the parking

    Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D Game Features:

    -Unique challenging levels
    -Formula car parking
    -Monster truck car parking 3D games
    -Parking plaza car drive and park
    -Go through difficult obstacles
    -High resolution
    -Realistic car controls
    -Multi level car parking games 2020
    -Steering, tilt or button controls
    -Modern car driving and parking skill test
    -Test your parking skills limit
    -Optimized game play of advance car parking 3D games
    -Real car driving games fun
    -Modern parking tricks
    -Advance parking test training

    Master Driving Test-Free Car Parking 3D games belong to those car parking games lovers who want to join car driving school.
  • Rocking Over It With Nobody Мод APK 1.0.1 3.9

    Rocking Over It With Nobody Мод APK 1.0.1


    A game i made
    For a certain type of person...

    To make them suffer

    The game consists of throwing a rock, but that rock will have to reach the top.
    Will you suffer? of course
    Will you give up halfway?
    I doubt it, I trust you and I know that if you want, you can so show this rock what you are made of, or perish in the attempt
  • Tap Animals VIP Мод APK 1.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Tap Animals VIP Мод APK 1.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Protect the tree from the darkness and make the forest blue again.
    A beautiful forest awaits your touch.

    The VIP version will receive a bonus at the end of the tutorial. (550 GEM)

    * You can play the game with simple operation.
    * Gyro function allows you to enjoy your background naturally by moving your phone.
    * You can heal comfortably by listening to beautiful music.
  • Grand Hotel Tycoon: Hotel Adventure Story Мод APK 1.0.4 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Grand Hotel Tycoon: Hotel Adventure Story Мод APK 1.0.4 [Unlimited money]


    Welcome to Grand hotel – the hotel of your dream. Work with the best team to provide the best service to people from all over the world. They travel for whether business or pleasure, and they want to take the best out of their trip. Now, it's time to build up your dream hotel and satisfy guests' needs and become the best luxury hotel in the world.

    Meet the clever managers and help them to complete guests' orders to make them happy. Earn money and upgrade your grand hotel to be more comfortable, fascinating and attractive. Expand your brand to different places in the world and receive the love and recognition.

    You will have to react quickly to your guests' requests, set priorities, and serve everyone in a timely fashion. Time's up - there are no more requests.
    Can't complete order on time? Don't worry, you can use boosters that make the level easier.

    Let's begin your adventure and see where this story goes!

    - Discover new places all over the world and expand your hotel brand.
    - Serve guests from all walks of life.
    - Manage time to delight your guest.
    - Provide best room service and get likes.
    - Upgrade your grand hotel to be the best luxury hotel.

    Let's write up your story and satisfy your fantasy!
  • The Twenty Four Hearts Мод APK 1.1.3 3.9

    The Twenty Four Hearts Мод APK 1.1.3


    - A smithy with dust that has not been visited by customers for a long time. One day, a lost warrior knocks on the door of the forge. The days when I was always defeated by monsters because I had abilities but didn't have good weapons.
  • 海底ペンギン鉄道 Мод APK 1.4.0 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    海底ペンギン鉄道 Мод APK 1.4.0 [Unlimited money]


    ◆ How to increase the number of stations

    ① Let's advance the train by the number of squares that roll the dice!

    ② You can get items and events at the stopped squares.

    ③ Collect money to build or expand the station!
    Earnings increase when the station is expanded!
    The number of penguins that live in will increase steadily.

    ④ Let's improve the train and increase the profit of the station!

    ◆ Besides ...

    ・ Make friends with sea creatures
    ・ Customize the train to your liking
    ・ Various events such as penguins mini games and luck trials!

    ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

    ◆ Let's build various stations

    As you build the station, the seabed will become more and more fulfilling.
    A station with a cafe, a station with a museum, a station with a candy house, a station with a coral castle ...
    Lots of colorful and unique stations!

    ◆ Unique penguins who live in the station!

    As the station is expanded, more and more penguins will settle in.
    Drinking coffee, playing musical instruments, running around ...
    It will make various movements with a lovely appearance

    ◆ Make friends with sea creatures

    There are many sea creatures besides penguins!
    Clark's anemone, manta ray, coelacanth, killer whale, oarfish, blue whale, etc ...
    You may be able to make friends with rare deep-sea creatures! ??

    《Recommended for people like this》
    ・ I want to enjoy slowly at my own pace
    ・ I want to do something to kill time such as waiting time
    ・ I like neglected games and management games
    ・ I like the seabed and penguins
    ・ I like trains, railroad tracks, and travel
    ・ I want to be healed by animals
    ・ I like beautiful scenery

    ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

    Roll the dice and advance the train
    Sugoroku x incremental game that increases the number of stations!

    While being relaxed and healed by penguins and sea creatures
    Would you like to spend your undersea life?
  • Crazy taxi driving game Мод APK 1.7 [Unlimited money] 3.6

    Crazy taxi driving game Мод APK 1.7 [Unlimited money]


    Be a professional taxi driver by playing these driving games and pick up passengers specially girls from the crazy taxi station. Now a days these games for girls is very famous in the play store where you pick up girls in your taxi cab and drop them at their desire destination. The new and modified driving games are really entertaining people with their super visual effects. This simulator comes with very unique idea, your main motive in this crazy taxi cab game is to pick and drop only the girls. That is the reason this taxi driver superb and excellent simulator is in the list of best games for girls.
    Drive your simulator in the big traffic and enjoy and get the most realistic car driving games experience on fascinating roads and get an awesome chance to become a great taxi driver. Play an exceptional role as a driver in these games for girls and show epic driving skills in a huge traffic and become a champion taxi driver of these tremendous and perfect driving games. You will really enjoy the stunning graphics and realistic sound effects of this crazy taxi game. This is the most perfect and enjoyable taxi driver supreme and matchless games for girls with great physics and smooth controls. This unique simulator comes with a fantastic environment with superior drive settings.
    Feel the real heat of these simulation games go and explore the whole city and reach your destination in time. Show your talent of driving yellow cab and complete all challenging missions in time. Various fast vehicles with really cool environment will make you the fan of these simulation games. Facility of car parking is also available in this easy taxi game. The quick yellow cab driving in huge traffic is not very easy but be focus and dodge the massive crowd like a great traffic racer. Pass through the hurdles by showing epic skills and try not to hit your yellow cab in these superbly design simulation games. Enjoy the different weather conditions, amazing sceneries, car parking areas in these magnificent taxi games.
    Don't get fear gear up your modern classic car and take an adventurous city cab ride all the way to the hilly mountains. The exciting and challenging pick and drop missions will really amaze you and make this taxi driver game more addictive. Dropping passengers at their given location in time is your first priority in this arcade game. The map will help your city cab to reach in the desire location in this classic car game. Use the best possible short routes to reach the destination in time in this arcade game. Try to complete every single mission of this taxi driver game and make your name in the list of top city cab drivers. You will see that people are walking, traffic is following that is the reason it is the most realistic easy taxi game.
    Avoid hitting the traffic or any hurdles otherwise you will lose the level in this arcade game. Fasten your seatbelt and be ready to rush on dangerous roads and show great crazy taxi cab driving skills in this beautifully design crazy taxi game. Get a very unique experience of pick & drop with this extreme crazy driving simulator and shock the world with your epic car driving skills.
    Stunning 3d graphics.
    Great physics.
    Realistic game play.
    Perfect sound effects.
    Challenging missions.
    Pick and drop girls.
    Smooth controls with addictive environment.
    Now you know every single thing about this epic game. So don't waste a single time on thinking. Install this game now and enjoy the most realistic, smooth and adventurous driving.
  • Monster truck car racing game Мод APK 1.5 [Unlimited money] 3.6

    Monster truck car racing game Мод APK 1.5 [Unlimited money]


    These thrilling and fabulous truck games are ruling the game world. Play this exciting truck simulator and enter in the most astonishing world of fun and entertainment. Enjoy the super physics and awesome graphics of these monster truck games. Drive freely and show the most dangerous and real time destruction in this truck simulator. Game play is very easy, smooth controls and realistic sound make this game among the list of top truck games.

    Another feature in these amazing monster truck games is that you can start a brand new car racing competition in which you have to face your opponents. So don't want to drive a truck simulator choose your car and enter in the most fascinating car racing tournament. Give a cracking defeat to your opponents in these truck games and improve your rank. Rush this outstanding fire truck on the beautiful hilly mountains and get a great truck driving experience of these monster truck games.

    Defeating your rivals in thrilling car Driving games 2024 is not very easy but be focused and pay proper attention. The most amazing thing of these truck games that there is no rules so rush your big truck without any fear. While speedy car racing protect your car from obstacles. Boost your fire truck speed by upgrading your engine in this exceptional truck game. Show great truck driving skills on dangerous paths of mountains in this monster truck jam. The realistic damage will make this truck game more interesting.

    Start the rush driving beat all the hurdles and steep paths by showing remarkable truck driving skills and learn different techniques in this perfect truck game. In the brutal truck race forget all the rules but keep a strong grip on the controls of your super truck. Drive this euro truck like a professional and brilliant truck driver and take a huge jumps and show perfect mid-air stunts in this truck game. Your achievements and all the winners in the truck race are visible with their rank in this monster truck jam magnificent game.

    Get a wonderful fire truck offroad experience by driving this awesome big truck on dusty deserts and dangerous steep mountains in this monster truck jam game. While truck driving on complex tracks keep one thing in mind that you must keep your big truck in balance. Shock the world by performing mind blowing driving skills with your ultra-fast and fantastic super truck.

    Gear up your euro truck and take a tour of beautiful valleys and get an adventurous truck driving experience. Drive luxury big truck while passing through offroads and hilly desert dangerous areas and get a chance to become a legend truck driver. Buckle up your stylish seat and get a strong hold of your fire truck and demonstrate various driving stunts and become a favorite truck driver of everyone. Bypass roads hurdles with your euro truck and complete all the mission to become effective truck driver and to be a champion of this game.

    Smash cars, take massive jumps, and show great control on curvy and fascinating roads. Compete with the world by driving like a real monster in the marvellous truck race and earn many point as you can. Move as fast as you can and break all the speed records but be careful don't crash your vehicle.

    Stunning HD graphics.
    Realistic sound effects.
    Facility of upgrading and customization.
    Challenging levels.
    Dangerous offroad tracks.

    Don't waste a single time on thinking install this beautiful game now and get a real dose of entertainment and fun.
  • Classic Fantasy Мод APK 0.8 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Classic Fantasy Мод APK 0.8 [Unlimited money]


    Finally released! Strategy simulation game with tension!
    In order to hunt monsters overflowing around town, hero parties form an alliance and go hunting.
    We worked together to defeat the monster, but in front of the colorful treasure chest in front of us, my hands are shaking...
    The cruel rule that the winning party takes everything!
    What is your final decision that you made while staring at each other?

    An RPG game that sets up heroes and equipment!
    A roguelike system that drops items when defeated!
    Field monster raid play!
  • WoodArt3D Мод APK 1.1.2 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    WoodArt3D Мод APK 1.1.2 [Unlimited money]


    You will decorate your new home with your dad, and every piece of furniture will be made by you. Here you can experience all the fun of cutting wood, sanding boards, applying paint, and decorating house. With the help of your father, you will also complete more and more complex furniture. When you see the pieces of furniture you have built Entering your new home, I believe you will be full of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • 勇者的鐵匠鋪 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase] 3.8

    勇者的鐵匠鋪 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase]


    The kingdom has developed in peace for a long time. The simple people dismantled their weapons and armor into iron to build a house.

    The master blacksmith also wanted to build a house, but he had no income and no one needed weapons or armor. He had to try his luck in the mine every day. When mining one day, the dragon that had been sleeping for many years was awakened by the blacksmith master accidentally (intentionally?)

    He fled back to the kingdom in disgrace and found that the kingdom was in danger, but everyone came to buy weapons and equipment! Create business opportunities by yourself! He decided to return to his bank and become the favorite blacksmith shop for the brave!

    【Simulation RPG】
    Build equipment for the brave men against the dragon! Great sword, machete, staff, armor, you can do everything you want!

    [Recruit the brave to collect materials]
    Three copies, many levels, collect more resources to complete the needs of the villagers!

    [Explore the underground city to dig up rare resources! 】
    The dungeons are full of weird creatures, and their wealth is more than a little!

    [Defeat your opponent under the witness of the king! 】
    Let the brave man wearing his own equipment defeat the opponent and become the champion of the national championship, let the whole country see the name of his blacksmith shop!
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