Дома / Игра
  • Ballet Color Glitter for Girls Мод APK [Free purchase] 4

    Ballet Color Glitter for Girls Мод APK [Free purchase]

    Beautiful coloring book for kids and adults with glitter color, 50+ beautiful ballerina coloring pages for all ballerinas lovers! Download our Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter right now and enjoy!

    ⭐ Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games is the best glitter coloring book for girls with amazing ballerinas coloring pages for sparkly painting!
    ⭐ Our Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter is awesome sparkle ballerina games for kids, teens and adults!
    ⭐ This coloring book includes 50+ beautiful ballerina coloring pages for sparkle color! You can color here beautiful ballerinas coloring book, fairy unicorn coloring book, lovely princess coloring book and many other cute coloring pages for sparkly painting!
    ⭐ You will learn how to use our sparkle coloring game for girls very quickly! Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games is very easy to use and absolutely FREE!
    ⭐ Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter is perfect glitter coloring book for kids, teens and adults and all, who love coloring games for sparkly painting, ballerina games and glitter color!

    Color all beautiful ballerinas with sparkles in our coloring game for girls:
    Beautiful and cute ballerinas coloring pages in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Amazing dance coloring book in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Beautiful dress coloring book for girls in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Ballerina with flower coloring book in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Cute animal coloring book for girls in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Beautiful girl coloring book in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Cute fairy coloring book in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Ballerina unicorn coloring book for girls in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Ballerina cats coloring pages in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Ballerina princess coloring book for girls in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!
    Hearts, dress, flowers and other cute coloring pages in Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games!

    Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games is very easy to use:
    ✔ Download Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games from GooglePlay
    ✔ Open sparkle ballerina game for girls and select one ballerina coloring page
    ✔ Color and recolor ballerina color page with original color pallets and Glitter color
    ✔ Zoom in, zoom out to color with sparkles all small details of ballerinas coloring pages
    ✔ Place cute stickers on your sparkle ballerina pictures
    ✔ Share your sparkle ballerina pictures with your friends on social networks!

    Let us to know which types of our sparkle coloring pages you liked the most! Cute ballerinas coloring pages, animal coloring book or princess coloring book?

    Features of Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games:
    ⭐ 50+ amazing sparkle ballerinas coloring pages for sparkly painting!
    ⭐ 100+ sparkle cute stickers for ballerina pictures!
    ⭐ Ballerina app is very easy to use and FREE!
    ⭐ Our ballerina coloring game for sparkly painting has a beautiful and easy app design!
    ⭐ Amazing glitter color and beautiful color pallets! Sparkle ballerinas!
    ⭐ Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter is a perfect sparkle coloring book for kids, teens and adults!

    Also you can use Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games for create your own ballerina wallpaper. Save ballerina picture for your gallery, then use that picture for ballerina wallpaper.

    Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter is perfect ballerina games for everyone who loves coloring games for girls, ballerina games for sparkly painting, glitter color and beautiful ballerinas!

    Lovely ballerinas, unicorn coloring book, princess coloring book and many others are waiting for you in our coloring game for sparkly painting!

    Download Ballerina Coloring Book Glitter - Girl Games right now and color beautiful ballerina coloring pages for FREE!
  • lili apartment Мод APK 1.0.7 [Remove ads] 2.4

    lili apartment Мод APK 1.0.7 [Remove ads]

    Lili vive con sus padres en un apartamento con muchas habitaciones. Hoy sus padres han ido al centro comercial a comprarle ropa, juguetes, chocolates y pasteles. Después de ir de compras, sus padres van a una fiesta de cumpleaños, así que llegarán tarde a casa. Tenemos que cuidar a esta niña y ayudarla a hacer todas las actividades que quiera hacer durante el día.
  • Waterpark Slide.io Мод APK 1.0.15 3.2

    Waterpark Slide.io Мод APK 1.0.15

    Slide.io for Aqua park es un juego de io deslizante. Desliza en Waterpark el mejor juego .io!

    ¿Puedes vencer a todos los demás sin golpear bloques y tirar el agua?

    Juega a este increíble juego divertido! Deslice en el parque acuático!

    ¡Ve al final del parque acuático para convertirte en el primer jugador de io! Diviértete jugando a este alegre y colorido juego de toboganes de agua. Empuje a otros en la carrera de Waterpark .io! ¡Comparte tu mejor puntuación con tus amigos y trata de vencerlos!

    Slide.io para Waterpark 3D .io es el juego más divertido de la próxima temporada de verano. ¿Estás listo para Slide.io, el mejor juego de Waterpark io? Ten cuidado con los bloques. No debes golpearlos en el parque acuático. El más emocionante juego de Waterpark 3D io nunca.

    ¡Esperamos sus comentarios para mejorar nuestro juego aún más!

    Buena suerte !
  • Cooking hamburgers for drivers Мод APK 3.9.8 [Free purchase] 3.4

    Cooking hamburgers for drivers Мод APK 3.9.8 [Free purchase]

    Fiesta de hamburguesas para pilotos de carreras: chicos, tenéis que poner vuestro puesto de hamburguesas en la pista de carreras y el desafío para vosotros es hacer una hamburguesa rápida para los pilotos de carreras. No tienes mucho tiempo porque la parada en boxes es solo por unos segundos. Tienes que seleccionar el puesto de ingredientes, papas fritas, jugo de fruta, hamburguesa de bagel, cebolla, lechuga, tomate, queso, hamburguesa de carne y agregar un poco de salsa de tomate. Ten en cuenta que cada líder de carreras quiere una hamburguesa diferente, y debes cumplir con los requisitos.
  • Pop The Corn! Мод APK 1.0.6 [Free purchase] 3.5

    Pop The Corn! Мод APK 1.0.6 [Free purchase]

    Apunta, dispara y anota puntos! ¡Lanza tus palomitas de maíz a los invitados mientras estás sentado en el teatro! Un juego adictivo y genial! Juegos de cocina super divertidos! ¡Usa el microondas pero asegúrate de que tus palomitas de maíz no exploten! Popcorn Makin 'Mania! Pop, sazona, decora y engulle este sabroso bocadillo!

    Popcorn Makin 'Mania
    ¡Comience la manía sacando los granos de la mazorca de maíz! Sigue el progreso y los puntos con la barra lateral, ¡ahora desplázalo! ¡Elige entre 4 métodos geniales como: microondas, olla, sartén y máquina de palomitas de maíz!

    Mini juegos de Popcorn Chef
    ¡Cocinar palomitas es divertido! ¡Toca los granos mientras cocinan en la olla y mira cómo vuelan! ¡Cuidado de no dejar que las palomitas de maíz exploten mientras se está cocinando en el microondas!

    Deliciosa decoración y condimento
    ¡Dale un poco de sabor a tus palomitas de maíz cuando agregues el condimento de una deliciosa selección de 8 ingredientes diferentes! ¡Dale a tu cubo de palomitas la personalidad cuando la decores con diferentes estilos de cabello, ojos, bocas y más!

    Tirar en un poco de diversión!
    En este mini juego de palomitas de maíz, siéntate en el teatro, toma tus palomitas de maíz y apúntalas a otro espectador. Consigue puntos mientras lanzas a otros usuarios: ¡incluso te darán una mirada de enojo cuando los golpees!

    > ¡Extraiga los granos de maíz de la mazorca de maíz para preparar sus palomitas de maíz para hacer estallar!
    > Deslice para elegir entre cuatro métodos diferentes de cocción: microondas, pan, olla y máquina de palomitas de maíz.
    > ¡Observa tu progreso y tu puntuación con la barra de progreso!
    > ¡Revuelve tus palomitas de maíz para verlas colorear y darle sabor!
    > ¡Toca las opciones para decorar tus palomitas de maíz con una selección de estilos de cubos, bocas, ojos, manos y más! ¡Decora tu taza y paja también!
    > ¡Tome una fotografía de sus sabrosas palomitas de maíz y muéstrela a familiares y amigos una vez que haya terminado!

    Qué hay adentro:
    > ¡4 tamaños diferentes de cubos para comenzar tu diversión con las palomitas de maíz!
    > 4 juegos de cocina para hacer estallar las palomitas de maíz: microondas, olla, sartén y máquina!
    > ¡4 minijuegos extra: Pulling Kernels, Toss The Popcorn, Poppin 'en el Pot & Microwave!
    > ¡8 diferentes variedades de sabores para condimentar tus palomitas!
    > ¡11 diferentes estilos de tazas para elegir!
    > 20 pajitas para seleccionar y personalizar tu taza!
    > ¡10 cubos para elegir para darle personalidad a tus palomitas de maíz!
    > 50 formas diferentes de decorar tu cubo: ¡bocas, ojos, corbatas y más!

    ACERCA DE TabTale
    Un desarrollador de Google Play Top, reconocido por su compromiso con el lanzamiento de aplicaciones innovadoras y de alta calidad en Android. Con más de 1.5 billones de descargas y creciendo, TabTale se ha establecido como el creador de aventuras virtuales pioneras que los niños y los padres aman. Las aplicaciones de TabTale despiertan la imaginación de los niños y los inspiran a pensar creativamente, ¡mientras se divierten! Busca "TabTale" en Google Play y descubre más aplicaciones increíbles.
    Visítenos: https://www.tabtale.com/
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    ¡Háganos saber lo que piensas! Preguntas? Sugerencias? ¿Soporte técnico? Póngase en contacto con nosotros 24/7 en: [email protected].

    La aplicación es gratuita, pero algunos elementos del juego pueden requerir pago. Puede restringir las compras dentro de la aplicación desactivándolas en este dispositivo. La aplicación puede incluir publicidad para TabTale y ciertos terceros que redirigirán a los usuarios a nuestros sitios, aplicaciones o sitios de terceros.

    La privacidad es importante para nosotros. La aplicación puede permitir la recopilación de datos de usuarios limitados por parte de TabTale o sus proveedores cuidadosamente seleccionados (por ejemplo, redes publicitarias y analíticas) para fines legales limitados descritos en nuestra Política de privacidad (por ejemplo, responder a consultas de soporte; habilitar, analizar y mejorar las funciones y los servicios de la aplicación; servir anuncios contextuales). Al descargar o utilizar la aplicación, acepta nuestra Política de privacidad: https://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/ y los Términos de uso: https://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/ y permite dichos usos para los usuarios de tu dispositivo.
  • таня Мод APK 1.1 [Free purchase] 3

    таня Мод APK 1.1 [Free purchase]

    Mysterious Nether Invaders have come together to make MCPE more exciting and diverse by bringing it special atmosphere based on the legends about their world.

    This free MCPE addon adds a bunch of new weapons, equips and buildings in the game. All new items can only be got using the Creative mode inventory. You can learn the new items' ID in the list below:

    Fanender Man Egg (ID: 1700),
    EnderMinion Egg (ID: 500),
    Mystic Enderman Egg (ID: 501),
    RebelFarlander Egg (ID: 502),
    Mystic Enderminion Egg (ID: 503),
    Titan Egg (ID: 504),
    Elder Egg (ID: 505),
    Farlander Egg (ID: 506),
    Ender Guardian Egg (ID: 508),
    Wanderer Egg (ID: 509),
    Ender Golem Egg (ID: 510).

    Sounds exciting, isn't it? Install free Minecraft mod Farlanders to know all the secrets they keep!

    To play this addon you need to install BlockLauncher or a similar app.

    Install the original Minecraft Pocket Edition App on your device to play with this MCPE mod.

    DISCLAIMER: NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG. This mod for MCPE is not developed or supported by Mojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks of Mojang AB. The developers of this MCPE mod are not affiliated with Mojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB. More info at https://account.mojang.com/terms.
  • Smash Eggs Logic Draw Puzzle Мод APK 0.7 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 4.0

    Smash Eggs Logic Draw Puzzle Мод APK 0.7 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    Dive into the amazing brain puzzle world of Draw To Smash, the super tricky draw logic game that makes your brain go whoosh and quickdraw! Draw it using lines, squiggles, shapes, or doodles in this cool brain teasing experience of draw to save the eggs in puzzle games.

    Think super hard and draw super quick! Plan every move like a genius, guess what happens next, and make smart plans to beat the tricky levels of drawsomthing in the draw logic game of brain puzzles. Get ready for some smashing action as you face tough puzzle draw that make your brain muscles flex logic games. Can you be a smash master and conquer the ultimate IQ challenge in draw puzzle games?

    Grab golden keys to unlock treasure chests and quickdraw, uncovering gold coins and awesome skill stars that make you a smashing superstar in the egg smash game. The more you play and draw stuff, the higher your rating shoots in puzzle draw up in the draw logic games as draw break. Go from crash draw a drawing newbie to a master of brain teasers and logic draw games of brain puzzles.

    Groove to the cool music and funny voices that keep the party going. With new levels, characters, and accessories dropping in regularly in crash games, Draw To Smash games make sure you never get bored as you doodle to smash and draw break. Take a break of drawsomthing from the everyday hustle in draw puzzle, dive into the drawing fun, and supercharge your brainpower logic games.

    Join the fun squad, show off your skills, draw it, and find out how many eggs you can smash today. Draw To Smash is not just a game; it's like a super cool brain test with drawsomthing that'll keep you hooked by brain puzzles. Ready for the challenge of crash draw? Become a smash master in the world of draw logic games and get ready to crash some serious fun!
  • Zombarena Мод APK 1.0.0 [Remove ads][Unlimited money] 4.0

    Zombarena Мод APK 1.0.0 [Remove ads][Unlimited money]

    Welcome to the ultimate zombie battle arena!
    In Zombarena you are one of the last survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Fight with your car in the arena to destroy hordes of monsters.

    Cars and vehicles
    Equip your car with heavy weapons to kill the zombies. Unlock many different vehicles like trucks, monster trucks, muscle cars, buggies, buses, tanks and much more! Collect and customize them in your garage!

    Roguelike Action
    Zombarena is a roguelite game with a top down perspective. The rougelite features help you to get stronger over time. Unlock new cars by completing quests and experiment with different play styles. Equip your cars with upgrades like heavy armor to be more resistant to zombie attacks or an improved engine to be faster.

    Collect raw materials and technical components to create upgrades for your car. You can find these materials by exploring the arena, killing zombies or completing missions.

    You can use not only normal weapons like shotguns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers or machine guns. There are very unique weapons that will help you to kill the masses of monsters. Use saw blades that rotate around your car and cut the enemies into pieces, place mines that explode on enemy contact or call in air support and drop bombs on your enemies!

    Upgrade your car with various upgrades! Increase the rate of fire of your weapons, improve the strength of your critical hits or simply increase your damage!

    Zombies and Monsters
    Drive your car through hordes of zombies. Many different types of zombies want to eat your brain! There are zombies that are very fast, do a lot of damage or can withstand a lot. Fight boss enemies and get special rewards!

    Play in different arenas like the industrial area, the snow world or the endless desert. Unlock new challenges and achieve new high scores!
  • Jump Ball: Tiles and Beats Мод APK 1.4.0 [Remove ads] 3.8

    Jump Ball: Tiles and Beats Мод APK 1.4.0 [Remove ads]

    The top free tiles game of 2020 in the music game category!
    Become a ball bounce master with Jump Ball: Music Tiles Game and rolling ball so hard to reach out the light in the music road.

    What's differences?
    New popular energetic music added for the Jump Ball. You can play many types of music from the best upbeat Trap to Hip hop, Rock and EDM.

    How to play?
    Your simple mission is to keep the rolling ball safely on the tiles during its journey in the dancing road while carefully listening to the rhythm.

    Sound easy? Surely it will not an easy game. We created many hidden challenges in the game for you to explore in each level. Hope you can find it out and enjoy.

    Remember: ball bounces on the tiles, follow the beat drops, hit some nice combos and see how the ball jump with music.

    Special Features:
    1. One-touch control
    2. Energetic music
    3. Various hidden challenges to conquer
    4. Stunning 3D visuals and effects ️

    Let's roll in and be our game master !!

    Are you having any problems? Contact us at [email protected]
  • Doodle Dunk Мод APK 1.0.5 [Free purchase] 4.1

    Doodle Dunk Мод APK 1.0.5 [Free purchase]

    Draw the path of the ball and dunk it! Basketball has never been more awesome! Make cool trick shots and get around your opponents. Get through all challenging puzzles in this crazy new basketball game you've never seen before!

    * Cool 3D graphics
    * Awesome puzzles
    * Outsmart your opponents
  • 大富豪BEST Мод APK 3.0.183 [Remove ads] 4.4

    大富豪BEST Мод APK 3.0.183 [Remove ads]

    This is the best of millionaire !!
    "Millionaire BEST" has undergone a major renewal! !!

    ■ Local rule 50 or more!
    More detailed customization and new local rules have been added!

    ・ Revolution, staircase revolution, revolution return, Joker use revolution, revolution selection coup, Omen, Nanasan revolution
    ・ Stairs, number of stairs, strength of stairs
    ・ Tied up (2 or 3), number of tied up, severely, both, one-sided
    ・ 8 cuts, 4 stops, sandstorms, ambulances (99 cars)
    ・ 11 backs, strengthened 11 backs
    ・ 2 (3) No going up, 8 No going up, 11 No back up, Joker no going up, Special 3 No going up
    ・ Spa 3 return
    ・ Tokyo fall, Gekokujo
    ・ Start (3 of spades, 3 of clovers, 3 of hearts, 3 of diamonds, great poor)
    ・ Number of Jokers (0 to 2)
    ・ Path restrictions
    ·seat change
    ・ Sinking
    ・ Card exchange
    ・ Down number
    ・ 7 delivery
    ・ 10 thrown away
    ・ 9 reverse, 12 reverse
    ・ 5 skips, 13 skips
    ・ 12 bombers
    ・ Blind card

    …And so on

    ■ Become a millionaire and collect over 400 masterpieces!
    We have greatly added the number of collections you have been waiting for! !!
    * If you become a millionaire, you can spin the "Royal Gacha"!

    Works by eight painters, including the Venetian master "Titian" and the Post-Impressionist "Gauguin"
    Newly added! Van Gogh, Renoir, etc. have also added new works!

    ・ Vincent van Gogh
    ・ Leonardo da Vinci
    ・ Pierre-Auguste Renoir
    ・ Johannes Vermeer
    ・ Paul Cézanne
    ・ Claude Monet
    ・ Edgar Degas
    ・ Edouard Manet
    ・ Jean-Francois Millet
    ・ Henri Rousseau
    ・ Titian
    ・ Gauguin

    …And so on

    ■ More beautiful! Easier to use!
    ・ Redesigned! The image resolution has been greatly increased, and you can play on a more beautiful screen!
    -Improved the layout of the collection screen, etc., making it more comfortable! You can enjoy the explanation of the painting in an easy-to-read manner!
    -Intuitive (flick) operation that can be put into play by sliding the card!
    ・ The more you win, the stronger your opponent !!
    -Automatic save function that allows you to start from the continuation anytime, anywhere!

    …And so on

    Come on, try the best "Millionaire BEST"!

    * Other precautions
    ・ About save
    Saving is also done automatically.
    If you quit the app or turn off the power while saving,
    Saved data may be damaged.
    Please quit the app after returning to the title.
    We also recommend playing with sufficient battery power.

    ・ About communication
    This application communicates during game play, and the game is restricted in places where the communication environment is poor.
    Also, if you use it in an environment where communication is not possible, the number of plays will not be restored by time.
    We recommend playing in a place with good communication conditions.
    (If you play in a place where you can communicate, you can play normally.)

    ・ About time setting
    This application acquires the time by communicating with the server, and you cannot play if the time of your terminal and the time of the server are different.
    We recommend that you set the date and time automatically from the general settings.
    Please be aware of this before downloading.

    The rules, texts, and contents of the painting collection of this application are subject to change without notice.

    * Only works on Android OS 7.1.1 or higher.
    However, it may not be available on some models.
    Currently, tablet models are not supported.

    * Please note that we cannot provide support or compensation for devices other than those recommended.

    * Please note that the version of the recommended terminal and compatible OS may change due to the version upgrade of this application.

    * Please note that problems may occur with this application due to the OS version upgrade.

    For any problems, please contact us from our homepage or "Inquiries" in the game.
    Even if it is uploaded to the review, we will not be able to respond due to lack of information.
    We would like to incorporate the customer's request as much as possible and aim for a more enjoyable game, so we would appreciate your cooperation.
  • Happy Birthday Мод APK 17.0 [Remove ads] 4.1

    Happy Birthday Мод APK 17.0 [Remove ads]

    If you forget the birthday cake or candles, this application is for you.

    Happy Birthday simulates a realistic birthday cake with attractive effects, flames and smoke. The intuitive interface allows you to configure your age. Sing "Happy Birthday" with your friends and then blow loudly on the microphone to extinguish the candles and celebrate this happy event with lots of confetti!
  • Creepy Nights 2 Мод APK 1.1.0 4.4

    Creepy Nights 2 Мод APK 1.1.0

    Uh... Hello? It's your first day here, isn't it? Well, congratulations! Welcome to the favorite place for children and adults!

    CNaF2 is a hardcore horror fan-made game based on a famous franchise. Are you ready to meet the band again and discover the secrets they hide?

    The game provides brand new experience to the players. Think over survival tactics to complete all six nights and get access to the "Extra" menu, which offers many new challenges and game modes!
  • Fruit Matching Мод APK 1.7 [Free purchase] 3.5

    Fruit Matching Мод APK 1.7 [Free purchase]

    ¡Un lindo juego de frutas a juego! El juego clásico, la pantalla fina, una variedad de iconos de frutas lindos.
    Operación simple, el tiempo especificado, haga clic en el triple de la distancia dentro de las mismas dos imágenes se pueden eliminar.
    Si te gusta el juego de emparejamiento, no te lo puedes perder. Intenta desafiar la evaluación de la estrella completa.

    Regla de juego:
    Las mismas dos frutas juntas con menos de tres líneas rectas pueden eliminarse, las reglas son simples y fáciles de comenzar.
    Etapa clara al recolectar 20 frutas requeridas en 1 etapa, en otra etapa se agregaron 5 frutas requeridas en orden ascendente.

    Introducción de accesorios:
    Reloj: Aumentar el tiempo.
    Bomba: Eliminar todas las imágenes alrededor de ella
    Flecha: Eliminar todas las imágenes de la línea actual
    Stick: Eliminar todas las imágenes de la misma fruta.

    Cada nivel tiene diferentes apoyos al azar recompensa, la recompensa del bateador fuera del estímulo que el apagado. No lo dudes, ¡juega ya!
  • Superhéroe de hielo Мод APK 1.0.8 [Free purchase] 3.5

    Superhéroe de hielo Мод APK 1.0.8 [Free purchase]

    ¡Todas las superpotencias frías combinadas en un solo héroe!
    ¡Vuelo, láseres de rayo de escarcha, bola de nieve, superkick y todos los demás!
    Los robots gigantes y Bigfoot son fuerzas enemig temibles.
    Ponte de pie una vez más en la guardia de ciudadanos estadounidenses indefensos.
    Ultra héroe de nieve y la única esperanza de la humanidad.
    Usa tus superpoderes combinados para luchar contra las interminables olas de criaturas de acero.
    Con handcombat y superpoderes de invierno no hay necesidad de ningún tipo de armamento.
    Daño especial tipo congelado y patadas heladas lo ayudarán a vencer a los bots de hierro.
    ¿Por qué llevar potencia de fuego cuando puedes congelarte en el hielo?

    Descargar hielo superhéroe juego ¡Ahora GRATIS!
  • World War 2 Last Battle 3D: WW2 Special Ops Мод APK 1.0.9 [Remove ads] 3.2

    World War 2 Last Battle 3D: WW2 Special Ops Мод APK 1.0.9 [Remove ads]

    In World War II final battleground many army soldiers got imprisoned as war prisoner. It's your duty to lead into world war ii frontier to rescue your fellow soldiers behind enemy lines. Jump from C-130 and land on enemy territory with parachute. Play the intense survival FPS shooting world war ii game, destroy enemy tanks, barracks to get your fellow soldiers safe escape. Get chance to become true patriotic hero in prison escape mission on WW2 background story. Download World War 2 Last Battle 3D: WW2 Special Ops it require strategy and real time action world war ii game.

    As US army office user your battle strategy to eliminate sniper tower, tanks, cross mine filed. Your duty is to locate the army prisoner camps and rescue your fellow country men behind enemy lines. Use WW2 weapons and fight a guerrilla war against enemy general. Engage intense war and destroy enemy air craft with anti aircraft guns. Destroy enemy cannons plant explosive and use rocket launcher to destroy enemy base camp as commando warrior. Survive alone in war frontier in FPS shooting WW2 battleground. Play amazing first person shooting battle game, survive against enemy battalion in WW2, most intense commando survival game for sure. Engage battle in the World War II battleground POW camps take down enemy sniper and gunman. Destroy enemy fighter aircraft and fighter jets with heavy machine guns. Live life of a war hero fight for the glory, if you love WW2 games then you will love this newest fps shooting game for sure.

    World War 2 Last Battle 3D: WW2 Special Ops is newest WW2 fps shooting game to give u thrill of a war game. Survival is the key to become the hero, fight on frontline in WW2 battleground help your fellow soldiers to escape war prison in World War II era. Play the most amazing hero survival fps shooting game in background of WW2 fps shooting game. Drive escape strategy through enemy army camps. Use WW2 weapons to fight enemy sniper and gunner. Be the real marksman & strike enemies in WW2 fps shooting game. Destroy war machines tanks, fighter jets, anti aircraft machine guns and more.


    Thrilling Action packed survival game!
    Engaging WW2 survival FPS Shooting
    Fight hard life and escape prison in World War II battleground!
    Smooth intuitive controls for FPS shooting game
    Multiple WW2 weapons like rifles, machinegun, rocket launcher and more
    High Quality 3d Graphics, Superb Animations & Best Sound Effects
    Complete offline game no need for WiFi for this new action game

    Love playing war games for free then you must download this newest WW2 fps shooting game and play lone hero survival battle and start the invasion.
  • Princess Toy phone Мод APK 25.0 3.7

    Princess Toy phone Мод APK 25.0

    Princess Toy phone designed for all, featuring a princess theme.
    The game is interactive, with various princess-themed activities designed to engage everyone and help them develop cognitive skills. These activities may include puzzles, matching games, coloring pages, and other fun games that are easy to play.
    Princess phone game is fun and educational game and help them develop cognitive skills such as matching, counting, and problem-solving.
    => Princess theme toy phone for everyone.
    => Princess phone educational activities.
    => Colorfull princess design color pages.
    => Simple to play and easy to use toy phone simulation game.
  • Texas Hold'em Poker Мод APK [Remove ads] 4.3

    Texas Hold'em Poker Мод APK [Remove ads]

    Texas Hold'em poker. Play anytime, anywhere, it is completely free. Great offline Texas Holdem Poker. If you are learning to play then you need this app.

    Whether you are playing for the first time, playing for fun or are an experienced player Texas Hold'em poker has something for you.

    Can you top our leaderboard for your City?

    . Instructions – an introductory guide
    . 5 Skill levels (Novice to Pro)
    . Rank - view your rank in the world, country, state and city.
    . Leaderboard - view the leaderboard for the world, country, state and city.
    . Stats - games played, win percentage etc.
    . No Limit, Limit and Pot Limit versions of Texas Hold'em
    . Hand rankings and analysis
    . Share with friends
    . Commentary shows a log of bets made and cards dealt
    . Several backgrounds available or choose your own custom photo.
    . Several styles of card to choose from.
    . Settings – many options
    . Support for phone and tablet devices
    . Portrait and Landscape support.

    This game is ad supported.

    By downloading you accept the terms of use at www.gemego.com/eula.html

    Contact us at [email protected]
  • Fireboy & Watergirl FairyTales Мод APK 0.2.0 [Free purchase] 3.5

    Fireboy & Watergirl FairyTales Мод APK 0.2.0 [Free purchase]

    Fireboy and Watergirl need help to explore this new temple. This time fairies will help them solve the puzzles, beat the times and collect all the diamonds!

    Play alone or with a friend to join Fireboy and Watergirl in this new adventure!

    Turn levers and push buttons to complete these 30 new levels of the official Fireboy and Watergirl series.
  • 4x4 Truck 3D Мод APK 1.02 [Remove ads] 3.8

    4x4 Truck 3D Мод APK 1.02 [Remove ads]

    4x4 Truck 3D is an open world 4x4 driving simulator where you can drive off-road in a woodland environment collecting logs for the fire at the campsite. You must collect as many logs within the time limit to get a high score, but remember to return the logs to the campsite or you might drop a log out the back of the truck. Look around the entire woodland to find the logs and drive carefully when you build up a large amount.

    After the timer has stopped, you can have the chance to go through the environment without the rush so you can fully experience the open world woodland and collect logs freely.
  • Five Nights of Impostors Мод APK 1.3 [Remove ads] 3.3

    Five Nights of Impostors Мод APK 1.3 [Remove ads]

    You are trapped aboard a distant spacecraft where no one can be trusted. The crew are not as they seem - they are murderous impostors and they are hunting you down!

    From the spacecrafts security room you can keep an eye on the cameras, operate the doors and track the crew. But with limited power your doors and trackers only last a short period of time before they must recharge, so they must be used wisely!

    Do everything you can to prevent the imposters from reaching your room - and attempt to survive the full five nights!

    Four impostors to survive from:
    - Red: This impostor has razor sharp teeth and will eat you up!
    - Yellow: This impostor has an alien life form living inside it!
    - Pink: This impostor has many eyes and is searching for you!
    - Green: This impostor has a black hole vortex where it's face should be!
  • Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Мод APK 1.0.0 [Remove ads] 2.4

    Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Мод APK 1.0.0 [Remove ads]

    This fun simulator game is an escape neighbor for Minecraft Siren Head Mod for Minecraft game, you have been chased and captured by awful blocky Siren Head Mod for Minecraft and locked you on this neighbor for Minecraft house in order not let you escape, Siren Head Mod for Minecraft hides keys in her treasure chests, so after finding them and collect all the keys and object escape the neighbor for Minecraft house. On each real floor, you expect caches, traps, and puzzles that you have to solve. Complete this quest as quickly as possible, before the terrible blocky Siren Head Mod for Minecraft has time to kill you. scary Siren Head Mod for Minecraft seems to want to hide everyone in her creepy house. Your task is to find a way to escape from her house while collecting all the necessary hidden items.
    neighbor Siren Head Mod for Minecraft and escape from her. Reveal her terrible evil secret!
    Blocky Siren Head Mod for Minecraft future updates: Scary crafty Siren Head Mod for Minecraft hides the keys scattered around the area, so find them and collect all keys and then escape the neighbor for Minecraft house. Enjoy the Best hide and escape Scary neighbor for Minecraft game Will you be able to play this challenge and escape from Siren Head Mod for Minecraft? Good luck! GAME FEATURES: - Many neighbors for Minecraft mods that need to be unlocked by completing the main game
    - Explore scary neighbor for Minecraft blockhouse, you have 5 nights - Set your traps in Siren Head Mod for Minecraft neighbor for Minecraft house game - Mysterious blocks and missions - Cool controls and scary neighbors for Minecraft graphics. - many items and events in this neighbor for Minecraft Siren Head Mod for Minecraft mod. - large scary house Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Neighbor For Minecraft. Creative and Survival in the sandbox block world! In this pixel style sandbox open-world block game. You can create whatever you want!
    Mini Block Minecraft game: best simulator is not an official Mojang application.
    if you search for the best scary crazy survival Siren Head Mod for Minecraft games then you are in the right place don't make any noise in order not to attract the scary Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Scary grandma neighbor for Minecraft - haunted House 3D game, is an insane evil grandmother game. the crafty Siren Head Mod for Minecraft sometimes behave like a ghost so be careful and start with the easy mod to survive the neighbor for Minecraft house, she hears everything Be careful and don't make sounds not to alert the killer Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Fear and terror on this game will make you die, get ready to take action, and run fast to find a way to escape the lady and get out of this neighbor for Minecraft house fast, walk swiftly.
    Use mods to enable and play from Siren Head Mod for Minecraft game! Find tools and traps and pet spider and use any mod you wish to survive and play in creepy hunting house with Siren Head Mod for Minecraft download this realistic escape neighbor for Minecraft game and enjoy this scary wonderful adventure experience and tell your friends about the Crafty Siren Head Mod for Minecraft Neighbor challenging game!
  • Baby Hazel Gingerbread House Мод APK 11 4.5

    Baby Hazel Gingerbread House Мод APK 11

    Hazel bebé en su sueño vio que el hombre de pan de jengibre diciéndole que él quiere una casa renovada del pan de jengibre de la Navidad en el país de las maravillas.

    Trabaja con Hazel bebé en la renovación de Gingerbread House para la Navidad. Aquí está una lista de tareas que hay que completar con Hazel bebé para mantenerla feliz.

    * Renovar la casa de pan de jengibre con crema, galletas, pasteles, dulces y galletas.
    * Construir una piscina al país de las maravillas con los caramelos y rompiendo el hielo bajo la nieve.
    * Captura de una X-mas del árbol y decorarlo con variedades de adornos de Navidad.
    * Construir un Tren de Caramelo con pasteles, dulces, cerezas y crema y ver el tren que se mueve junto con Hazel Baby.
    * Hacer un muñeco de nieve y vestirlo con diferentes accesorios.
    * Construir la Mujer del pan de jengibre por unión de galletas rotas y un hombre de pan de jengibre del arco y ver su baile y esposa.

    Hazel El bebé está esperando ansiosamente para ver la casa de pan de jengibre completamente construido. Ella tiene menos paciencia y llora si le haces esperar. Así que completar cada actividad dentro del tiempo dado. No haga Hazel Bebé triste de lo contrario se pierde. Seleccione cualquiera de las actividades a la vez, y la complete. Cada actividad se abrirá una nueva pantalla en la que trabajar. Usted obtiene puntos en la realización de cada actividad. Antes de completar una actividad más puntos de bonificación que recibe.

    Por último, si te gusta este juego, por favor califique él y publicar sus valiosos comentarios.
  • ¡Joyería de Princesa! Мод APK 1.0.3 3.9

    ¡Joyería de Princesa! Мод APK 1.0.3

    ¡Bienvenidos a la Joyería de Princesa, donde TÚ diseñas joyas ideales para una princesa! ¡Diseña y lustra HERMOSAS gemas para crear tiaras reales, aretes, fundas de celular y más! ¿Eres el mejor diseñador de joyas del área? ¡Entra en la competencia de joyería luego de completar cada diseño!
    ¡Tus clientes necesitan algo de *brillo* para la Gala Real y la Joyería de Princesa tiene exactamente lo que se requiere! ¡Lleva a estas bonitas princesas a través de cada cuarto en tu joyería para diseñar aretes, tiaras, collares, fundas de celular y más! ¡Selecciona entre toneladas de gemas, colores y formas únicas para crear diseños que te dejarán sin aliento! ¡No olvides probarte las joyas!

    Características ***Dignas de Brillar****:
    > ¡Diseña joyas y brillantes que te dejarán sin aliento, basados en los deseos de tus clientes!
    > ¡Selecciona entre tiaras, brazaletes, collares, hasta fundas de celular, para decorar y hacer brillar!
    > ¡Usa herramientas de joyero para reparar imperfecciones en las gemas!
    > ¡Personaliza tu propio y único pendiente – forma, color y brillo dependen solo de ti!
    > ¡Limpia las joyas de la princesa en un recipiente con jabón – pero no las dejes demasiado tiempo!
    > ¡Prepara un cartel para tu Joyería de Princesa!
    > ¡Mejora la joyería mientras atiendes clientes y diseñas joyas ENCANTADORAS!
    > ¡Sonríe para la cámara! ¡Tómate una foto luciendo una de tus creaciones PROPIAS!

    ¡Y mucho más! ¡¿Estás listo para brillar?!

    SOBRE TabTale
    Desarrollador líder en Google Play, reconocido por su compromiso en el lanzamiento de aplicaciones innovadoras y de alta calidad en Android. Con más de 1,5 mil millones de descargas y sigue creciendo, TabTale se ha establecido a sí mismo como el creador de las aventuras virtuales pioneras que los niños y los padres adoran. ¡Las aplicaciones de TabTale hacen brillar la imaginación de los niños y los inspira a pensar en forma creativa, a la vez que se divierten! Busca “TabTale” en Google Play y descubre más aplicaciones increíbles.
    Visitenos: https://www.tabtale.com/
    Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Tabtale/posts
    Haga Me gusta: https://www.facebook.com/TabTale
    Veanos: https://www.youtube.com/iTabtale

    ¡Háganos saber qué piensa! ¿Preguntas? ¿Sugerencias? ¿Apoyo Técnico? Contáctenos 24/7 en: [email protected].

    La aplicación es gratuita para jugar pero ciertos elementos del juego pueden requerir un pago. Usted puede restringir las compras en la aplicación al deshabilitarlas en este dispositivo.
    La aplicación puede incluir anuncios para TabTale y para determinados terceros que redirigirán a los usuarios a nuestros sitios, aplicaciones o sitios de terceros.

    La privacidad es importante para nosotros. La aplicación puede permitir la recopilación de datos limitados del usuario por parte de TabTale o de sus proveedores cuidadosamente seleccionados (p. ej., redes y análisis publicitarios) con fines limitados y legales descritos en nuestra Política de Privacidad (p. ej., responder a consultas de soporte técnico; mantener, analizar y mejorar las características y servicios de la aplicación; ofrecer publicidad contextual). Al descargar o usar la aplicación usted acepta nuestra Política de Privacidad: https://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/ y Condiciones de Uso: https://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/ y permite dichos usos de los usuarios de su dispositivo.
  • Peachy Games Мод APK 1.6 [Free purchase] 4.1

    Peachy Games Мод APK 1.6 [Free purchase]

    Happy Halloween! Whether you're going treat or treating, or attending a costume party in town, it's time to be creative!
    You don't want to show up in the same dress as another girl, do you? Of course not! So here you may design your own cool, cute or spooky Halloween look. Choose from any theme, such as monster, pumpkin girl, witch, and many more! Do your makeup to match. Anything goes, from pretty pastels to ghostly skull face paintings!
    And don't forget to bring along your Halloween pet! Choose from a mummy, black cat, spider, and more.

    Features of this game:
    * Spa, makeup salon and dress up
    * Face painting in addition to cosmetics
    * Spectacular costumes and accessories, including witch broom and devil's fork
    * Screenshots of your creations may be saved to your photo gallery

    So if you want to have the coolest style, don't delay any longer. Everything you need is in Halloween Salon!

    By downloading this app you will be able to use some of the makeup and dress up items for free. However, if you wish to use all of the items, you may purchase the Full Version.
  • War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games Мод APK 1.0.2 [Remove ads] 5

    War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games Мод APK 1.0.2 [Remove ads]

    Real 3D cover strike gun games battle. An outstanding action packed game with war operations. Free to play and offline battlefield. Action of war with modern guns. Stay tuned and enjoy this epic gun war game.
    War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games
    Real 3D cover strike gun games battle. An outstanding action packed game with war operations. Free to play and offline battlefield. Action of war with modern guns. Stay tuned and enjoy this epic gun war game.
    Dive into War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023, a game that can be played without internet. Offering an engaging blend of new gun games. Counter the terrorist missions in new war games. This offline Android game is perfect for those seeking a thrilling and challenging experience in a small package, as it is designed to be lightweight and provide the amazing performance on your device.

    Optimized for Android:
    Recommended for you, War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023 features new missions and challenging tasks that will keep you entertained for hours. The game is free to play and offline. Enjoy an action-packed offline experience whenever and wherever you want.

    Dynamic Gameplay:
    Play for free and enjoy the captivating world of guns in War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023. Engage in cover strikes, intense shooting battles, and thrilling ops as you take on the role of a commando in this offline game. Experience the latest game mechanics in gun fights and war strikes as you participate in high-stakes combat scenarios.

    Advanced Weapons and Strategies:
    Wield modern guns and engage in modern shooting techniques in this critical warfare experience. Fulfill your duty of guns and war as you master the art of cover strikes. Answer the call of war.

    Extensive Mission Variety:
    War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023 offers a wide range of missions, catering to all skill levels and gaming preferences. This offline shooter game features a variety of counter-terrorist operations, providing endless excitement and variety in gameplay.

    Immersive CS Games Experience:
    Fans of CS games will appreciate the intense action and strategic gameplay offered in War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023. Experience the thrill of gun games. Combat with opponents of free war games and counter-terrorist missions as you progress through this immersive, offline FPS game.

    Tactical Decision Making:
    In War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023, every decision matters. Choose your loadout, plan your strategy, and adapt to the ever-changing battlefield to outsmart your opponents. This game offers a true test of your tactical abilities in the realm of war games and cover strikes.

    Constant Updates and Expansions:
    Stay engaged with latest content and updates, ensuring that War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023 remains fresh and exciting. The developers are committed to providing players with a constantly evolving gaming experience that includes new missions, weapons, and challenges.

    War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023 is a must-play for fans of free games. A Chance to enjoy war games. Beat all the counter-terrorist strike missions. With its offline gameplay, optimized performance, and extensive mission variety, it's perfect for those seeking an action-packed gaming experience on their Android device. Download War Cover Strike CS: Gun Games 2023 today and embark on an unforgettable FPS adventure.
  • Goode: Offline Games 2024 Мод APK 32 4.5

    Goode: Offline Games 2024 Мод APK 32

    Are you up for the challenge?!
    If you enjoy fun and classic games, RISE BALL is the perfect choice for you. This new game 2024 is great for people of all ages to enjoy.
    Get ready to experience the thrill of collecting diamonds and beating your high score in our incredibly fun new games 2024. Jump your way to the top and become the ultimate champion! a basic free game for adults with smooth controls
    Check out this exciting GOODE Ball game in 2023! one of the most addictive in new game 2024.
    Enhance your gaming experience with simple clicks as you guide a dynamic ball through challenging and exciting levels.
    Fun and Addictive RISE BALL game in 2024: Challenge yourself to beat the levels.
    Embark on your journey today with GOODE Ball, the new favorite game of 2023. It's more than just a game; it's your next obsession.
    Unlock your true potential and prove your mettle with Ball new Game in new game 2024! Experience the thrill of challenging your talents and emerge victorious with our exciting array of challenges. Are you ready to take on the ultimate test? Join us now and unleash your inner champion!
    Each level is carefully designed to challenge and motivate you to play and use strategy and logic to reach various levels in the 2023 game
    "Goode Ball Game new games 2024" has hundreds of well-designed levels to unlock and explore. is a fascinating experience that will keep you attracted and enjoying this fun new game in 2024.
    It's a simple concept, but surprisingly addictive, providing endless amusement.

    The GOODE ball game new games 2024 features :
    -dynamic obstacles and well-designed levels.
    -designed to entertain and hone your reflexes and precision.
    -Easy to understand and in-depth gaming experience.
    -interactions test your sensitivity and reaction time.
    -vibrant graphics, seamless animations, and easy-to-understand gameplay.
    -play GOODE game offline anytime, anywhere in Games 2023.
    -intuitive controls tailored for touchscreens.
    -No time limit jump and rise at your own pace.
    -A new offline free game in new games 2023 on various devices.

    -one finger control.
    -Press and hold to go up, release to go down.
    -Jump to collect diamonds for a high score in a fun game in 2023.

    Push your limits and showcase your skills with the best Ball Game in new game 2024 ! Our challenges will test your abilities to the max, leaving no room for doubt. Get ready to dominate the competition and leave your mark as a true champion. Join us now and show the world what you're made of!
    Do not allow gravity to crush you. The time has come to rise to the occasion and show your true strength.
  • Cake Maker Cooking Cake Games Мод APK 1.1.8 [Free purchase] 4.7

    Cake Maker Cooking Cake Games Мод APK 1.1.8 [Free purchase]

    Summertime Cake Maker Cooking Games

    Bake and decorate delicious cakes for your customers in this summer-themed cooking game!

    In this game, you'll:

    * Learn how to make a variety of different cakes, from simple cupcakes to elaborate layer cakes.
    * Decorate your cakes with a variety of frostings, sprinkles, and other toppings.
    * Serve your cakes to your customers and watch them enjoy their delicious treats.

    As you play, you'll unlock new recipes and toppings, and you'll be able to upgrade your bakery to make even more amazing cakes.

    So what are you waiting for?

    Download Summertime Cake Maker Cooking Games today and start baking!
  • Kids Drawing Games for Toddler Мод APK 4.1.8 [Free purchase] 4.2

    Kids Drawing Games for Toddler Мод APK 4.1.8 [Free purchase]

    Choose drawing games and have fun coloring for toddlers! Our toddler drawing apps for kids include the best educational games for children age 4-6! Dive into colorful adventures!

    Coloring book for kids! Toddler drawing plays an important role in the development of the right side of the brain. As children play the painting game they process information with their eyes and body as well as emotionally. We created these educational coloring apps for kids with all this in mind. Open our educational drawing games for kids now!

    The drawing apps for kids free!‍‍ It's full of surprises for baby drawing! While playing with a toddler drawing pad your child's cognitive abilities will improve. This coloring for toddlers was created as a support on the way of preschool education! Enjoy the great kids coloring free for joyful learning!


    150 step-by-step drawing animation tutorials
    Huge variety of tools in amazing toddler coloring
    Painting games for hand preparing for writing
    Fun coloring games for kids don't limit your child's creativity
    Color by number dinosaur
    Learning ABC & numbers through drawing for kids free

    Color by number dinosaur with our painting game! In our color-by-number toddler color games, an entire magical world awaits. Play baby drawing games for toddler and boost concentration and attention span. Our coloring book for kids is the best educational game!

    Contour is the kids drawing games with fun toddler coloring. Start by copying the patterns, and build on those skills! With this drawing for kids, colorings automatically stay within the lines. With our toddler color games, your child will always be proud of their creations! Download our free coloring for kids now!

    Please note: only part of the content in the screenshots is available in the free version of the app. To gain access to all app content, you need to make an in-app purchase.

    Bini Games was started in 2012. We are a 250-person team of dedicated specialists. We have more than 30 educational games for children age 4-6, including fun coloring games for kids. We are inspired by the idea of bringing fun into early education through drawing animation games for toddlers. Our drawing app for kids enhances a child's natural love of learning.

    If you need help, have questions or just want to say “hi!”, get in touch at [email protected]
  • Stairway Мод APK 1.7.0 4.2

    Stairway Мод APK 1.7.0

    Guide a ball down a narrow staircase, navigating all kinds of crazy twists and turns and the odd spike along the way!

    You'll need to tap with perfect timing to achieve a high score in this quick-paced, addictive game from the development company that brought you 360 Degree and Circlify. Fail and your ball either explodes or flies of the side of the stairway...

    The simple, original gameplay and shiny, relaxing graphics combine to give you a gaming experience that will draw you in within minutes of playing.

    Only the best will be able to keep the ball on track as it picks up speed and the stairway becomes more and more unpredictable, throwing just about everything at you to cause a mistake.

    Stairway is everything you're looking for in an app that can keep you amused for however long you need to kill time. Get the ball rolling and download for free now!


    Original new concept
    Easy to learn with simple controls
    Addictive and challenging
    See yourself improve within just a few plays!

    • This app may require read and write permissions to your storage for score share feature
  • Truck Games: Animal Transport Мод APK 1.5 [Remove ads] 3.5

    Truck Games: Animal Transport Мод APK 1.5 [Remove ads]

    Experience the vehicle driving in wild animal & farm animals transport with as grand truck driver of animal transport truck. Played many oil truck games or oil tanker truck games in city? Now taste different and rescue wild animals and transporter them to a safe place in angry animal transport truck sim drive along with Truck Games: Animal Transport.

    Powerful grand cargo truck driving that contains zoo animal cargo toward the zoo animal transport destination of animal simulator has some rescue animals transport missions in zoo transport games with truck driving games. Now is the time for animal transport farm animal rescue, take the rescued animals with your skills of animal rescue games. Big transport truck wild animal games have more interesting than transporter truck farm animal cargo and challenging missions where real offroad zoo truck driving adventure is waiting.

    In this wild animals truck transporter game you will act as a zoo animal cargo truck driver delivering dangerous beasts to the city zoo including lion transport and tiger transporter fun. These wild animal rescue transport have come to the town from various continents and they should be transported safely to the city zoo. Play as zoo animal truck driver assigned for zoo animal cargo transport duty as this is no livestock control you are handling with zoo animal transport simulator. It's the untamed lot like the king big lion itself towards the city zoo transport task like a oil tanker truck games. You must have a thrill and excitement to take on this duty of zoo animal transport.

    Load the beasts onto your 22 wheeler cargo transport vehicle different than oil truck game. Be careful as not to get in their way and move them into the trailer. Now, get behind the wheels which you will handle manually using the steering and other controllers. And while moving the zoo animal, you must do it in a way that won't cause them any injury or harm. Your duty is to ensure their safe and sound delivery to the city zoo in truck driver game.

    After delivering the cargo to the city zoo, you must park your trailer in the per-defined parking area. Only when you have parked the vehicle a level will be completed. The challenge must be completed within the given time like a pro euro truck driver. You can enjoy the both, a beautiful city environment and jungle environment in wild animal transport game which will make your driving experience more real with 3d zoo animal truck driving simulator game.

    Truck Games: Animal Transport Features:

    - Drive big trailer truck to explore the grand city.
    - Use fork lifter & crane to load big wild animals.
    - Complete all tasks in time rescue animal transport truck.
    - HD graphics & 3D vibrant game play.
    - Challenging animal transport games missions.
    - Smooth control for truck driver in truck driving game.

    You must have played farm animal transporter games with wild animals truck transport rescue games. Now revive the uniqueness in zoo animal transport mingle with the concept of 3D truck trailer farm cattle transporter games. Have fun of zoo animal and farm cattle truck transporter in truck driver Indonesia. Take it now and enjoy the ride of Truck Games: Animal Transport.
  • Craftsman Cars Мод APK [Remove ads][Mod speed] 3.8

    Craftsman Cars Мод APK [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    Do you like construction games? Craftsman Cars is a construction game

    Start building and show the world your game and builds. Craftsman Cars is a game for the whole family: from boys, girls and children, to adults.

    The gameplay:
    Learn to build your house in a castle or in a mine.
    Decorate your house with the furniture of your companions and your own eyes. Learn more and more, and you will never be able to build huge castles and temple!

    Tired of humans, huh? Play with your dogs please! Take a dog or a mouse, take a horse! Unlike other titles, there are no monsters involved in the design and construction.

    Play with your friends:
    Start exploring! You can visit the world that was built by your friends! Who has the largest structure? Check if they finished their new castle and give them a hand, they'll pay you back later! Multiplayer is really a lot of fun!

    Many types of blocks:
    There are many types of squares ranging from grass square to gemstone and even shrine stone. You have numerous options when it comes to building your kingdom.

    Craftsman Cars is an innovative building game where you can play with pets, start amazing construction and play multiplayer games.


    * - game for the whole family: boys and girls will love it.
    * - Cool game: search for a hidden cave with your friends, multiplayer is cool!
    * - Build anything: house with room and kitchen? A castle?
    * - One of the simulation games: start building your house and meet your neighbors.
    * - Choose your character: boy or girl? custom appearance ?
    * - Multiplayer games: you can play online and help your friend build his house!
    * - Fun game: Play with villagers and animals, it's so much fun!
    * - Cool graphics: enjoy the pixel graphics with high fps.

    * - Construction game: build your own constructions. Who will have the building?
  • Foot & Knee Doctor Games Мод APK 7.0 [Remove ads] 4

    Foot & Knee Doctor Games Мод APK 7.0 [Remove ads]

    Play best multi surgery simulation hospital doctor game for the treatment of palm, foot, knee, shoulder & heart surgery patients. By playing this game you will learn best surgeon techniques. Group of college friend got injured and they need emergency treatment.

    Have you ever dreamed about becoming a real time doctor? Great! Then here's the chance to become a professional surgeon doctor and perform realistic surgeries in this surgery games for adults friends.

    Multi Surgery Hospital Doctor Game :

    Palm Surgery
    Foot Surgery
    Shoulder Surgery
    Heart Surgery
    Nail Surgery
    Knee Replacement Surgery

    Let's Play & fulfil your dream of becoming doctor !
  • Winter Princess House Cleaning Мод APK 1.0.2 [Free purchase] 4.3

    Winter Princess House Cleaning Мод APK 1.0.2 [Free purchase]

    Welcome to Winter Princess Big House Cleaning- Home Cleaning Game. This House Cleaning game present pleasure of princess and her lovable castles. Help this little diva to cleanup her dirty imperial dream mansion! Let's clean this big house. Redecorate, restore, clean , sponge, wipe and mop it gracefully.

    It's winter, there was a huge snow storm, it spread garbage everywhere and the palace was also badly damaged, Princess needs to clean rubbish and ice from her castle clean before it's too late! She welcomes you to her big house cleaning game and begs you to hurry up before the smell begins to come everywhere around her. Help her to clean her winter dream house using amazing tools, and this cleaning kingdom will be the first step on her way of becoming a head of mansion.

    Download Winter Princess Big House Cleaning- Home Cleaning right now and start cleaning a kingdom in amazing “Winter Princess Big House Cleaning- Home Cleaning”, some of the best house cleaning games for free you've ever seen! Play this clean up game with many different cleaning activities such as first of all place all messy things at proper place and throw rubbish items in to dustbin. Then cleaning activity will start with removing spider nets, remove dust from walls by using water spray and towel. And at last clean floor by mop. This cleaning game includes rearrange the furniture, jigsaw puzzles, place toys and other things back on their place, restore walls etc.

    Game features:

    ❣ Bedroom Cleaning
    Clean Bedroom. Sweep and scrub all the stains and excess dirt from the floor and walls so the whole room looks brand new and clean. After the Bedroom clean you need to fixed the things.

    ❣ Kitchen Cleaning
    Clean kitchen remove all the web and dust. Put all the things at right place.

    ❣ Food Table Cleaning
    Food Table is so dirty you need to remove dirty mess of foods in to the wastebin. You also have to paint the walls.

    ❣ Bathroom Cleaning
    Clean bathroom and then you need will clean Toilet too. Bathroom look shiny and clean. So you will learn how to clean bathroom in house.

    ❣ Royal Dream Room Cleaning
    Clean dream room. After the cleaning need to fixed the chair, sofa and other things at right place.

    ❣ Guest Room Cleaning
    Pick up all the rubbish off the floor and make the floor look clean and tidy without any stinky mess that your guest slip on!

    ❣ Garden Cleaning
    Garden is so dirty you need to taking care of garden. Pick up all the trashes, clean dirty lane, remove spider web, clean bench and much more. Use the proper tools and clean up the dirty garden to make it look beautiful as before.

    ❣ Swimming Pool Cleaning
    The pool has dust, mud and dirt sticking to it. Pick up your cleaning tools, a garbage can and get to the cleaning task. Pick up the pieces of trash and throw it in the dustbin. Use the towel to scrub the floor tiles and pool sides. Then fix the broken tiles and paint the new tiles blue. Now clean the dirt and fill water in to the pool.

    ❣ Dog House Cleaning / Stable / Horse House Cleaning
    You will have to remove the dirt from the ground, also there is poop everywhere and you need to get rid of it immediately because is smells horrible. Don't neglect the spider web that is spread on each corner, clean the floor and make sure the walls are spotless. Then you need to bathe horse with soap.

    ❣ Garage Cleaning & Car Washing
    Clean your car garage and after that wash car by brush, water spray, mud cleaner, detergent and many more equipment for cleaning.

    ❣ Princess Word Cross Puzzle Mini Game
    Find out words from the letters puzzle mini game.

    Enjoy and feel the top entertainment cleaning game with Princess free for girls and kids!
    Play this princess cleaning game to learn housekeeping skill Download this game to enjoy the cool cleaning game ever created!
    Happy Cleaning!

    Any Suggestion, Questions and Technical Support to improve this game is always welcome in this regard. Contact Us 24/7 at [email protected]
  • Своя Игра ▶ Мод APK 1.0.17 [Remove ads] 3.9

    Своя Игра ▶ Мод APK 1.0.17 [Remove ads]

    Su juego se basa en la homónima concurso de televisión popular. Usted tiene que comprobar su erudición e ingenio, respondiendo a las preguntas interesantes de diferente dificultad y el enfoque. Sus rivales serán personajes de dibujos animados divertidos, desde principiantes hasta expertos experimentados.
    El punto de la prueba, para aquellos que no saben es el hecho de que tres miembros para responder a las preguntas de diferente valor, tratando de salir adelante de la otra. El juego consta de cuatro rondas - Tres básicos y finales. El jugador que recoge más puntos gana.
    Una parte considerable de las preguntas basadas en cuestiones recuperó "su juego" y "¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo?", Algunos de los cuales están diseñados para los intelectuales y académicos. Pero la oportunidad de ayudar al jugador trata de adivinar la respuesta por carta (al estilo del Campo de los Milagros), así como los distintos niveles de dificultad.

    Usted podrá:
    ★ atmósfera concurso de televisión
    ★ Un gran número de cuestiones y temas
    ★ Un conjunto único de respuesta por los "horca"
    ★ Interfaz sencilla e intuitiva
    ★ Excelentes gráficos, efectos y por supuesto el juego
    ★ Ponga y vencer a sus altas puntuaciones
    ★ Bueno, como siempre, la aplicación de alta calidad hecha con el alma :-)

    Este cuestionario inteligente que retrasar por mucho tiempo!
  • Shooting club 3: Zombies Мод APK 14.11.10 [Free purchase] 3.8

    Shooting club 3: Zombies Мод APK 14.11.10 [Free purchase]

    Una nueva tercera parte del famoso Club de Tiro vendrá. Ya se ha ganado el reconocimiento de millones de jugadores y ahora es el tiempo para que pueda ser continuado. Si estabas buscando avanzar a la siguiente parte de la historia del francotirador, o si usted no ha experimentado la magia de tiro realista y - usted no se puede perder este juego! Ahora está lleno de aventuras más emocionantes, misiones desafiantes y armas actualizadas!

    Ayer, el mundo estaba en calma y la armonía. Ahora que está infectado por millones de zombies. Los muertos vivientes han extendido por todas partes, y ahora la misión del francotirador es destruir la amenaza. Su arsenal es la experiencia profesional y disparar armas. Nada ni nadie más le puede ayudar ... Él tiene que luchar solo, pero cuando estás en el paso a la muerte, no puede haber ninguna duda. Sólo hay una regla: se mata o te maten.

    'Shooting Club 3: Zombies' 'es una combinación de posiciones tácticas de juego, diferentes, armas y tiro realista.
    El juego está basado en la versión clásica de shooter de zombies, pero aquí usted encontrará una gran cantidad de ventajas únicas y especiales. Este juego le permitirá no ser sólo un jugador, pero un francotirador verdadero que ve la meta y sabe lo golpeó lo más preciso posible.

    'Shooting Club 3: Zombies' ofrece:

    ★ diferentes lugares: desde las ciudades a las bases militares
    ★ diferentes tipos de zombies: los monstruos habituales a acorazada muertos vivientes, que son casi inmortales
    ★ una variedad de armamento moderno y futurista, y estar seguro - cada arma añadirá características específicas para el juego!

    Tenga en cuenta - disparos a la cabeza puede darle experiencia extra!
  • 로드오브다이스 Мод APK 1.2.375 [Remove ads] 4.3

    로드오브다이스 Мод APK 1.2.375 [Remove ads]

    Summer Big Update in advance
    ▶ https://game.kakao.com/pr/lordofdice201907

    Please check the official cafe for various event news ~ !!
    ■ Official Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/lordofdiceforkakao


    ■■ Game Features ■■

    1) New RPG in fantasy you are waiting for

    - With Dice full of personality with the power of dice
     Save the girl who has forsaken the tower of eternity!

    2) Dai-chi who has lost the memory of waiting for you

     - Growth story where memories are lost and monsters become memories.
     - When dicers grow, they look beautiful or cool!
     - When you find all the memories, live Ani and live voice of the famous voice actor!

    3) Thrown dice! Now it's your turn to win or lose!

     - You will choose the various combinations and attributes of the Dicer every turn to proceed with the game.
     - Depending on the type of map and the circumstances of the moment, your choice will determine the win or loss of the game!

    4) A variety of fun! Enjoy together more fun Road of Daisu!

     - Exploration with no dive play (1 person)
     - The door of the door that I open and clear with a friend (one person)
     - The league which is spread every day! (1 person)
     - Everyday boss (one person)
     - A breakthrough that challenges the limits with more strategic anxieties (one person)
     - Arena (1 person vs 1 person) who check their skills in real time
     - Boss Reid (up to 3 hit points)
     - And a guild to test the great cooperation of masters

    ◎ Request the following access rights and information for convenience of use
    [Essential Access Rights]
    - Storage space: It is necessary for installing program and saving data in the terminal.

    [Withdrawal method of access right]
    * Android 6.0 or later:
    - Revocation by access rights: Device Settings> App> More (Settings and Control)> App Settings> App Permissions> Select this access right> Select whether to grant or revoke access right
    - Abort by app: Device Settings> Apps> Select this app> Select Permission> Select whether to grant or revoke access right

    * Under Android 6.0:
    Due to the nature of the operating system, access rights can not be revoked. We recommend upgrading your Android version to 6.0 or higher.
  • Tractor Simulator 3D: Silage Мод APK 3.4

    Tractor Simulator 3D: Silage Мод APK 3.4

    Добро пожаловать в издание Tractor Simulator 3D Silage Wagon! В этой игре вы научитесь работать с силосным прицепом, важным инструментом для фермера. Когда вы пройдете все уровни в Tractor Simulator 3D, вы станете опытным фермером. В этой игре вам придется парковать свой трактор и прицеп для перевозки силоса в крошечных местах, и сделать это как можно быстрее очень сложно. Вы можете разблокировать различные престанции. Tractor Simulator 3D Silage Wagon edition — вторая игра из серии Tractor Simulator 3D. Особенности издания Tractor Simulator 3D Silage Wagon: - Очень приятная реалистичная фермерская среда - Вид из кабины с функцией вращения - 15 захватывающих уровней - Реалистичный прицеп для силоса и трактор - Реалистичная физика, очень подробная Эта игра из серии Tractor Simulator 3D представляет собой своего рода вождение. симулятор, специально предназначенный для фермеров или людей, которые любят сельское хозяйство. Когда вы играете в эту игру, вы чувствуете давление настоящего фермера: крошечные парковочные места, где им приходится маневрировать прицепом для перевозки силоса. Следуйте за мной в Твиттере: https://twitter.com/JansenGamesFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/JansenGames


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