Дома / Приложение
  • Feelm Rosy - Analog Filters Мод APK 1.0.24 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Feelm Rosy - Analog Filters Мод APK 1.0.24 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Feelm Rosy is the first film of the film.
    The Feelm series will continue to be added :)

    Ten new color added color filters and editing capabilities
    It's just love to feel like a lovely and Vintage sensation!
    Take a picture of the scenery with a perfect filter!

    Key function
    - 10 pink pink filters.
    - Able to adjust filter strength
    - Image editing tool

    Editing tool
    - Filter
    - Brightness
    - Contrast
    - Sharpen
    - Highlight
    - Shadow
    - Saturation
  • Pictail - RETRO Мод APK 1.24 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Pictail - RETRO Мод APK 1.24 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ★ We are restricting illegal APK use through mandatory updates.
    Please refrain from obtaining APK files through illegal means, resulting in disadvantages.

    A cocktail-themed camera app series, Pictail
    Take photos and videos with filters sweet like a cocktail
    Pictail is easy to use for selfies, videos, and scenic photos

    Main Functions
    - Real-time beautification for amazing selfies
    - High resolution camera
    - Unlimited videos with Pictail filters
    - Full screen, 3:4, 1:1 ratio camera
    - Edit photos from your album with Pictail filters

    - Camera: permissions for shooting photos and videos
    - Mic: permissions for shooting videos
    - Gallery: permissions for saving and managing photos and videos
    - Location: permissions for adding location info to photo detail
  • TranzBi - Transparent Wallpape Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    TranzBi - Transparent Wallpape Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Убаците било коју слику као провидну позадину за свој паметни телефон. Апликација користи Андроид "Стораге Аццесс Фрамеворк", па се слика може преузети са мобилног телефона (интерне или екстерне СД картице), гоогле драјва, дропбок-а и тако даље.
    Са овом апликацијом, свака слика се може отворити и поставити слободно позиционирана на екрану.
    Транспарентност слике може се прилагодити од невидљивог до потпуно видљивог.
    Слика је прекривач на врху екрана, а све остале апликације испод слоја су још увек видљиве и могу се кликнути.
    Дакле, могуће је направити нову слику са камером, која је слична старој слици или пре само један објекат се мења, а остали делови су исти. Отварате снимљену слику са овом апликацијом, поставите транспарентност и затим отворите апликацију камере да бисте направили нову фотографију.
    Наравно, само величина слике може се поставити било где на екрану и увек је видљива. Да бисте спречили да се трака са алаткама одвија са екрана, може се скривати.
  • Superimpose Мод APK 6.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Superimpose Мод APK 6.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Само са неколико славина, створити професионалну оцену суперпонира или једна уз другу фотографије на вашем иПхоне! Не треба ти а рачунаре и скупи софтвер за преклапање или цут / цопи / пасте једну фотографију на врху другог више.

    Ево како се то ради ...

    1. Лоад позадинску слику.
    2. Убаците црну слику.
    3. Маска од нежељене део у предњем плану слике користећи широк спектар маскирања алата.
    4. олакшало ивице са олакшало средство унутар апликације, ако је потребно.
    5. Покрет, Скала, Промена величине, ротирање, Флип први план да се стави на правом месту на позадинску слику.
    6. Подесите боје / експозиције / Цонтраст / Хуе / Сатуратион итд првог плана и позадине слике ако је потребно да се подудара са слике у погледу боја.
    7. Готови сте! Поделите са пријатељима и задивити их!

    Такође можете да користите овај алат да раде тешке послове уређивање фотографија као мешање текстуре или облагање границе или да раде двоструко излагање са подесивим транспарентности и 18 мешања режима.

    Маскирање у апликацији је најмоћнија доступан на Апп Сторе, само додирните на подручју фото, а апликација ће маскирати се све Цоннецтед Ареа са сличним бојама. Или можете користити четку, ласо, глобални сличности боје, правоугаоник, елипса, линеарни, Би-линеарни или радијалне нагиб маскирања алата. Маска део са овим алатом и тај део у предњем плану слике ће постати транспарентан и открије позадину.
  • Shapical Pro Мод APK 2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Shapical Pro Мод APK 2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    *** Shapical Pro unlocks all features of the app (no in-app purchases) ***

    *** Featured in 90+ countries on Google Play ***

    Shapical is a game-changing photo editor created to transform your photos into elegant designs with sharp geometric shapes. Our app is very simple to use: you can turn your shots into artworks in just a few taps. Intuitive interface and clean design make the editing process incredible fun.

    The app features:

    - Integration with Unsplash, rich collection of beautiful high-resolution photos
    - 300+ unique shapes
    - 50 fonts and 15 text presets
    - Color, width, and opacity settings
    - Original blur effects
    - Rich color palette
    - 3D and Eraser tools

    Tag your edits with #shapical for a chance to get featured on our Instagram page.

    Contact us:

    [email protected]
  • Zoetropic - Photo in motion Мод APK 1.4.99 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.2

    Zoetropic - Photo in motion Мод APK 1.4.99 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ** ATTENTION ***

    This version of Zoetropic will be discontinued soon, NEW features such as Overlays Library, Audio Library, Color Adjustment, Text and other great news will be available in the new edition of Zoetropic Free.

    But calm down, you have not been forgotten !!!

    If you have already purchased the Standard version, just download the new edition of Zoetropic Free and enter the purchase code in the "Zoe Standard User" menu, you will continue to use Standard features for life (no advertising, no speed limit and video without logo), and as a thank you will get 1 year of PRO subscription !!

    Zoetropic Team

    Note: The result of the effect is a video. Some device can not support, try the Free Version first.
  • DSLR Camera Pro Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    DSLR Camera Pro Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    DSLR Camera Pro is a professional camera app designed to mimic a DSLR as good as possible. It's ergonomic, powerfull & easy to use - most settings can be reached in just one tap. No fancy filters, photo frames etc. Just pure photography - that's our motto.

    Here are the major features that you get:
    • two-state shutter button - press to focus, release to take a shot
    • moveable viewfinder - to set focus-area anywhere you want
    • live histogram
    • exposure compensation
    • geotagging
    • flash mode - auto, on, off, torch
    • light metering mode - matrix, center-weighted, spot
    • autofocus mode - single, continuous, face-detection etc.
    • white balance
    • ISO
    • drive mode: single, burst, timer etc.
    • scenes - portrait, landscape etc.
    • color effects
    • grids: rule of thirds, golden ratio etc.
    • volume keys as shutter buttons
    • front-facing camera support

    Please note that many features are hardware-dependent. This means they won't be available for you if your device doesn't support them.
  • Layapp – Photo Collage Maker Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Layapp – Photo Collage Maker Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked]


    Layapp – is a professional collage maker that allows you to create your own creative photo collage.

    We've designed lots of collage layouts for different purposes. Layapp offers you shaped frames to help you achieve all your creative goals.

    Having a great set of filters and photo editing tools Layapp is as functional as any other professional photo editor.

    When your collage is ready, don't forget to sign it and decorate it with cool stickers.
    Layapp has a set of stickers that will turn your collage into an exciting story!

    - More than 190 adjustable collage patterns;
    - Flexible collage editing: change frame thickness, indent size, corner-curving, shade adding;
    - Create collages in the shape of a rectangle, triangle, circle, and even heart;
    - Auto Layout function enables you to create your collage instantaneously: just choose the pictures and the app will suggest the best collage options;
    - It's easy to change photos inside collage: just press and hold the photo to swap it with other photo;
    - Rotate the photo in the collage frame, enlarge or reduce its size;
    - You'll be pleased with the Intuitive interface!

    - Stylish frames include a variety of patterns;
    - More than 80 background patterns: flowers, stars, candies, cakes, clouds, hearts e.t.c;
    - You can choose monochrome background from a rich color palette;

    - You can apply filters and effects to each photo in a collage;
    - Lots of terrific filters and effects will make your photo outstanding;
    - Adjust the intensity of filters;
    - Use the following editing tools: brightness, contrast, expose, sharpness;
    - Change the position of the photo in the collage, use rotation, vertical or horizontal flip;
    - Tap on the photo to get the additional editing menu;
    - Tap on the photo twice to restore rotation settings.

    - Add romantic stickers to your photo collage to make your significant other happy;
    - Hipster moustache, hats and bow ties stickers will make your photo funny and stylish;
    - Animal stickers will make your photo funny;
    - Express your emotions by adding text to your collage;
    - Wide choice of text fonts;
    - Regulate text position, size and color.

    - High resolution of the photo!
    - Choose the quality of the picture you save;
    - Share your collage in instagram, facebook or import it to any other application;

    Use #layapp when posting photos. We'll find your photos and post the best ones in our popular accounts with thousands of followers mentioning you as an author.

    Moreover, using #layapp you help spreading the application through your friends who will thank you for a great recommendation.

    Follow us on Instagram: @layapp
  • YouCam 360 - Photo Editor Pro Мод APK 1.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    YouCam 360 - Photo Editor Pro Мод APK 1.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Everyone wants an ordinary photo into an amazing thing. Therefore, they do not hesitate reluctant to pay
    photo editing services.

    Now, time for you to work on editing photos for yourself, using this application.

    Quite easy to use this application. The more interesting of these is an apk, storage (cloud) which is directly connected with
    Adobe-ID. If you already have an account, you do log in this application. You can at any store or retrieve an image of your akunt.
    You can connect to any device for connecting to your account.

    The advantage than as a place to save your edits photos, by logging into your account, you will be given benefits:
    1. Can access all the advanced facilities of CreativeADOBE editor for FREE.
    2. Sync your edits to the cloud.
    3. Obtain features sustainable features for FREE.

    Advanced feature is the application (YouCam 360 - Photo Editor Pro):

    1. ENHANCE Facility (Hi-Def Mode, Scenery Mode, Food Mode, Portrait Mode, Night Mode)

    >>>>>>> Fiture and MODERN ADVANCED <<<<<<<<
    2. Facilities 78 EFFECTS (ORIGINALCREATIVE: 12 ORIGINAL_from_AVIARY: 12, GOTHAM: 6, suble: 6, FLAREPRO: 6, ROMAN: 6 archetype: 6 CITY: 4, WONDERLUST: 6, GLOWPRO: 6, SIGNETPRO: 6)
    3. Facilities 59 FRAME (ORIGINAL: 11 Flourish: 6 GOLD: 6, Whimsy: 6, stitched: 6, ANGLES: 6 pressed: 6, Zigzag: 6, Delicato: 6).
    4. Facility 209 STICKER (ORIGINAL: 24 ALPHABET: 34, DAILY: 14 FLORA: 20 BFF: 20 #EEEEATS: 24 COSTUME: 16 FOOD: 31 LOVE: 26).
    5. Facilities 87 OVERLAY (ORIGINAL: 12 ADVENTURE: 12 LINEWORK: 8 Patterns: 10 SAILON: 15 FROSTED: 6, ADORE: 8 COUNTDOWN: 8 Grids: 8).

    >>>>>>> Fiture READY TO USE FULL <<<<<<<<
    6. CROP (Original, Square, Custom, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 4, 7: 5, 14:11, 16: 9, 16:10, 23: 5)
    7. ADJUST (Brightness, Contrast, Exposure, Warmth, Saturation, Shadows, Highlights, Vibrance, Tint, Fade)
    8. SHARPNESS (Adjust the image density)
    9. Focus (Radial, Linear)
    10. Vignette (Make pictures look stunning by giving it a dark color on the edges)
    11. Orientation
    12. SPLASH (Free Color Smart Color, Eraser): Create a picture of a person with color, while the background or other image in black and white created.
    13. DRAW (paint with a thickness selection set of painting tools and color)
    14. TEXT (fonts amenities with a choice of colors)
    15. MEME (Make a meme in your photo)
    16. Blemish
    17. BLUR (Make visible blur the background of the object that you select)
    18. Whiten

    Use Fiture (You Cam 360 - Photo Editor Pro) as much to produce stunning works.

  • Photo collage maker, pic collage & photo editor Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    Photo collage maker, pic collage & photo editor Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Photo collage maker & photo Editor is one of the best photo editor, pic collage maker & photo grid effects app not only help you make a collage pic, cool picture grid and share with your friends on Facebook, Instagram... but also easy to use, just pick any layout you like best, edit foto with photo filter, sticker, text and more, free photo image editor will help you create your own fantastic photo collges. This is an essential photo collage editor & pic photo editor app must install for your android and in particularly Photogrid Collage creator is completely free for everyone.

    1. Photo Grid Editor & Picture Maker includes many beautiful pic collage frames templates with frame for multiple pictures, lovely foto grid frames, art frames... enough for you to combine your photos to make the best photo grid collage.
    2. Photo Collage Grid & Photo Creator is also free image editor or pictures editor to help you edit image with professional photo editor pro tools.
    3. With College Poto editor you can edit your image collage with hundreds stickers, backgrounds, text, layout, animated filters to create amazing and cool photo collages.
    4. College Photo maker pic grid is easy to use and simply to create your own gorgeous free picture collage. You can use any layouts and remix your photos by following steps.
    - Open Collage Photo editor app
    - Select any frame layout or free photo grid you like best
    - Choose photos from your local gallery
    - Foto edit by using powerful editor fhoto.
    - Add cute stickers or text to your photocollage by funny photo editor.
    - Save or share finished photo colega.

    ● Combine multiple photos with many beautiful & cool layouts of collage photo frames patterns or foto grid collapse.
    ● Custom pic grid, photo border and background to design your own layout.
    ● Add exclusive stickers, emojis, texts....to make your own creative photo collage.
    ● Adjust your photo's brightness, contrast, saturation and layout, change ratio of collage and edit border of collage.
    ● Easy to edit pictures with editor photo tool: move, crop photo, rotation, stretch and zoom your photos around using multi-touch gestures until you have created the perfect picture.
    ● Save picture collage to local or share pictures to social apps (Facebook, Instagram..).

    1. ☘ Photo collage editor, Picture collage frames & Editor Photo grid app
    ✓ The best photo collage maker, photo grid maker and frame photo effects.
    ✓ Many exclusive, beautiful mixed layouts to choose from.
    ✓ Choose, edit foto and pic collage photos, pictures in seconds.
    ✓ Easy to change border colors, pictures collage background and patterns!
    ✓ Easy to add beautiful EMOJI, TEXT or exclusive STICKERS.

    2. ☘ Editor photos & Picture editor
    ✓ The best poto editor and free picture editor tool.
    ✓ Support adjust photo effects: brightness, contrast, color temperature, color balance, saturation and layout!
    ✓ A full-featured effect photo editor included: crop, rotate, flip, drag, zoom in or out.. to foto editing, etc.
    ✓ Add many beautiful stickers, cute emoji, texts, backgrounds...to personalize your photo gird

    Next, we'll add more advanced features for photo collager maker :
    - Download new frames, effects, stickers... from our cloud for image collage maker app.
    - Online photo collage maker: support upload online pic editor your finished photo collage to cloud to backup or access from any where, any devices. You can access free online photo editor to edit image.
    - Support add and edit video to photogrid, photo collapse to create photo grid video.

    Thank you for downloading the app, any problem please feel free to contact us anytime.
  • AZ Camera Мод APK 2.2 [Unlocked] 3.7

    AZ Camera Мод APK 2.2 [Unlocked]


    Featured on Google Play Home Page and many tech blogs from US, Italy, Spain, Russia, Germany and more...

    AZ Camera is the best FREE camera app that utilises Camera2 API from Android to support RAW format (DNG), manual focus, manual shutter speed, manual ISO, manual white balance and exposure compensation. The manual controls are available in both photo mode and video mode, for both rear cam and front cam.

    AZ Camera UI is well-designed so you can easily fine-tune your manual control like a professional DSLR cam. Additionally, multiple aspect ratios with different layouts are supported so you can always shoot photos/videos with the maximum resolutions available to your devices. Besides, you can toggle grid on/off, adjust countdown timer, pinch to zoom, turn flash on/off, enable/disable shutter sound, select output formats and many more... All of them are FREE for you.

    Our goal is to provide the best free professional camera app that fully supports the new API for photography lovers like you. However, if you want to support us and/or want to upgrade to pro, you can buy the premium package to enhance this cam application with unlimited video recording, exposure bracketing, live histogram and more...

    FAQ : Why are my device(s) incompatible with this app ?
    A : In order to to make this cam app run properly on your devices, your device manufacturer must implement Camera2 APIs. Unfortunately, the features are not supported by every device running Lollipop.

    If you have any question or feedback, please send us an email to [email protected].
  • Whistle Camera Мод APK 1.5.0 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Whistle Camera Мод APK 1.5.0 [Unlocked]


    It's Amazing!!! Whistle and take a picture!!!

    ★★ NEW !!! ★★
    ★ Design and fix your photos with special filters and other design tools
    ★ Shake your phone to start capturing new video

    Taking a picture never been so easy and fun – just whistle and your cam will automatically make a high quality picture.

    Selfie photos have never been so easy and fun to do!!!
    Just use the front or rear camera, whistle and smile… if you want you can use the App's countdown option.
    Easily edit and add filters or frames to your photo! and more..!

    Want to take beautiful landscape photos while driving?
    Just leave the phone mounted to the windshield, open the app and whistle :)

    Can't use the touch screen? just press the volume up button..!
    Or you can just use the old fashion Android way to take the photo using the screen button.

    ★ Whistle detecting camera.
    ★ High quality pictures.
    ★ Auto focus.
    ★ Easy holding and taking pictures just with one hand.
    ★ Using the volume up button for more easy way to take a picture.
    ★ Picture sites hands free while driving using the whistle.
    ★ Selfie pictures using cam countdown.
    ★ Both landscape and portrait orientation supported
    ★ A very useful and fast picture gallery
    ★ Share your photos
    ★ Easy edit your photos
    ★ create predefined or customised filters to your photo (easy to use)
    ★ Add a nice frame to your photo

    *** if you can't whistle, try to set sensitivity to level 1 and make noises "like" you are whistling.. that should do the trick ;) ***
  • Photo Blender Pro (Removed ad) Мод APK 2.2.3 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    Photo Blender Pro (Removed ad) Мод APK 2.2.3 [Unlimited money]


    Photo Blender is a minimal app for creating double or multi exposure images by blending or mixing photos.

    Photo Blender create double-exposed images by blending two photos, or create multi-exposed images by repeating blend steps with a different photo each time.

    How to use Photo Blender
    - Select photo from gallery or camera.
    - Blend photo or mix more than on photo.
    - Adjust blend image transparency with swipe gestures.
    - Easily resize photos to match the proportions of the base background photo.
    - Easily share your creations on social networks.

    Photo Blender features
    - One tap auto-enhance, auto-focus and blur image.
    - Picture effects built in up to 15 kinds of effects such as Clyde, Dean, Lucky and so on.
    - Adjust level warmth, sharpness and clarity effects.
    - Add text on photo and sticker on picture.
    - Portrait processing with eliminate acne, make your face flawless, remove blemishes, teeth whitening, red-eye reduction and skin whitening.
    - Simple touch gestures to rotate, resize and crop photo.
    - Painting and graffiti can freely set the brush size and hardness.
    - Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature and saturation.
    - Share your photos instantly.

    Thanks for using Photo Blender!

  • Slideshow Maker & Video Editor Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Slideshow Maker & Video Editor Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked]


    Want to make your loved ones feel special? Create a personalized slideshow video. It's the perfect gift to convey your emotions and preserve the unique birthday, wedding or graduation memories for a lifetime.

    Create a slideshow featuring your baby's first steps, a family celebration or a party with friends – all you need is a Slideshow Maker & Video Editor and a little inspiration.

    Surprise your family and friends with a high-quality video slideshow about your vacation or any special event.

    What makes Slideshow Maker & Video Editor so special?
    Give it the perfect look
    1. Add photos to the program
    You can make a slideshow with music out of the images of the following formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG.
    Once images are added to the photo slideshow maker with music, the interface of the app changes and all the images are displayed in the image queue. It's possible to rearrange the images by dragging them.

    2. Transitions
    Select a transition effect from Wide variety of transition effects.

    3. Add music to the slideshow
    If you want to create a slideshow with music, you need to add audio files to the slideshow. Audio files of supported formats MP3, Wave.

    4. Controls
    Control time and transition effects for image in your slideshow.

    5. Add text & stickers
    You can add text and stickers such as emojis to each slide as well.

    6. Preview
    Preview your slideshow prior to creating it for better results.

    7. History
    Never lose your creative work. You can always continue from where you stopped.

    8. Share
    Upload your slideshow to YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive and share it with friends.

    Create video from photos in a few minutes, even if it's your first slideshow.

    Make an impressive video slideshows with your favorite photos, music, and effects.

    A great video presentation needs to be eye-catching and engaging, but it also needs to get your message across.

    The various customizable design elements available with this Slideshow Maker & Video Editor allow you to give your audience a real visual feast.

    Powerful and fully customizable slideshow maker. create slick, informative and engaging slideshow presentations without any design skills.

    Experiment with various layouts and design features until you have the slideshow that will deliver your message to the right target audience.

    Use this powerful slideshow maker with music & photo video editor to compose a unique presentation by adding different backgrounds, photos, videos, and voice content.

    Please rate the app and give your feedback to help us improve and create much more unique apps for you.
  • Fragment Мод APK 1.3.6 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Fragment Мод APK 1.3.6 [Unlocked]


    With Fragment, you now have the power to transform any image into totally unique, one-of-a-kind prismatic art you'll want to share with everyone. Whether you're looking to completely redefine and enhance your level of mobile photography, or simply want to add a subtle dose of creativity to your pictures, Fragment puts the artistry in your hands.

    It all begins with your images. Take your camera and compose a photo, or select from your Gallery. Once you have your image, the enhancing is in full effect. Unleash your inner artist and choose from a collage of inspired frames, shapes and patterns. Watch as your image is “fragmented” instantly into a myriad of prism-like glass pieces, thanks to a lightning-fast interface that works in real time. No lag time here, thank you.

    Now dive in and manipulate at will. Rotate, resize, frame, drag, zoom, crop – Fragment is completely scalable and a true reflection of your imagination. Add colors and adjust levels. Desaturate. Blend. Invert. Or go for something completely random and tap shuffle. It's all up to you where you want to take it.

    Ready to share? Send your vision to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other photo enhancement apps with just a tap. Still going? Hit “Refragment” and keep creating. Simple, and yet so beautiful, isn't it?

    With Fragment, the pieces add up to something extraordinary every time.
  • Photo Editor Prisma Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Photo Editor Prisma Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked]


    Photo Editor Prisma is Amazing multi functional Photo editing APP, offering a complete set of image editing tools. Its makes your life easy With tons of amazing features and a beautiful interface, Photo Editor Prisma is the last photo editing app you will ever need!

    We offer great design tools for your photo.

    Effects: Original, Improve, Daydream, Indiglow, Heatwave, film, always sunny, Code Red, negative,
    Crop, Rotate, Flip Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Color, red eyes, stickers, drawings, text, bleaching, Sharpness, Blur. . .
    You have many frames of different themes to enhance your photos.
    You also have to lock your screen as Wallpaper.
    Photo Editor Prisma App Features:
    " Beautiful Photo Effects With Live Preview
    " Add Tons of Amazing Stickers
    " Gorgeous, Unique Frames
    " Use the Focus Tool To Draw Attention
    " Remove Blemishes (Pimples, Spots, etc.)
    " Remove Red Eye
    " Whiten Smile
    " Crop, Flip, Rotate & Straighten Your Pics
    " Adjust Brightness, Contrast & Saturation
    " Draw and Paint on Photos
    " Add Text with Multiple Colors
    " Meme Tool to Add Captions
    " Sharpen and Blur
    " Advanced Multi-Image Editing
    " Import and Export High-Res Images
    " Customize with Amazing Themes
    " International Language Support
    " HD Camera to Take Hi-Resolution Photos
    " And Much More!

  • SelfiShop Camera Мод APK 2.85 [Unlocked] 3.9

    SelfiShop Camera Мод APK 2.85 [Unlocked]


    กล้อง Selfie สำหรับขาตั้งกล้องที่นิยมมากที่สุดและ monopods selfiestick มีปุ่มบลูทู ธ หรือสายเคเบิล ตอนนี้คุณสามารถกดปุ่มโมโนและถ่ายภาพในโทรศัพท์ของคุณ หากโมโนของคุณมีปุ่มไม่กี่คุณสามารถปรับการดำเนินการแต่ละปุ่ม (จับภาพ, ซูมกล้องเปลี่ยน ... ) เพียงแค่เรียกใช้ "ตัวช่วยสร้างการเชื่อมต่อ Monopod" จากตัวเลือก สำหรับผู้ใช้ที่ทันสมัย​​มีหน้าต่างสำหรับการวิจัยคำสั่งที่ได้รับจากโมโน แน่นอนโปรแกรมที่สามารถใช้เป็นกล้องโดยไม่ moopod ยิงภาพสามารถทำได้โดยการแตะที่หน้าจอหรือปุ่มปรับระดับเสียง
    สนับสนุน monopods: kjstar, selftimer, Wii, Yunteng และอื่น ๆ อีกมากมาย

    คำแนะนำสำหรับการเชื่อมต่อสายเคเบิล monopods:
    monopods สายเคเบิลได้ไม่เข้ากันกับมาร์ทโฟนของคุณ หากโมโนกันไม่ได้กับมาร์ทโฟนของคุณแล้วโชคไม่ดีที่ไม่มีโปรแกรมสามารถช่วยในการเชื่อมต่อโมโนมาร์ทโฟน
    เมื่อคุณเชื่อมต่อสายเคเบิลโมโนคุณต้องเห็นไอคอนหูฟัง (แผงด้านบน) ถ้าคุณเห็นไอคอนหูฟังหรือไอคอนไม่ก็เป็นสัญญาณว่าโมโนของคุณไม่ได้เข้ากันได้กับมาร์ทโฟนของคุณ ระมัดระวัง! เราแนะนำให้เสมอตรวจสอบโมโนเข้ากันได้ก่อนซื้อ
  • InstaCam - Camera for Selfie Мод APK 1.40 [Unlocked] 3.5

    InstaCam - Camera for Selfie Мод APK 1.40 [Unlocked]


    Take awesome photos in vintage style with many professional real-time filters.

    Perfect app for selfies, you can take several photos in a row at events, parties with your friends.

    - Real-time filters
    - Vignette
    - Various layout Photo Booth
    - Import from photo album
    - Share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ...
    - Send by Email
    - Save to Photo album
    - High resolution support

    You like XnInstant!? Please give us 5 stars! Your feedback is very important to our work.

    Help us to improve XnInstant! by sending your bugs or requests on [email protected]

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xnview
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/xnview
    G+: http://plus.google.com/+xnview/
  • Color Splash FX Мод APK 1.4.2 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Color Splash FX Мод APK 1.4.2 [Unlocked]


    10 કરોડથી વધુ ડાઉનલોડ્સ !!

    રંગોને દૂર કરીને અથવા બદલીને તમારા ફોટાઓ સાથે અદભૂત આર્ટવર્ક બનાવો!

    Google ગૂગલ પ્લે પર સ્ટાફની પસંદગીમાં પસંદગી ★★★

    - તમારા ફોટા સિવાય તમારા ચહેરા સિવાયની દરેક વસ્તુને ગ્રે કરો!
    - તમારા વાળ લીલા બનાવો
    - તમારા ચહેરા ઉપર ધ્વજ પેન્ટ કરો
    - પાણી, આકાશ, તમને ગમે તે રંગ બદલો !!

    ઝડપી અને પ્રવાહી સરળ ઇન્ટરફેસ રંગ સ્પ્લેશ એફએક્સને સરળ અને મનોરંજક બનાવે છે!

    --- આવૃત્તિ 1.2 અહીં છે !! ---
    સાથે રંગ સ્પ્લેશ લાગુ કરવા માટે FX પસંદ કરો !!

    અનન્ય સુવિધાઓ:
    Or રંગ અથવા ભૂખરો રંગ
    New તમારા ફોટાના કોઈપણ ભાગને સંપૂર્ણપણે નવા રંગથી ફરીથી રંગ કરો!
    Two ઝૂમ ઇન અને આઉટ કરો અથવા બે-આંગળી ચપટી હાવભાવથી સ્ક્રોલ કરો
    Ixel પિક્સેલનું સંપૂર્ણ બ્રશ ગોઠવણ: કદ, ધાર, અસ્પષ્ટ
    ★ બ્રશનું કદ તમારી આંગળીના કદને સમાયોજિત કરે છે!
    Accident આકસ્મિક સ્પર્શ માટે અમર્યાદિત પૂર્વવત્
    Session સત્રો સાચવો અને જ્યાંથી તમે રવાના થયા છે ત્યાં ચાલુ રાખો
    Photo તમારા ફોટો આલ્બમ અથવા ક cameraમેરાથી ફોટા આયાત કરો
    Ra પોટ્રેટ / લેન્ડસ્કેપ મોડમાં કામ કરે છે
    Your તમારા માસ્ટરપીસને ફેસબુક, ટ્વિટર અને ફ્લિકર પર શેર કરો
    Phones બધા ફોન્સ અને ટેબ્લેટ્સ માટે સપોર્ટ
    Wallp વ wallpલપેપર / સંપર્ક તરીકે સેટ કરો
    ★ સંપૂર્ણ સહાય અને સૂચનાઓ

    સપોર્ટેડ એફએક્સ:
    ★ રંગ સ્પ્લેશ
    ★ એક્સ રે

    પ્રો એફએક્સ:
    C પેન્સિલ
    ★ અસ્પષ્ટતા
    . ટનલ
    ★ મોઝેઇક
    ★ રંગ ફ્લિપ
    Or નિર્દોષ
    Ect સ્પેક્ટ્રમ
    ★ વધુ ટૂંક સમયમાં આવી!

    એપ્લિકેશનમાં પ્રો તરફીકરણ કરતી વખતે પણ વધુ સુવિધાઓ ઉપલબ્ધ છે (હવે મફત ડાઉનલોડ તરીકે ઉપલબ્ધ છે!):
    Z ઝૂમ 20x કરો
    Brush બ્રશ ટીપ બતાવો
    Finger આંગળીની નીચેનો વિસ્તાર વિસ્તૃત કરો
    T લાલ રંગ સાથે રંગીન પ્રદેશોને હાઇલાઇટ કરો
    Ads જાહેરાતો દૂર કરો
    Soon વધુ ટૂંક સમયમાં આવી રહ્યું છે!

    સેકંડમાં અદભૂત અસરો બનાવો.

    નવી પરવાનગી: 'get_tasks' અને 'get_accounts' ઉમેરવામાં આવી છે જેથી ઉપકરણોને બદલતી વખતે અથવા ફરીથી ઇન્સ્ટોલ કર્યા પછી અનલockedક થયેલ સુવિધાઓ ખોવાઈ ન જાય
  • Cambi - Selfie Camera Filters Мод APK 1.05 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Cambi - Selfie Camera Filters Мод APK 1.05 [Unlocked]


    Express yourself as a fine-art photographer or make amazing selfie using a bright collection of the magic LIVE filters.
    Just download Cambi and create your own unique photo-masterpieces!

    + 130 impressive filters for any tastes
    + real-time filters: edit and preview your photos before you snap
    + offline filters: edit your photos directly from your gallery
    + simple editing tools: a vignette border, blur, strength of the effects
    + easy sharing photos to your favorite social networks

    Feel free to go crazy with the exceptional Cambi filters and enjoy being a real photo-artist.
    Color the world with Cambi!

    Tag your photos with #Cambi hashtag on instagram and they may be reposted to our official account @cambi.camera

    For any feedback please contact us:
    [email protected]
  • Zoom For Instagram Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Zoom For Instagram Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked]


    Zoom for Instagram is the next generation of Zoom For Instagram app,
    rebuilt from the scratch using modern technologies to provide modern user experience with excellent performance.

    Zoom For Instagram Version 2 brings a ton of new features, like the ability to open and zoom all Instagram media types including photos, multiple-media, profile pictures and videos.

    After installing Zoom For Instagram, do the followings simple steps to open Instagram media in Zoom for Instagram:
    1. Tap the media menu or the user profile menu in Instagram application
    2. Select one of the following options:
    • Tap "Copy Link" for media or "Copy Profile URL" for user profile
    • Tap "Share To" and select ZoomFI in the opened dialog
    3. That's it! Instagram media will open in Zoom For Instagram, enjoy :)

    Please note:
    Zoom For Instagram is a complementary application for Instagram and is not developed, provided or supported by Instagram in any way
    ☆ Functionalities of this application depends on Instagram implementation, and the application may require updates or even stop working as a result of changes made by Instagram
    ☆ Opening media of private users will open it's profile image - this is according to Instagram privacy policy and not a bug

    ☆ Zoom all Instagram media types, including multiple photos/media, profile pictures, and videos
    ☆ Play, Pause, and Seek To, Instagram videos using internal and external media player
    ☆ Download all Instagram media types
    ☆ Share photos, and videos and not just URLs
    ☆ Bookmark photos, multiple-media, and videos for viewing them later
    ☆ Light and Dark Themes
    ☆ And many more cool features
  • Split Camera HD Мод APK 1.4.1 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Split Camera HD Мод APK 1.4.1 [Unlocked]


    It's never been easier to clone yourself or your friend.
    - Take two photos
    - Adjust split and blending
    - Add optional filter
    - Share the pic anywhere you want

    Self-timer makes cloning easy and because of the blender, the shots don't need to be perfectly aligned. The full resolution makes your clones look more realistic than ever.

    Download the app now and share your creativity!
  • Burst Mode Camera Мод APK 1.65 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Burst Mode Camera Мод APK 1.65 [Unlocked]


    Now you can have a super-fast multi burst camera always with you and ready for action. It s very easy to use: just hold down the shutter button for a continuous stream of pictures. You can also repeatedly tap the button if you want fewer pictures. The speed depends on device and lighting, but on good phones it s typically around 30 pictures per second.

    Burst mode is great for sports and nature photography, but also for everyday friends and family situations. You can get just the right pictures of your buddies, kids, pets or hobbies.

    The camera uses continuous autofocus if your phone has it, otherwise you can use tap-to-focus. Good light is key for achieving high speed. Use the torch flash when needed. Shutter sound can be turned off for "stealth mode" operation. Pictures are saved into your photo gallery in the Burst Mode Camera album. Use your phone s Photos or Gallery app to handle the pictures.

    Picture resolution is automatically optimized for high speed and reasonable quality suitable for web posts, messaging and making collages. This kind of speed is not possible using camera s highest resolutions.

  • EasyView for Instagram Мод APK 2.1.4 [Unlocked] 3.6

    EasyView for Instagram Мод APK 2.1.4 [Unlocked]


    More than 10 million users love and download EasyView on Apple app store!
    The best and ultimate third-party Instagram app on Apple App Store now comes to Google Play! It is the android version of EasyView.

    EasyView is a fast, versatile and easy-to-use Instagram App. With EasyView, you can view feeds in multiple columns, and gallery mode is enabled when viewing in full size. It allows you manage multiple Instagram accounts, and browse photos by category (e.g. Nature, Pets, Food, Cars). You can also make a collection of Instagram photos into amazing collage. EasyView is a wonderful photo makeover, cool and easy to use, beautify and share gorgeous photos to your Instagram.You can even subscribe to interesting tags and users, so never miss an important update! Last but not the least, you could protect your Instagram privacy with the passcode lock.

     Explore interesting photos
     Browse popular photos / videos, and the photos / videos you followed or liked
     Browse photos / videos in categories, including Nature, Pets, Girls, Kids, Food, Fashion, Car and Architecture
     Play videos in feed, both preview mode and full size mode are supported
     Check where a photo / video was taken on Map
     Check a user s photos on Map, just like the Instagram s Photo Map feature
     Search by tag or user name
     View photos in full size. Swiping Mode is enabled when viewing photos in full size, allowing users to easily swipe from one photo to another

     Easily download photos and videos
     1-tap to download your favorite photo if you get permissions of its owner.

     Batch download photos and videos
     Save at most 100 favorite photos and videos from Instagram at the same time at the background, without disturbing your surfing on EasyView.
     Manage the downloading progress at the well designed dashboard of Batch Download.
     Manage (such as view, share and delete) your downloaded photos and videos just like the official photo album.
    (Free version has a limitation of 1 photo or video downloaded at the same time)

     Support for multiple users
     Just switch to a different user easily, without having to enter a password again. (This is a premium feature)
    *Note: EasyView do not support posting photos to different users because of the strict limitation made by official Instagram.

     Collage from Instagram photos
     Collage photos with Instagram photos or photos from your photo library
     Choose any picture from your photo library and make it fit completely on Instagram without having to crop it
     Edit, beautify, decorate photos before posting them to Instagram, and also support a large collection of beautiful and practical picture effects
     3 collaging modes: template collage, free collage and joint collage

     Protect your Instagram privacy
     Easily set passcode lock. This is a premium feature.

     Stay closely with important events / friends
     Hide a user s all photos to keep your feed less noisy. (This is a premium feature)
     Subscribe to a tag you are interested in.
     Subscribe to a user, so as not to lose updates of your closest friends or favorite artists.

     Vivid liking and commenting
     1-tap or 2-tap to like photos.
     Type any user s name in comments can immediately @ the user and start replying.
     Tap on any comment to copy or delete it.

     Extensive sharing options
     Share photos to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Pocket, Evernote, Tumblr and Sina Weibo .
     Send photos via Email or save to Camera Roll.

    You can remove ads and get all premium features by upgrading to Premium version

    Unfortunately the Instagram API doesn t support photo upload. However, we have a quick link to launch the official Instagram Android app to take or upload photos.

    Download and enjoy EasyView on your phones and tablets!

     You need an Instagram account to use this app!
     This product uses the Instagram API but is not endorsed or certified by Instagram.

  • Hidden video recorder (HVR) Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Hidden video recorder (HVR) Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked]


    Hidden Video Recorder is background recording so nobody sees that. For example :
    - Investigation babysitter, they take care of your children well or badly? protect your child avoid bad babysitter.
    - you're proving a something, but you can not record video directly
    Hidden Video Recorder will help you.
    This is the best app available in the Android market for hidden video recording with
    smooth material design
    - Unlimited video duration, automatic splitting large video
    - No preview.
    - Turn screen off and continue recording
    - One touch take video recording,
    - One touch operation for schedule recording
    - Supports front and back camera
    - Support full video quality - Ultra HD (3840 x 2160 pixel)
    - Silent recording, no camera shutter sound & vibration .
    - Hide video from Gallery
    - Support night vision
    - Custom icon for launcher so the app is completely discreet
    - Enable/disable flash light during recording
    - Disable Notification icon so there is no screen indication that video is recording
    - Password protected for full security
    avoid long video recording crash due:
    - Storage check low
    - Battery level check low
    Suggest features;
    - Turn screen off and continue recording. That saves battery and allows long recording
    - Reduce video quality enough to use to increase usage time and storage
    Important stuff, simplified!
    in compliance with local and federal laws.
    Without invading on people's privacy.
    We take your privacy very seriously. Recorded video are your property and remain solely in your possession.
    All feedback and feature requests related to the operation of the application, as well as many other questions can be send feedback in application. If you like our app, please take a minute to rate it on Google Play.
  • Photo Watermark Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Photo Watermark Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Photo Watermark lets you add Watermarks to your photos. Photo Watermark comes in variety of Categories:

    1. Signature on Photos. Signature Drawing Tool to create your own Signature to add on photos.
    2. Photo on Photo. Watermark added to a Photo can be Photo. You can add transparency to photo on photo to make Watermark appears semi transparent.
    3. Draw on Photo or Add Text to Photos. Photo Watermarks can be Drawing on Text on Photos.

    Photo Watermark is easy to use:
    1. Select a Photo on which you want to add Watermark.
    2. Add Signature or Text or Another Photo on Photo to create Watermark on your photos.
    3. Signatures can be created and saved for future use.
    4. Save and Share Watermarked photos with friends and family.

    Create Photo Watermarks and share them with friends and family.
  • GIF Maker  - GIF Editor Мод APK 1.1.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    GIF Maker - GIF Editor Мод APK 1.1.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    GIF MAKER - GIF EDITOR - VIDEO TO GIF - GIF TO VIDEO, CAPTURA DE ECRAN ÎN GIF, GIF ÎN IMAGINE, CONTROL GIF-uri, mod ușor de a crea GIF din videoclipul dvs., mai multe imagini. Distribuiți GIF-ul pentru toată lumea prin FB, TW, GIPPHY, IMGUR, IG, WAP.

    Unele caracteristici au în aplicare:
    • Tăiați videoclipul, decupați videoclipul înainte de a crea GIF.
    • Adăugați peste 200 de imagini pentru a crea GIF.
    • Editați GIF-ul înainte de a salva.
    • Adăugați etichetă cu stil de text, culoare.
    • Adaugă peste 100 de stickere amuzante în GIF-ul tău
    • Gestionează toate imaginile din GIF-ul tău.
    • Gestionați toate fișierele GIF pe care le-ați creat și vizualizați-le când doriți.
    • Partajați GIF-ul dvs. printr-un singur clic. Este foarte ușor pentru toată lumea. Puteți încărca GIF în GIPHY, IMGUR, FB, TW.
    • Vedeți tendințe, amuzante în GIPHY.
    • Creați GIF din link GIF, cum ar fi GIPHY sau .gif.
    • UX nou.
    • Importați GIF de ieșire în Galerie.
    • Încărcați toate GIF pe dispozitivele dvs.
    • Creați GIF din video în rețeaua socială.
    • Eliminați GIF de fundal.

    Vrem să vă oferim cele mai bune aplicații despre GIF. Vă rugăm să instalați aplicația mea și să vă bucurați de ea. Lăsați comentariul, cererea sau feedbackul dvs. ajutați-vă să îmbunătățim aplicația mea.

    Kayak Studio - Îmbunătățiți-vă viața
  • DSLR Camera:4k HD Camera:Full HD Camera Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    DSLR Camera:4k HD Camera:Full HD Camera Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Full HD Camera is a photography application that allow you to make High Definition pictures like a pro fast and simply, utilizing all advantages of your phones or tablets. With this application you can shot like professionals.

    Create high-resolution HD photos with excellent effects,fotocamera, photos and videos designed for videos and videos.With panorama mode.Professional Full HD Camera has so many & easy excellent features and options.Record any filmadora.
    You can take top quality photos with professional camera which is prepared with attention to user satisfaction.Also user satisfaction in hd quality recorder.
    Best camera App for android.

    Features of Full HD Camera :

    * Face Detection,fotocamera.
    * Easily Choose scene modes, color effects, white balance, ISO.
    * Photo Stamp and geo Tagging like where the picture has been taken.
    * Zoom With multi texture control using cam recorder.
    * Auto-Stabilize camera so that your pictures level perfectly.
    * Flash Control(on/off/auto/torch).
    * Touch to focus and also countdown timer or countdown camera.
    * Camera and Video Resolution choice and JPEG Quality.supports all resolutions support by HD camera.
    * Video frame rate, bitrate support.
    * Timer and Burst Mode with changable time delay.
    * UI WOrks on any orientation with panorama.
    * Choice for changing save folder(fotocamera).
    * Configurable on screen display(battery level,time,rule of thirds,device memory)
    * Share Photo instantly after click for hd quality recorder.
    * Very small size for producing filmadora.
    * Full HD Camera is free with excellent features.
    * Front / rear camera selection.Video cam and video recorder.
    * Select scene modes, color effects, white balance and exposure compensation.
    * Select camera and video quality and resolution JPEG,PNG.
    * Video recording time (with optional audio).
    * Burst mode with configurable delay for cam recorder.
    * To turn off the optional shutter sound.
    * Excellent 360 degree camera with high resolution.
    * GUI to work in any direction without any pause to change the direction. Optimize your choice for right and left handed users.
    * Keys Adjustable volume (to take pictures, zoom or to change exposure compensation).
    * Open camera functionality: support for focus modes, scene modes, color effects, white balance, ISO, exposure compensation / lock, face recognition, torch.
    * Video recording (supports all resolutions including HD).
    * Convenient remote control: timer (optional audio countdown), automatic repeat mode (with configurable delay).
    * Adjustable volume keys.So this is the best camera app.
    * Multi-touch gesture and one-touch remote control.
    * To lock the portrait or landscape orientation for the desired photo or video.
    * Fotocamera with Disabilities shutter sound with cam recorder.
    * Optional GPS location tagging (geotagging) photos and videos; For photos, this compass direction (GPSImgDirection, GPSImgDirectionRef) contains.
    * Apply a date and time stamp, location coordinates, and custom text to photos.
    * (selfie shooting) Also known as front camera for hd quality recorder.
    * External microphone support for panorama also.
    * Widget to take pictures automatically after startup.
    * Manual focusing distance; Manual ISO; Manual exposure time; RAW (DNG) files.
    * A perfect camera that shoots at the highest level for free filmadora.
    * Best ultra 4k effect so known as Ultra 4k professional camera.

    *camera free feature for android.
    We are sure you gonna love this Full HD Camera after you give it a try, so what are you waiting for...
  • Uber Iris - Photo Collage Maker, Editor & Filters Мод APK 2.1.2 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Uber Iris - Photo Collage Maker, Editor & Filters Мод APK 2.1.2 [Unlocked]


    The all new avatar of Uber Iris comes loaded with awesome features you always wish you had. Now you can not just apply awesome free photo effects and filters to your photos with Uber Iris but do a lot more than that with Overlays, Frames, Layouts, Borders, Stickers and a Meme Generator! Convert your device into a pro photo studio by applying more than 50 different free photo filters and effects to your photos!


    ★ Photo Edits - Crop, Rotate, Adjust & Flip
    ★ Overlays
    ★ Layouts
    ★ Frames - Birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day etc.,
    ★ Stickers - A whole lot of Ultra Cool Stickers for Birthdays and more.
    ★ More than 70+ Stunning Photo Filters
    ★ Meme Generator

    Uber Iris is a free photo editor for Android that lets you effortlessly add gorgeous and funky Instagram - like effects and filters to your photos. Pick from a wide range of filters, effects and other adjustments, apply them to your photos and watch them transform into uber cool works of art. And what's more, you can also proudly display them on your social pages!

    This free photo editor includes:

    ★ Extremely smooth and user-friendly interface which allows for quick photo editing.
    ★ Take a photo from within the app or import photos from your camera roll and edit them on the move. Go crazy with your camera!
    ★ Choose from over 50 awesome effects and filters to make your photos look artistic and stunning
    ★ Sliders to finely control each effect/filter and style strength
    ★ Use this free photo editor to apply multiple photo effects and filters to the same photo to get interesting effects
    ★ This free photo editor has photo editing tools like crop, rotate, flip and adjustments for brightness, hue etc
    ★ Save your masterpieces on your camera roll or share them with friends and family.

    Grab your Android Camera and apply these amazing photo filters and effects:

    ✓ Black & White
    ✓ Contrast
    ✓ Grayscale
    ✓ Sharpen
    ✓ Sepia
    ✓ Sobel Edge Detection
    ✓ Three X Three Convolution
    ✓ Filter Group
    ✓ Color Emboss
    ✓ Posterize
    ✓ Gamma
    ✓ Brightness
    ✓ Invert
    ✓ Hue
    ✓ Pixelation
    ✓ Saturation
    ✓ Exposure
    ✓ Highlight Shadow
    ✓ Monochrome
    ✓ Opacity
    ✓ RGB
    ✓ White Balance
    ✓ Vignette
    ✓ Tone Curve
    ✓ Blend Chroma Key
    ✓ Lookup Amatorka
    ✓ Gaussian Blur
    ✓ Crosshatch
    ✓ Box Blur
    ✓ VGA Colorspace
    ✓ Dilation
    ✓ RGB Dilation
    ✓ Sketch
    ✓ Toon
    ✓ Smooth Toon
    ✓ Bulge Distortion
    ✓ Glass Sphere
    ✓ Haze
    ✓ Laplacian
    ✓ Non Maximum Suppression
    ✓ Sphere Refraction
    ✓ Swirl
    ✓ Weak Pixel Inclusion
    ✓ False Color
    ✓ Color Balance
    ✓ Levels Filter Min
    ✓ 70's
    ✓ Purple Haze
    ✓ Cyanotype
    ✓ Luminous
    ✓ Rewind
    ✓ X Pro
    ✓ Broken Camera
    ✓ Old Sketch
    ✓ Blur
    ✓ Photocopy
    ✓ Color Halftone
    ✓ Sandpaper
    ✓ Noir
    ✓ Motion Blur
    ✓ Solarize
    ✓ 8-Bit
    ✓ Diffuse
    ✓ Threshold
    ✓ Glow
    ✓ Bump
    ✓ Diffusion
    ✓ Tint
    ✓ Engrave
    ✓ Scanlines
    ✓ Color Sketch
    ✓ Emboss
    ✓ Crystallize

    Photo Editing Tools:

    ★ Rotate: Rotate your photos both clockwise & anticlockwise
    ★ Flip: Flip your photo in any direction using this photo editor
    ★ Crop: Choose from a range of crop options; Freeform, Golden Ratio, Square & others
    ★ Adjustments: Fine-tune your pictures by adjusting the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue

    Get this free photo editor now and start clicking with your Android camera!
  • pixPaper Мод APK 2.2.1 [Premium] 3.6

    pixPaper Мод APK 2.2.1 [Premium]


    18 August 2018
    Due to 500px API shutdown, app is now rebranded as pixPaper and loads images from Flickr or local folders with more services to come.

    Live wallpaper displaying beautiful randomly chosen images from online services.

    - Choose categories you like to see on your wallpaper.
    - Simply tap with two fingers on home screen to change wallpaper.

    - Choose Flickr or Local folder (more services to come)
    - Two finger touch update
    - History of images you saw on your desktop
    - Choose any category
    - Choose any feed

    - Color filters to match your style: Black&White, Sepia, Matrix Green, Color Boost, Desaturate, Dim
    - Blur effect
    - Set Wi-fi only update
    - Customize interval update
  • Mystic Camera Мод APK 1.2 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Mystic Camera Мод APK 1.2 [Unlocked]


    મિસ્ટિક ફૂલ શોધો.

    આજુબાજુ ચાલો અને નવા પરિમાણો સાથે વૂડ જુઓ.
    રંગબેરંગી અસર સાથે સામાન્ય રીતે ફોટા અથવા વિડિઓ લો.
    સેકંડમાં તમારા ફોટામાં એક રહસ્યમય વિસ્તરણ ઉમેરો અથવા કેટલાક પરિમાણો સાથે કલાકો સુધી પ્રયોગ કરો.

    એવા રંગને માસ્ક કરો કે જેના પર તમે અસર લાગુ કરવા માંગતા નથી.
    વિડિઓઝ રેકોર્ડ કરો.
    સંપૂર્ણ લેન્ડસ્કેપ અને પોટ્રેટ સપોર્ટ.
    ગેલેરીમાં ઝડપી પ્રવેશ.
    ફેસબુક, ટ્વિટર વગેરે પર ફોટા શેર કરવા માટે ગેલેરીનો ઉપયોગ કરો.

    પ્રકાશ, સંપૂર્ણ મૂળ એપ્લિકેશન
  • Photo Collage Мод APK 2.28 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Photo Collage Мод APK 2.28 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Photo Collage is packed with templates, stickers, grid and layout options, photo effects, and exciting photo editor tools to make photos extra special.

    * Photo Collage Editor is a powerful frame photo editor for you to create amazing collages using your photos, fun stickers, backgrounds, text with layout and frames.
    * Photo Collage Editor is the best collage maker & photo editor that helps you combine multiple photos with various frame layout and photo grids
    * Photo Collage Editor packs a simple design with a powerful photo editor to give you everything you could, and Collage your photos to be amazing

    * Photo Collage Editor is a better way to make collage. By following a few steps, you can use any layouts by remixing your own photos and sharing them with your friends:
    - Pick the layout you like best;
    - Choose photos from your gallery;
    - See them laid out in a cool collage;
    - Edit it to make it your own!

    * Our Facebook page:
    * Our Instagram:

    Key Features:
    + 120+ layouts of frames to choose from!
    + Easy to change border colors,BG and patterns!
    + Simple touch gestures to rotate, resize
    + Lots of backgrounds and stickers to choose from!
    + Easy to add TEXT or STICKERS!
    + A full-featured photo editor included!
    + Easy to use UI
    + Amazing photo fx filters
    + Share to social network

    Note: the edited image is saved in "Album/PhotoCollage" or "File Manager/DCIM/PhotoCollage" or “Gallery/PhotoCollage"
  • DSLR HD Camera Professional 4K Мод APK 1.6 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    DSLR HD Camera Professional 4K Мод APK 1.6 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    DSLR HD Camera Professional 1080p 2018 iso celia
    Capture your iso photos and videos in excellent celia quality at high resolution
    Excellent features and high iso quality DSLR HD Camera celia
    An excellent Professional DSLR HD Camera that you can use all its contents and features for free.
    Professional Camera Full iso featured and completely free celia Camera app for Android phones and tablets.
    * DSLR HD Camera is free with excellent features.
    * Face Detection Alternative.
    * Front / rear camera selection.
    * Select scene modes, color effects, white balance and exposure compensation.
    * Select camera and video quality and resolution JPEG.
    * Video recording time (with optional audio).
    Burst mode with configurable delay.
    * To turn off the optional shutter sound.
    * GUI to work in any direction without any pause to change the direction. Optimize your choice for right and left handed users.
    * Keys Adjustable volume (to take pictures, zoom or to change exposure compensation).
    * Open camera functionality: support for focus modes, scene modes, color effects, white balance, ISO, exposure compensation / lock, face recognition, torch.
    * Video recording (supports all resolutions including HD).
    * Convenient remote control: timer (optional audio countdown), automatic repeat mode (with configurable delay).
    * Adjustable volume buttons.
    * Multi-touch gesture and one-touch remote control.
    * To lock the portrait or landscape orientation for the desired photo or video.
    * Disabilities shutter sound.
    * Optional GPS location tagging (geotagging) photos and videos; For photos, this compass direction (GPSImgDirection, GPSImgDirectionRef) contains.
    * Apply a date and time stamp, location coordinates, and custom text to photos.
    * Also known as front camera (selfie shooting)
    * (Some) external microphone support.
    * Widget to take pictures automatically after startup.
    * Manual focusing distance; Manual ISO; Manual exposure time; RAW (DNG) files.
    * Please contact us for your satisfaction and expectations.

    We are sure you gonna love this DSLR HD camera pro after you give it a try, so what are you waiting for...

    Download your copy of "DSLR HD Camera" Now and try to shot better than your friends !

    It's will be nice to rate us 5 stars ! Thanks.
  • NewYork Filter - Analog film Filters Мод APK 1.2.4 [Premium] 3.5

    NewYork Filter - Analog film Filters Мод APK 1.2.4 [Premium]


    NewYork Filter is the easist photo editor and photo filter app to add analog film filters to your photos.

    With just a few clicks, you can create the perfect emulation of a Selfie camera.

    Apply your favorite photo filters and create retro photos.

    Analog film photo editor also comes wtih film scratches and dust for more authentic film look.

    It is the emulation and replica of your favorite cameras from the 90 like eight mm sweet camera or your vhs camera.

    These photo filters are perfect for wedding and suitable for manny romantic occasions.

    Here are some features you can expect:

    20+ Professionally designed Analog filters
    Choose from over 30+ beautifully crafted analog film effects for your pictures

    30+ Light-leak effects
    Complete your analog film photo look with 50+ pretty light-leak effects. Increase and decrease the intensity for that customized look

    Advanced Editing Tools
    Applying photo filters is not enough. Personalize your photos with advanced photo editing tools like brightness, contrast, sweet filter analog, saturation and sharpness

    Easy Sharing tools
    Share your perfect analog photos on social media
    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you
  • Marrs Мод APK 1.1.5 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.6

    Marrs Мод APK 1.1.5 [Unlocked][Premium]


    Marrs Filter is the easist photo editor and photo filter app to add analog film filters to your photos.

    With just a few clicks, you can create the perfect emulation of a Selfie camera.

    Apply your favorite photo filters and create retro photos.

    Analog film photo editor also comes wtih film scratches and dust for more authentic film look.

    It is the emulation and replica of your favorite cameras from the 90 like eight mm sweet camera or your vhs camera.

    These photo filters are perfect for wedding and suitable for manny romantic occasions.

    Here are some features you can expect:

    20+ Professionally designed Analog filters
    Choose from over 30+ beautifully crafted analog film effects for your pictures

    30+ Light-leak effects
    Complete your analog film photo look with 50+ pretty light-leak effects. Increase and decrease the intensity for that customized look

    Advanced Editing Tools
    Applying photo filters is not enough. Personalize your photos with advanced photo editing tools like brightness, contrast, sweet filter analog, saturation and sharpness

    Easy Sharing tools
    Share your perfect analog photos on social media
    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you
  • Lomy filter - the feelings of old memories Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.7

    Lomy filter - the feelings of old memories Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlocked][Premium]


    Lomy filter makes your moments as precious as the feelings of analog film with old memories.
    Auto Create photos in an instant with vintage feeling.

    Camera makers of every era always tried to capture the best moments and such an effort continued back in 1980 as well, whereby our memories became clearer.

    Lomy filter has the effort of those days to leave precious moments as vivid and vibrant photographs.

    - Auto Create photos in an instant with vintage feeling
    - 30+ Professionally designed Analog film filters
    - 20+ Film Scratches and Dust
    - 50+ Light leak filters
    - Lomo filters
    - Adjustments
    - Nondestructive editing. Go back and change anything you want.
    - Easy Sharing tools. Share your perfect analog photos on social media

    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you
  • LightYellow Мод APK 1.1 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.7

    LightYellow Мод APK 1.1 [Unlocked][Premium]


    LightYellow is the easist photo editor and photo filter app to add analog film filters to your photos.

    With just a few clicks, you can create the perfect emulation of a Selfie camera. 

    Apply your favorite photo filters and create retro photos. 

    Analog film photo editor also comes wtih film scratches and dust for more authentic film look. 

    It is the emulation and replica of your favorite cameras from the 90 like eight mm sweet camera or your vhs camera. 

    These photo filters are perfect for wedding and suitable for manny romantic occasions. 

    Here are some features you can expect: 

    30+ Professionally designed Analog filters
    Choose from over 30+ beautifully crafted analog film effects for your pictures

    50+ Light-leak effects
    Complete your analog film photo look with 50+ pretty light-leak effects. Increase and decrease the intensity for that customized look 

    Advanced Editing Tools 
    Applying photo filters is not enough. Personalize your photos with advanced photo editing tools like brightness, contrast, sweet filter analog, saturation and sharpness 

    Easy Sharing tools
    Share your perfect analog photos on social media 
    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you
  • Analog film Pink filters - Pretty Amazing filters Мод APK 2.3.8 [Premium] 3.8

    Analog film Pink filters - Pretty Amazing filters Мод APK 2.3.8 [Premium]


    Analog film Pink filters - Free and faster.
    Analog film Pink filters is the easist photo editor and photo filter app to add analog film filters to your photos.

    With just a few clicks, you can create the perfect emulation of a Selfie camera.

    Apply your favorite photo filters and create retro photos.

    Analog film photo editor also comes wtih film scratches and dust for more authentic film look.

    It is the emulation and replica of your favorite cameras from the 90 like eight mm sweet camera or your vhs camera.

    These photo filters are perfect for wedding and suitable for manny romantic occasions.

    Here are some features you can expect:

    30+ Professionally designed Analog filters
    Choose from over 30+ beautifully crafted analog film effects for your pictures

    15+ Film Scratches and Dust
    Complete your analog film photo look with 15+ REAL film dirts and scratches. Increase and decrease the intensity for that customized look

    Advanced Editing Tools
    Applying photo filters is not enough. Personalize your photos with advanced photo editing tools like brightness, contrast, sweet filter analog, saturation and sharpness

    Easy Sharing tools
    Share your perfect analog photos on social media
    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you
  • LightLE Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.9

    LightLE Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked][Premium]


    LightLE Filter makes your moments as precious as the feelings of analog film with old memories.

    Camera makers of every era always tried to capture the best moments and such an effort continued back in 1980 as well, whereby our memories became clearer.
    LightLE Filter has the effort of those days to leave precious moments as vivid and vibrant photographs.

    - Auto Create photos in an instant with vintage feeling
    - 30+ Professionally designed Analog film filters
    - 70+ Light leak effects
    - 15+ Film Scratches and Dust
    - Color filter
    - Gradient color filters
    - Onetap Glitch effect (Chromatic aberration)
    - Adjustments
    - Nondestructive editing. Go back and change anything you want.
    - Easy Sharing tools. Share your perfect analog photos on social media

    If you like this app , please rate us 5 star . Thanks you


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