Дома / Оплаченный
  • Army Helicopter Transport Game Мод APK 2.2 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 2.9

    Army Helicopter Transport Game Мод APK 2.2 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    Připravte se létat na nejlepším simulátoru armádního pilota vrtulníku pro dopravu. Pokud máte rádi vrtulníkové hry a simulátor vrtulníku; tato hra je pro vás. Toto je nejlepší pilotní létající, vrtulníkové hry zdarma. Po obdržení mnoha žádostí o pilota vrtulníku od armády jste byli vybráni jako šťastný pilot, který bude létat a ovládat úžasný hi-tech armádní vrtulník nové generace z armádní základny určený pro přepravu skupiny speciálních služeb armádních komand. Vojáci musí být dopraveni z armádní základny na frontovou linii bojiště. Bojovali by tam s nepřítelem a vyměňovali si s nepřítelem intenzivní palbu. Při jízdě helikoptérou byste byli vedeni šipkou a vrtulník jste museli míjet z kruhů na trase. Jakmile projdete prstenem, objeví se vám další prsten. V případě, že nestihnete projít z ringu, další prsten se neobjeví a mise bude dokončena. Každá mise vyžaduje vaše vysoké dovednosti a vaším úkolem je řídit vrtulník opatrně a nedrtit ho v kopcích a horách. Jste skvělý kapitán a musíte to tentokrát dokázat úspěšným transportem. Ukažte své létající schopnosti a nahlaste se veliteli. Tato přeprava je návyková a nepřestanete ji hrát znovu a znovu. Vlastnosti: Mnoho armádních vrtulníků k pilotování létání na horských kopcích Náročná hra se skutečnými zvukovými efekty
  • Snap Bingo Caller & Verifier Мод APK 4.26 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 4

    Snap Bingo Caller & Verifier Мод APK 4.26 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    استمتع بلعبة البنغو المثالية على الطريقة الفلبينية مع Bingo Caller & Verifier Pusoy! يجلب هذا التطبيق الإثارة إلى ألعاب البنغو المنزلية الخاصة بك ويعزز فرص فوزك بمزيد من البطاقات في كل لعبة دون فقدان التركيز.


    • احصل على بطاقات بنغو مجانية واستخدم بطاقات متعددة في لعبة واحدة، العب الليلة!
    • العب بنغو مع الأصدقاء والعائلة على مجموعات المراسلة (مثل Tongits Go)
    • قم بإنشاء بطاقة بنغو بسيطة مخصصة باستخدام ️ صانع تذاكر البنغو لـ Bingo 75 Balls أو Housie / Tambola Generator (Bingo 90 Balls)
    • إنشاء بنغو متعدد البطاقات للعائلة أو بنغو المراسلة
    • وضع الموزع مع ️ Bingo Caller
    • العب البنغو في المنزل مع العائلة أو الأصدقاء (قم بإنشاء بطاقات بنغو للجميع)
    • سهولة تصفية بطاقة البنغو الفائز
    • الدهانات المرئية الواضحة
    • المزامنة مع اللعبة و✔️ التحقق من علامات البطاقة
    • اختر أنماطًا فريدة أو أضفها أو استخدم الروابط لتشغيل الأنماط الشائعة أو غير الشائعة
    • اختر النمط الخاص بك من قائمتنا أو قم بإضافة أنماط لعبة البنغو الفريدة الخاصة بك
    • استمتع بتجربة البنغو بسرعة البرق للحصول على نتائج سريعة في ألعابك
    • أرسل لوحة البنغو إلى جهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك ليراها جميع اللاعبين

    العب البنغو في المنزل ولكن إذا كنت ستذهب مع والدتك؟ راقب أيضًا بطاقاتها!

    صفحة الفيسبوك:

    قم دائمًا بمراجعة بطاقاتك الفعلية مقابل البطاقات الممسوحة ضوئيًا (انقر لفترة طويلة لتحرير القيمة الممسوحة ضوئيًا). يرجى قراءة شروط الخدمة لدينا قبل استخدام هذا التطبيق.
  • [Premium] RPG Dragon Lapis Мод APK 1.1.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.7

    [Premium] RPG Dragon Lapis Мод APK 1.1.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    The dawn of a new hero!

    A thousand years ago, a great battle ensued between two dragons, one gold and the other silver, where they were sealed away. However, the real tale begins many centuries later after the Silver Dragon reawakens, and launches an assault on a frontier village in the far north.

    There, a royal knight by the name of Lucas serves as a guard after being relegated to the rural and much isolated location by the King. Yet, little does he know he is, in fact, a descendant of the hero, Alaric, who once sealed the Gold and Silver Dragons in human form. Nonetheless, when tragedy strikes, he soon finds his place, and after teaming up with a band of unlikely companions, sets out on an adventure to save the world.

    - Make a return to the golden age of RPGs!
    - Intuitive controls & retro graphics!
    - Unlock the growth plates to power up characters!
    - Change and master jobs to use more abilities!
    - Plenty of subquests and extra content!
    - Challenging dungeons full of gimmicks and formidable opponents!
    - Fight various enemies and complete the Enemy Guide!
    - Play the Lottery to win strong equipment!
    - Character's appearance changes depending on their job!
    - Splendid BGM from the renowned game composer Ryuji Sasai!
    - This edition includes 800 bonus in-game points!

    * The game can be played in its entirety without the need for in-game transactions.

    [Supported OS]
    - 6.0 and up
    [Supported Screens]
    - HD (480x800) and up
    [Game Controller]
    - Incompatible
    [SD Card Storage]
    - Enabled
    - English, Japanese
    [Non-Supported Devices]
    GALAXY NEXUS(4.2), F-10D(4.2.2), GT-I9152
    This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee full support on other devices. If you have the Developer Options enabled in your device, please turn off the "Don't keep activities" option in case of any issue.

    Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. If you do not agree, please do not download our application.

    End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html
    Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html

    Get the latest information!
    [Facebook page]

    * The actual price might differ depending on the region.
    * Please contact us through the Contact button on the title screen if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews.

  • Save Brave Dave: Puzzle Runner Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 5

    Save Brave Dave: Puzzle Runner Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]

    Save Brave Dave is a puzzle runner based on interaction with the environment. You will use various devices and objects while running that will help you or hinder your progress.
    Are you able to reach the finish and find out where Brave Dave is so eager to get?

    - Unique game mechanics
    - Hand crafted levels with various traps and puzzles
    - Simple and user friendly controls
  • AutoTune Pro  (OBD-2 ScanTool) Мод APK 4.2.7 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 4.0

    AutoTune Pro (OBD-2 ScanTool) Мод APK 4.2.7 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBD2 engine management / ECU

    AutoTune Pro - Check Engine fault codes, diagnostics, scanner, monitor.

    Adapter Required ELM327 or compatible OBD scanner. Supported: OBD-II (Bluetooth, Veepeak (BLE), WiFi, Kiwi 3 (BLE), V-Gate iCar 3 (BLE), Carista, Vinli).

    AutoTune Pro also features:

    ● Demonstration mode

    ● Read & display realtime multiple parameters

    ● Recording parameters in background mode, fuel economy, acceleration

    ● Lookup fault code database from different manufacturers

    ● Reads real-time and stored diagnostics parameters from ECU of OBD-II compliant cars

    ● Clear Fault codes - without restriction

    ● Reads real-time engine and vehicle OBD2 parameters PIDs

    ● Share diagnostics data when looking for a professional service center

    The powerful AutoTune tool can help you recover clear and find auto

    - We always keep up to date.

    - AutoTune Pro supports a wide & latest variety of Devices.

    We would greatly appreciate the feedback on the app. Please send us an email about your experiences, or suggestions.
  • FINALSWORD Мод APK 5.7.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    FINALSWORD Мод APK 5.7.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    الإصدار النهائي للجوال السيف

    هل ما زلت تلعب ألعابًا عادية فقط على هاتفك الذكي؟
    جرب الآن لعبة ARPG من نوع Openworld!

    استمتع بلعبة ARPG ثلاثية الأبعاد الحقيقية في العالم المفتوح ، بهاتفك الذكي ولوحتك الذكية في أي مكان.

    منذ وقت ليس ببعيد ، اقتحمت الوحوش قرية لوريل الهادئة.
    لكن ما هو أكثر إلحاحًا بالنسبة للشخصية الرئيسية الآن هو والدته ،
    من أجل علاج مرض الأم ، يجب أن يجد الأعشاب ، ولكن هناك المزيد من الوحوش الشريرة خارج القرية.
    الشخصية الرئيسية التي لم تحمل سيفًا على يدها قط ، تترك القرية لأمه على الرغم من ثني والده.
    وحش عملاق يهاجم و .. بكاء الغابة المجهول.
    انطلق في مغامرة لتكون بطلاً الآن !!

    - FINAL SWORD (ME) هي سلسلة من ARPG يمكنك لعبها على هاتفك الذكي.
    - معارك تخطف الأنفاس مع الوحوش.
    - قم بمهام في جميع أنحاء العالم ، استخدم سيفًا وسحرًا مختلفًا
    - يختلف مستوى إصدار الهاتف المحمول عن إصدار وحدة التحكم.

    - الحد الأدنى من المواصفات: 3 جيجا بايت رام أو أعلى
    - المواصفات الموصى بها: Exynos 8890 AP / SnapDragon 820 AP أو أعلى
    - دعم Android Gamepad
    - لا توجد رسوم إضافية بعد التنزيل.
    - لا تحتاج إلى اتصال Wifi لتشغيل اللعبة بعد التنزيل.
  • Fateful Lore Мод APK 2.1 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 4.1

    Fateful Lore Мод APK 2.1 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    منذ سنوات عديدة، تعرضت مملكة دامريل لهجوم من قبل الشيطانة داجلاكساك. اندلعت الحرب، وبينما كان سكان داميريل يقاتلون ببسالة، بدأوا يخسرون أرضهم - كان داجلاكساك قويًا جدًا. ومع ذلك، عندما فقد كل الأمل، تمكنت محاربة تدعى إغمولف من إبعاد أمير الحرب الشيطاني إلى بُعد آخر، حيث حوصرت إلى الأبد. لكن السلام قد لا يدوم لفترة أطول، لأن السحر الذي منع داجلاكساك من العودة بدأ يضعف! والأمر متروك لك - أعظم محاربي الملك - للمغامرة ومنع حدوث الفوضى مرة أخرى!

    Fateful Lore هي لعبة لعب الأدوار ذات الطراز القديم الجديدة تمامًا من Stonehollow Workshop! مستوحاة من ألعاب JRPG ذات 8 بتات من المدرسة القديمة، تعد Fateful Lore مغامرة تثير الحنين وستسعد محبي هذا النوع!

    * لعبة RPG ثنائية الأبعاد لنظام Android
    * معارك من منظور الشخص الأول بنظام تبادل الأدوار
    * عالم مفتوح هائل لاستكشافه
    * رسومات فنية جميلة بالبكسل
    * موسيقى شيبتون رائعة
    * العديد من الزنزانات الاختيارية لاستكشافها
    * الكثير من الغنائم للعثور عليها
    * حفظ في أي مكان
    * خاصية الحفظ التلقائي في حالة نسيان الحفظ!
    * سجل المهام لتتذكر ما فعلته في آخر مرة لعبت فيها
    * التورية الفظيعة حول الآبار في كل مدينة!
    * حوالي 8 ساعات من اللعب

    تحذير من النوبات:
    تحتوي هذه اللعبة على تأثيرات وامضة قد تجعلها غير مناسبة للأشخاص الذين يعانون من الصرع الحساس للضوء أو الحالات الأخرى الحساسة للضوء. ينصح بتقدير اللاعب. يمكن تعطيل تأثيرات الوميض في قائمة الخيارات.
  • Santhai Мод APK 617 5

    Santhai Мод APK 617

    Santhai is a 2D side scrolling RPG game that allows you to immerse yourselves in many urban activities. You can raise animals or grow and cultivate crops on your land. Your harvested products can be sold, eaten, or used as crafting materials for even more profitable products. Use your money to purchase various equipment to upgrade your character. Your character will have two types of experience meter. The base level and the job level. Leveling up your base level will give you points to be distributed into the core attributes while leveling up job level will allow your character to upgrade and learn new skills. Jobs are called careers. There are 5 occupations such as Warrior, Hunter, Merchant, Farmer, and Shaman. Each with unique characteristics waiting for you to experiment and find which play style suits you best.
  • Multiplication tables pet Мод APK 3.0.22 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 5

    Multiplication tables pet Мод APK 3.0.22 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    تعلم جداول الضرب بسهولة أثناء الاعتناء بحيوانك الأليف الافتراضي. تقدم اللعبة الطاولات بشكل تدريجي. ويتطلب الأمر ممارسة مستمرة للحفاظ على صحة Mategotchi وجعله يتطور حتى تحصل على شهادة الخبير. من خلال التكرار العشوائي للعمليات، ينتهي الأمر بالطفل بتعلم الجداول من 1 إلى 10 على أساس طوعي.
    تحصل هذه اللعبة من طفلك على الحد الأقصى لمعدل الضرب في الساعة.
    أول شيء هو أن تأخذ بيضة ماتيجوتشي وتسميها. ثم سيتعين عليك احتضانها وإعطائها الحرارة استجابة للعمليات الأولى. لا يهم إذا كنت مخطئًا، إنها مجرد عملية إحماء. بمجرد استجابتك لعدد قليل ، ستفقس البيضة وستكون قادرًا على رؤية طفلك الصغير.
    الآن عليك أن تبدأ في الإجابة على الأسئلة بجدية لأن حياة زميلك تعتمد على ذلك.
    في كل مرة تجيب فيها على سؤال، ستزداد طاقة mategotchi. من المهم أن تتدرب عليها كل يوم ، لأن الطاقة تقل شيئًا فشيئًا مع مرور الوقت ، وإذا وصلت إلى الصفر فسوف تموت.
    أيضًا ، في كل مرة تجيب فيها على سؤال صحيح ، ستكسب القليل من المال لإنفاقه في المتجر. حيث يمكنك، من بين أشياء أخرى، شراء الأدوية لشفاء حيوانك الأليف في حالة مرضه لأن طاقته منخفضة للغاية. لكنها ليست سحرية وإذا مرضت لفترة طويلة فلن يمكن علاجها. لذلك من المهم التدرب عليها كل يوم تقريبًا.
    سيطلب منك mategotchi جداول الضرب بشكل عشوائي وإذا فشلت ، فسوف يخبرك بالإجابة الصحيحة ، حتى تحصل عليها في المرة القادمة بشكل صحيح. ولكن لا تقلق لأنه سيبدأ بالأسهل ، وهو واحد من 1 ، وسوف يتقدم كما يرى أنك تتعلمها.
    سيتم ملاحظة النجاحات التي حققتها في كل عملية على لوحة النتائج. وعندما تكمل طاولة ستحصل على ميداليتها. عندما تحصل على 10 ميداليات، سيتطور ماتيجوتشي الخاص بك وستتمكن من رؤيته في شكله الجديد.
    بعد التطور ، سيتعين عليك الفوز بجميع الميداليات العشر مرة أخرى إذا كنت تريد أن تتطور مرة أخرى. ولكن هذه المرة سيكون الأمر أكثر صعوبة لأن الفشل سيحرمك من الميداليات.
    وهكذا حتى تصل إلى شكلها النهائي وتحصل على شهادتك كخبير في جداول الضرب. في تلك اللحظة يمكنك التأكد من أنه لا أحد يعرف جداول الضرب مثلك.
    إذا كنت تعرف أصدقاء آخرين لديهم mategotchi ، فيمكنك إدخال رموز أصدقائهم حتى يرتفع mategotchi الخاص بك على مقياس الشعبية ، وتحقق من يصل إلى مرتبة أعلى.
  • Little Crane 2: Mud Play Мод APK 2.02 4

    Little Crane 2: Mud Play Мод APK 2.02

    خليفة "The Little Crane That Can" التي تتيح لك الحفر في الوحل وتشكيل التضاريس.

    قم بقيادة جرافة أو حفارة أو رافعة علوية أو رافعة أو شاحنة.

    التضاريس قابلة للتشوه تمامًا في هذه اللعبة. اغرف الأوساخ، وأسقطها في مكان آخر.

    العالم هو صندوق الرمل الخاص بك!
  • Sagrada Мод APK 1.4.5 4.1

    Sagrada Мод APK 1.4.5

    اجعل تحفة الزجاج الملون الخاصة بك تحيي الحياة الرقمية المبهرة في ساغرادا ، لعبة ألواح النرد من Floodgate Games.

    بالتناوب اختيار الزهر الملونة ووضعها في نافذة الزجاج الملون رائع. الحرفي الذي يخلق أجمل نافذة يفوز.

    اختر النرد بعناية!
    ابحث عن الملاءمة المثالية لكل قطعة من نافذتك: القيود المفروضة على كل من اللون والأرقام التي تظهر في قالبك تشكل تحديًا محيرًا.

    استخدم ادواتك
    بصفتك حرفيًا رئيسيًا ، ستساعدك أدواتك التجارية على تشكيل النرد المتاح.

    يرجى المعجبين بك!
    التكيف مع متطلبات متقلب من رعاة الخاص بك - مع الحفاظ على الذوق الفني الخاص التوقيع - للحصول على مكانة إضافية.
  • Tap Roulette Shock My Friends Мод APK 2.31.2 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 3.3

    Tap Roulette Shock My Friends Мод APK 2.31.2 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    اضغط على Roulette Pro Shock My Friends Simulator: V! ++ منتقي الأصابع

    تم تمكين الوضع عبر الإنترنت.

    لعبة الروليت الأكثر تقدمًا على الإنترنت ومتعددة اللاعبين وغير متصلة بالإنترنت ...
    لعبة الشرب مع أصدقائك: اتخذ قرارات واشرب بعض اللقطات أو البيكولو أو حتى زجاجة إذا خسرت.
    تأتي لعبة الشرب الممتعة معك في لياليك المملة

    الدراما والتشويق في انتظارك ،
    اتخذ قراراتك مع أصدقائك ، إن Enigma بسيط وسهل ورائع للغاية tooblox.

    التخصيص الكامل:
    + لمس موضوع الإصبع.
    + لون خلفية اللعبة.
    + إنهاء موضوع النقل: انطلق ، جورب ، طماطم ، رذاذ الماء ...
    + Enigma Toolbox
    أظهر لأصدقائك واتخذ قرارات سريعة وسهلة مع أصدقائك
    www.taproulette.app صدمة الروليت محاكي مع الاهتزاز وميزات وامض.
    استمتع بحفلات الشرب مع أصدقائك ودع Tap roulette pro يتخذ قراراتك الصغيرة والكبيرة ؛)
    صندوق أدوات إنجما في متناول يدك.

    ملاحظة: لا يُنشئ هذا التطبيق صدمات كهربائية / كهربائية. إنه يحاكي التأثير بالاهتزاز واللمسة اللمسية

    إنه يهتز ويومض ويهتز ، وفلاش ، ومصباح Haptics-Taptics & Stroboscope عند اختيار الفائز! صندوق أدوات Enigma جاهز للاستخدام.

    للتعليقات والأفكار: [email protected]

    123 Happy Tap Tap Zap!
  • Money Manager Мод APK 4.0.0 [Patched] 4.3

    Money Manager Мод APK 4.0.0 [Patched]

    There are no plans to release updates to the Pro version of the App on the Google Play store anymore.
    Updates are possible only if the most critical errors are fixed (for example, the level: "The application does not start", etc. ... which of course is unlikely)
    To regularly update the app and get fresh functionality, use alternative app stores.
    If the situation changes, there will be additional information.
  • Sugar Drops - Match 3 puzzle Мод APK 6.0.0 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 4.5

    Sugar Drops - Match 3 puzzle Мод APK 6.0.0 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    تبدأ لعبة Sugar Drops كمطابقة ثلاثية بسيطة
    لعبة لوحية وتزيد الصعوبات تدريجيًا
    مع إضافة العقبات وتصبح أهداف المستوى
    أكثر تحديًا.

    * تقديم المفاتيح/عوائق القبو وزيادة قوة حلوى النجوم.
    * 300 مستوى على خمسة أوضاع صعوبة بما في ذلك الاسترخاء بدون مؤقت خاص.
    * أهداف وتحديات وعقبات متعددة
    * 15 مجموعة مبهرة لزيادة الطاقة
    * يقدم لك كل مستوى أهدافًا وتحديات فريدة.
    * العقبات الممزوجة بأشكال لوحة المستوى الفريدة ستجعلك تمرر وتطابق للحصول على المزيد.
    * قم بإنشاء سلاسل قوية متسلسلة لزيادة مستواك!
    * لا توجد عمليات شراء داخل التطبيق، يمكنك الدفع مرة واحدة مقابل تجربة اللعب بأكملها.
    * يمكن تعطيل التلميحات/الموسيقى/اللافتات.

    هناك ستة أهداف محتملة في كل مستوى.
    1. سجل الحصة
    2. إزالة اللب الداكن
    3. إسقاط المثلجات.
    4. إزالة الشبكة (الشبكات)
    5. إزالة النحل
    6. استهلك حلوى النجوم.

    هناك تحديان محتملان في كل مستوى.
    1. أكمل الهدف قبل نفاد الوقت.
    2. أكمل الهدف قبل نفاد مقايضاتك.


    1. قوالب الكب كيك / الشوكولاتة: لا يمكن نقل هذه العناصر، بل يمكن نقلها فقط
    سيتم مسحه إذا تم مسح عنصر مطابقة مجاور أو إذا كان
    يتم تشغيل جرة الحلوى أو عنصر حلوى مزدوج.
    تترك كتلة الشوكولاتة لبًا داكنًا من المستوى الثالث.

    2. الحلوى الصافية: لا يمكن تبديل الحلوى الموجودة خلف الشبكة.
    لا يمكن إزالتها إلا عن طريق مطابقة الحلوى خلف الشبكة
    مع قطعتي حلوى أخريين من نفس النوع، أو إذا كانت في
    مسار سلسلة رفع الطاقة التي تم تشغيلها.


    1. حصة النقاط - تحتاج إلى الوصول إلى درجة معينة من أجل ذلك
    ارفع مستواك.
    2. إزالة اللب الداكن.
    تتم إزالة اللب الداكن من خلال إزالة الحلوى الموجودة فوق الحلوى
    لب داكن. هناك ثلاثة مستويات من اللب الداكن. أحلك
    يجب إزالة اللب ثلاث مرات ، مما يعني أنك بحاجة
    لإزالة ثلاث قطع حلوى فوق ذلك اللب الداكن.
    3. أسقط المثلجات.
    قم بإسقاط الآيس كريم (المثلجات) إلى أسفل لوحة اللعبة.
    4. حرر الحلوى المحصودة.
    5. قم بإزالة كل النحل.
    هناك ثلاث مراحل للنحل.
    6. استهلك حلوى النجوم.

    تكشف الحلوى المقببة عند فتحها عن حلوى النجوم.
    لا يمكن فتح الحلوى المقببة إلا عن طريق المطابقة والمسح
    كل الحلوى ذات المفاتيح.
    النحلة (النحل) غير قابلة للتبديل ويمكنها ذلك
    لا يمكن تبديلها.

    تحتاج إلى مطابقة الحلوى المجاورة حول
    نحلة لتغيير مرحلتها

    من أجل إزالة نحلة ، تحتاج النحلة إلى ذلك
    دورة لجميع المراحل ، من النحلة النائمة المغلقة إلى
    نحلة مجنحة مفتوحة.

    يجب إزالة جميع النحل (النحل) من أجل ذلك
    ارفع مستواك.

    مطابقة 4 أو أكثر من الحلوى تكافئ اللاعب
    مع حلوى زيادة الطاقة.

    هناك ثلاث شكا من السلطة.

    1. جرة الحلوى (أفقية وعمودية).
    2. حلوى مزدوجة.
    3. المصاصة.

    عناصر غامضة.

    يتم تمثيل العناصر الغامضة بالحلوى المغلفة.
    يتم كشف العناصر الغامضة من خلال مطابقة لون العنصر الغامض
    مع لون الحلوى. يمكن أن تكون العناصر الغامضة عبارة عن شكا من القوة أو
    عقبة - جعل المستوى أسهل أو أصعب الأمر متروك لك

    يمكن تعطيل/تمكين التلميحات التلقائية
    يمكن تعطيل/تمكين اللافتات
    يمكن تعطيل/تمكين الموسيقى والصوت
  • PTorrent Pro - torrent applica Мод APK 1.2.4 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 2.5

    PTorrent Pro - torrent applica Мод APK 1.2.4 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    PTorrent Pro is a simple and beautiful torrent application for Android. Implemented in C++ makes it a very fast down loader.

    [Prefer downloading magnet links wherever possible]

    Features of PTorrent Pro:
    # Unlimited download and upload Speed
    # Create Torrents: Share file or folder in few clicks!
    # Share torrents: Generate magnet links of any torrent and share it using instant messaging
    # Encryption of data to/from peers
    # Automatic download of the torrents published in RSS Feeds
    # Partial download: choose what file to download from a torrent
    # Sequential downloading mode: Play media files even when it is being downloaded
    # Can be set to work on Wifi only mode, Wifi or WiMAX mode, or any Connection
    # Large file support: files sizes > 4GB
    # Watch incoming directories: Torrent files to download them automatically
    # Move completed torrents to pre-configured directory
    # Notification of completed torrents
    # Shutdown App after download.
    # Shutdown App on low battery

    Team PixelTech

    Please check our website https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/pixeltech42/PTorrent for more info
  • Athena Icon Pack: iOS icons Мод APK 40.60.21 [Full] 4.8

    Athena Icon Pack: iOS icons Мод APK 40.60.21 [Full]

    Athena icon pack is a set of colorful custom icons with solid and semi-transparent gradient fills for your home screen and app drawer. You can apply it on almost any custom launcher (Nova launcher, Lawnchair, Niagara, etc.) and some default launchers like the Samsung OneUI launcher (via Theme Park app), OnePlus launcher, Oppo's Color OS, Nothing launcher, etc.

    Why do you need a custom icon pack?
    Unified icons make your home screen and app drawer much prettier, and since we all use our phones a few hours per day, it will significantly improve your experience.

    What do you get from Athena?
    Athena icon pack has 2,690 icons, 20 custom wallpapers, and 7 KWGT widgets, so it's all you need to personalize your phone how you like it. For the price of one app, you get content from three different apps. Athena icons combine solid and semi-transparent glyphs on top of the colorful gradient background, and the color palette is vibrant. It goes well with dark wallpapers. *To apply KWGT widgets, you need KWGT and KWGT Pro apps.

    What if I don't like the icons after I buy them, or there are a lot of missing icons for the apps I have installed on my phone?
    Don't worry; we offer a 100% refund for the first 24h from when you purchase our pack. No questions asked! But, if you are willing to wait a bit, we update our app every two weeks, so there will be many more apps covered in the future, possibly the ones currently missing too. And if you don't want to wait and you like our pack, we also offer Premium icon requests which we add in the next release from the moment you send it to us.

    Some more Athena features
    Resolution of icons: 192 x 192 px
    Suitable for dark wallpapers and themes (20 included in the app)
    Alternate icons for a lot of popular apps
    Dynamic calendar icon
    Masking of unthemed icons
    Folders icons (apply them manually)
    Miscellaneous icons (apply them manually)
    Tap to send icon requests (Free and Premium)

    How to send an icon request for the Athena icons?
    Open our app and click on the Request card. Check all icons you want to be themed and send requests by pressing the Floating Send button. You will get a share screen with options on how to share requests, and you need to choose Gmail (some other mail clients like Spark, etc., have problems attaching the zip file, which is the most important part of the email). When sending an email, DO NOT delete generated zip file or change the Subject and text in the body of the email – if you do that, your request will become unusable!

    Supported Launchers
    Action Launcher • ADW Launcher • ADW ex Launcher • Apex Launcher • Go Launcher • Google Now Launcher • Holo Launcher • Holo ICS Launcher • Lawnchair • LG Home Launcher • LineageOS Launcher • Lucid Launcher • Nova Launcher • Niagara Launcher • Pixel Launcher • Posidon Launcher • Smart Launcher • Smart Pro Launcher • Solo Launcher • Square Home Launcher • TSF Launcher.
    Other launchers can apply Athena icons from your launcher settings.

    More info about properly using icon packs will be available soon on our new website.

    Having more questions?
    Don't hesitate to write us an email/message if you have a special request or any suggestions or questions.
    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/One4Studio
    Telegram channel: https://t.me/one4studio
    Developer page: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=7550572979310204381
  • Norma - Icon Pack Мод APK 63 [Cracked][Mod Menu] 4.9

    Norma - Icon Pack Мод APK 63 [Cracked][Mod Menu]

    How to apply Norma Icon Pack/Icon Changer ?
    Norma icon pack supports numbers of popular launcher such as nova launcher, evie launcher and many more. Follow these steps to apply

    1. Open Norma Icon Pack App
    2. Navigate to Apply Icon Pack Screen
    3. The app shows a list of launcher that are supported such as nova launcher, evie launcher etc. Select the nova launcher installed on your phone to apply icons from this icon pack.
    4. The app will automatically applies the icons from Norma icon pack for nova launcher.

    Note: If launcher doesn't show while applying from the icon pack. Please try applying from the launcher itself.

    Sony Xperia Home Launcher does not appear in this application, but it can apply Norma icon pack with different settings.

    The setting for Sony Xperia :
    1. Long press on the main screen
    2. open the settings
    3. Scroll down and open the appearance icon setting
    4. choose Norma icon pack
    5. done, your Sony Xperia has applied Norma icon.

    Note: Icon pack only Support on Sony Xperia Home Launcher 10.0.A.0.8 Or Up.

    Supported Launcher:
    Icon Pack for Nova Launcher
    Icon Pack for Apex Launcher
    Icon Pack for ADW Launcher
    Icon Pack for ABC Launcher
    Icon Pack for Evie Launcher
    Icon Pack for Next Launcher
    Icon Pack for Holo Launcher
    Icon Pack for Lucid Launcher
    Icon Pack for M Launcher
    Icon Pack for Action Launcher
    Icon Pack for Sony Xperia Home Launcher
    Icon Pack for Aviate Launcher
    Icon Pack for Smart Launcher
    Icon Pack for Go Launcher(doesn't support icon masking)
    Icon Pack for Zero Launcher(doesn't support icon masking)

    - 3000+ icons and counting
    - Alternate icons
    - Icon Request
    - HD Icon resolution 256x256px

    More Design Information On Google+, Instagram, Twitter.


    special thanks to Dani Mahardika for Candybar Dashboard.
  • Pix Material Colors Icon Pack Мод APK 8.5 [Full] 4.9

    Pix Material Colors Icon Pack Мод APK 8.5 [Full]

    Pix Material Colors It is adaptive Icon Pack (change shape). Icons are made in Material Design style.
    Background of icon is made in pastel colors, icon in a brighter accent.

    - Adaptive icons.
    - Exclusive thematic Wallpapers.
    - Thematic Clock Widgets.
    - For the package to work, you must first open the application to check the license.
    - Icon requests are disabled until a stable release.
  • FKeys 2 Мод APK 3.0.6 [Remove ads][Mod speed] 3.8

    FKeys 2 Мод APK 3.0.6 [Remove ads][Mod speed]

    Navegador web básico con soporte de teclas de función para algunos 5250 emuladores web.

    Para el apoyo futuro para el emulador, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.

    **** Una nota para los usuarios actuales fkeys *****

    Había un problema con la actualización de FKeys en la tienda de google play, por lo que tuvo que ser reeditado en versión 2.

    Si usted ha comprado FKeys 1.x, y compra FKeys 2, le devolveremos el precio de compra de esta aplicación en unos pocos días.
  • 囚われのパルマ Refrain Мод APK 6.00.02 [Unlocked] 4.8

    囚われのパルマ Refrain Мод APK 6.00.02 [Unlocked]

    Distribution of this app will end on July 30, 2024, so new purchases, including in-app DLC, will no longer be available after July 30. Please check the official website for details.

    ※※please note※※
    Please read the following before purchasing and using
    [Precautions when purchasing]
    Please be sure to check

    [Game introduction]
    The smartphone screen looks like glass
    Starting with the meeting scene, using the messaging app
    The interactions I had with him, and the things I don't usually show
    Surveillance that peeks into his appearance and thoughts...

    "Parma Refrain" is,
    His closed memories and heart, trapped on an isolated island,
    Unravel it with your own hands
    It's an experiential love adventure.

    The beautiful worldview of the previous work remains the same.
    With the new system,
    Of course, fans of the previous work,
    For those who are playing this game for the first time,
    An endless love experience with “him”
    It feels more real.

    ◆◇ Meeting to read your heart ◇◆
    Reacts to your movements as you touch the screen,
    from the movement of your own gaze
    He tries to read your emotions.

    Beautifully detailed 3D model
    His movements and expressions, and yourself.
    Words from him directed towards me.

    It's like he's on the other side of the screen.
    A first-time experience that feels like it's actually there.

    ◆◇ Dramatic story ◇◆

    One night, I found a book that had fallen on the street.
    As a result, I happened to see a young man who had fallen down.
    You helped me.

    However, your daily life changes completely after that day.
    In order to meet Chiaki, the young man he helped,
    You visit a detention facility on a lonely island.
    So I had unwarranted suspicions
    I know that I'm being hung up on.

    Chiaki holds the key to a certain incident.
    In order to clear my doubts, I will remember his memory.
    I would like your help in getting it back
    I'm asked but...

    As his consultant, you will face the
    What is the truth about memory?

    ◆◇ “His voice” is full voice ◇◆
    Chiaki, a young man who lost his memory related to the incident.
    CV: Kaito Ishikawa

    From meetings to monitoring and mini-games,
    All his voices are voiced!

    ◆◇ There are also talented voice actors for the island residents ◇◆
    For the unique residents of the island that enliven the story
    A group of talented voice actors adds color.

    Guard Suda
    CV: Takahiro Sakurai

    Part-time job at the library: Moji
    CV: Tatsuhisa Suzuki

    Many others appear.
    *Not fully voiced.

    ◆◇ Delicate and beautiful graphics ◇◆
    "Extroopers" (Nintendo 3DS/PS3)
    and TV anime “Macross Delta”
    In charge of character design
    Chisato Mita (CAPCOM)
    In charge of character design.
    Contains a lot of beautiful art!

    ◆◇ Recommended for these people ◇◆
    ・I like love games and otome games.
    ・I want to have an exciting love affair with a handsome man.
    ・I want to experience a heart-wrenching love.
    ・I like suspense dramas.
    ・I want to immerse myself in a beautiful worldview with an extraordinary feeling.
    ・I admire romances like those seen in movies, dramas, and novels.
    ・I want to enjoy a story with a sense of volume.
    ・I want to enjoy a full voice game with popular voice actors.


    [Precautions when purchasing]

    ◆◇ Episode-type distribution ◇◆
    "Parma Refrain" is,
    “All 8 episodes” like a serial drama
    This is an episodic distribution app.

    The app itself includes the prologue and episode 1.
    It is recorded.
    For episodes 2 and onwards, each
    It can be purchased through in-app purchase.

    *Episodes 2 to 8 can be purchased at once.
    We also have great value episode sets.

    *In addition to the main episode,
    There are in-app purchase items.

    For details on each billing content, please check the URL below.

    ◆◇ Operating environment ◇◆
    [Supported OS]
    Android 7.0 to 11.0
    Memory (RAM) 2GB or more
    (Some devices are not compatible)

    *The above information and the bottom of this page
    The information listed in "Android Requirements"
    If different, the above information
    Please note that the information is correct.

    [Data size to download]
    *Due to high-capacity communication, in a Wi-Fi communication environment
    Downloading is recommended.

    For details on compatible devices, please check the URL below.

    *When changing your line of sight during a meeting, use your device.
    Use the gyro function.

    Even if the device is compatible, the gyro function of the device may be
    If it cannot be used normally,
    I can't move my eyes, but
    Equipped with a function when the gyro function cannot be used.
    Therefore, you can use your finger without using the gyro function.
    It is possible to proceed with the operation.

    *Even on non-compatible OS/non-compatible terminals,
    You may be able to purchase this app, but
    It may not work properly.
    excuse me,
    For use with non-compatible OS/devices,
    Guaranteed operation and refunds
    Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    ◆◇ Others ◇◆
    If you delete this app from your device,
    Game save data is also deleted.
    Please be careful as it will be damaged.

    When changing models etc., save data
    Once saved to the cloud,
    Data transfer
    You can do it.
    in-game options
    "Cloud data transfer"
    Please use it.

    *Transfer between Android and other OS
    you can't.


    ◆◇ Delivery information and inquiries ◇◆
    ・“Captive Parma Refrain” official website

    ・“Captive Palma Series” Official Twitter
    Or search @Palm_capcom

    ・“Captive Parma Refrain” Q&A top page
  • Peakview - peak identification Мод APK 6.6 [Paid for free] 4

    Peakview - peak identification Мод APK 6.6 [Paid for free]

    Peakview is a peak identification app. Through augmented reality (AR) technology, Peakview combines mountain names with the camera preview. It displays peak names on your mobile device's screen. When you go hiking, this app can help you to understand your environment. You can identify the mountains surrounding you. It is a good tool for climbers.
    Before using this application, please read the following user's manual (PDF).
    Moreover, you can watch the following video.
    ■ Currently supported areas (can be added or deleted from "Settings" → "Selection of country/region")
    □ Americas: Canada; United States
    □ Asia: Hong Kong, Macau; Japan [complete]; Taiwan [complete]
    □ Europe: There is support throughout Europe. The information in Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom is relatively complete.
    □ Oceania: New Zealand [complete]
    If you do not want to pay and want to use our App, please download the trial version at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PeakView
    However, it contains advertisements, and some features will not be available.
  • VEREDA - Puzzle Escape Room Мод APK 2.5.1 [Free purchase][Full] 3

    VEREDA - Puzzle Escape Room Мод APK 2.5.1 [Free purchase][Full]

    As a secret undercover agent used to adventure, mystery and solving puzzles you are tasked with your latest adventure mission to infiltrate a town guarding a top secret dossier. What the dossier contains is not known, your sole focus is set off on a new adventure to find and recover it. What you are not prepared for is the lengths the dossier has been protected. It's down to you to use all your experience to solve the puzzles and contraptions that block your way.

    A letter left in your room briefly describes your adventure mission:

    “…the dossier in question is located in a building further into town. We cannot give you much more information than this, as details are unclear due to the unique situation you find yourself in. To prepare you for what is to come, we have primed your room with a small puzzle training exercise…”

    With this your mission begins…


    Vereda is a first person 3d escape room puzzle adventure, similar to puzzle games you may have played in the '90's or similar to a virtual escape rooms you may have tried to puzzle through. An indoor and outdoor immersive world that you explore and solve puzzles to progress with an inventory where you can collect and use items you find along the way to solve puzzles and escape the rooms.

    Play as a secret puzzle solving agent assigned a mission to recover a secret dossier set in an unusual town environment. Explore areas and take in your surroundings. Use all of your puzzle solving skills to make your way through the town solving puzzles and opening new doors and recover the missing dossier.

    How you tackle the puzzles is down to you. Each puzzle has a logical solution, so take your time, there is no rush and enjoy the process of understanding what you have to do.

    • Explore an immersive indoor and outdoor 3D environment, solving puzzles and collecting items
    • Use the inventory to collect and use objects
    • Beautiful all original adventure 3D graphics, environments and atmosphere to explore
    • Immersive backing soundtrack and effects to pull you into the adventure
    • Full save system with load slots, manage all controls and sound levels to your preference.

    Press and Hold the arrows to walk Forward / Backward / Left / Right
    Drag your finger around the Right portion of the screen to look around.
    Tap on Icons to inspect Items and Puzzles.
    Access the Menu and Inventory from the two icons at the top of the screen.

    NOTE: You can adjust the movement sensitivity in the options menu. Don't forget to PRESS & HOLD the movement arrows, else you will find you don't move.

    Vereda purposely doesn't include a 'Hints' button as it spoils the fun to skip or just be presented with solutions to the puzzles.

    If you become stuck and really do need a hint or clue while playing Vereda then please reach out over email (help at m9games.co.uk) or social media (contact links can be found on m9games.co.uk) and I will be more than happy to help you. You can also check out the multitude of puzzles walkthroughs available on YouTube.


    Vereda is compatible with most modern Android devices and has been designed to be as resource efficient as possible to allow play on many different devices. It is recommended to be using a device that was released within the last 4 years for best performance as the game is full immersive 3D and can put high demand on older devices. With that said, the game should run on most devices but if you do run into any difficulties please email so I can provide updates that help everyone enjoy the adventure.
  • EAGLE Security UNLIMITED Мод APK 3.1.79 [Paid for free] 4.4

    EAGLE Security UNLIMITED Мод APK 3.1.79 [Paid for free]

    It's not a secret that any cell phone can be wired as well as phone number can be substituted. IMSI catchers are very cheap and popular devices now that can do both of these. But there are also other ways to violate your privacy through cell network.

    Here are three main wiring methods described below.

    1. Spyware (or Scumware)

    The software you install on your mobile phone can tape your phone calls, capture photo and video not only when you talk or use the camera application but in standby mode as well.

    Protection: you need to be careful installing new software and check whether it has access to your camera and microphone or not and also to internet, phone calls, SMS etc. Always check the producing company as well if it is trustworthy or not.

    Spyware might also be installed on the device without your disclosure. Such apps are prohibited on Google Play. Thus they are usually apps that can only be installed from an APK file, they transmit your location, calls or messages to a person that want to wire you. In the list of the applications they usually look like fishing websites addresses such as ‘Googel Services', ‘Google Drlve' with the same app icon as the similar real applications. The package names are also usually very similar to any popular application, so it might be difficult to find them. It might be a collegue, a relative or a phone service technician who may install such an app on a user's cellphone.

    Eagle Security allows you to get the full list of the applications on your device. You can check the permissions they requested and find out which apps require multiple permissions that let them to spy you.

    Eagle Security also provides functionality to disable camera and/or microphone on your phone to make it impossible for any spyware to use them when you want to be sure that your phone is not listening or watching you.

    This app uses the Device Administrator permission.

    2. Substitution of base station

    Lately this method has become very popular because IMSI catchers become very cheap and easy to buy. Wiring kit can be placed next to you not far than in 500 meters and all the cell phones in the action radius connect to the fake station due to its powerful signal. IMSI catchers are ofter used with a jamming station to suppress all the cell towers and make all the near phones to register in the network via the IMSI catcher.

    Such kits could be not bigger than an attache case and can be easily used without your notice.

    Your can't know that the base station was substituted because the new station transmits all the data to the real one and calls work in the normal way. Everybody can buy such compex at affordable price.

    Protection: tracking all the stations your cell phone connects to. Eagle Security checks the signature of a station, mostly tapping complexes have substandard signatures. And it also tracks positions of stations. If a station appears in different places or appears in a new place near to a station placed in the same place before it'd be marked as a suspicious and all the other users will be informed if they connect this station.

    Connection to a suspicious base station doesn't mean that somebody is tapping you for sure. But it's strongly recommend not to use your phone when it's connected to untrustworthy base station.

    3. The third method

    Having contacts in security agencies you can get an official allowance to wire a cell phone. In many countries it's enough to give a person a witness status in any judicial case. The person will never even know about that because such tapping is formally legal.

    Protection: voice and message encryption. You can use software for secured calls and messaging by independent developers such as Telegram.

    Eagle Security helps our users to protect themselves from the first and the second methods described above higly efficiently.

    With Eagle security you can monitor and explore cell network around you and control access of the applications on your device to your hardware.
  • Edge Screen Assistive Touch PR Мод APK 5.1.1 [Paid for free] 4.7

    Edge Screen Assistive Touch PR Мод APK 5.1.1 [Paid for free]

    Edge Screen Launcher - Sidebar - You can switch back and forth between recent apps or favorite apps, access tasks quickly, take action to navigate, call, message .. easily and quickly from any application with just A Swipe. This touch assistant application you are like using 3 apps in 1, with the ability to display the same 3 bars when upgrading
    - A quick-switching swipe app with circles, grids and folders
    - An app linked with finger gestures can turn into the Home screens Navigation Bar
    - A screen edge app with Panel view, you can access and convert edges quickly: Circle Favorites edge, Quick Actions edge, Grid Favorites edge, Music player edge, Calculator edge, Calendar edge

    Main features:
    - Access the list of recent favorites or applications from any screen - swipe from the edge -> hold your finger on one of the recent applications within 1 second.
    - Navigate with Home and Back from the edge of the phone, the default navigation key is now unnecessary.
    - Drag status bar notification, smart screen lock, easy memory cleaning without having to reach up on the screen.
    - Access quick tasks, call text messages ... from any screen
    - Multiple display modes for you to choose, such as circle, grid, control panel

    Here is the list of available edge screens that you can have access from anywhere

    ▶ Applications - Add your favorite and most-used application in the sidebar panel and open them by just sliding to open the Add Edge panel.

    ▶ Contacts - How do you usually call or send a message to your frequent contacts? How about adding them to the Contact Edge panel and access to them from virtually anywhere?

    ▶ Quick Settings - Your phone is too big to open the notification panel with one hand? Well, try toggling system settings from the sidebar app.

    ▶ Virtual Keys - The physical buttons of your phone are not working smoothly? Well, the Virtual Keys panel provides you with software buttons that function as Home, Back, Screen recorder, Screen capture, and power buttons.

    On devices Xiaomi, If an error occurs when clicking on the icons of the application but does not work.
    It may be because you have not granted the device permission to the application
    (Display pop-up windows while running in the background, Display pop-up window)
    Reference link:

    This app uses Accessibility services...

    What permissions do we require and why?
    - Access to application history and device: this is the right to help Edge screen know about your recent applications.
    - Accessibility: this allows Edge Screen to provide navigation (Home, Back, Recent App, Power Menu, Pull Down Notification, Split Screen, Lock Screen, Screenshot), you can turn it off if you do not use this feature.
    Link video showcasing the core functionality feature that uses the AccessibilityService API:

    - Drawing rights on other applications: help edge screen can display from any application
    - Run at startup: activate the function right from the start.

    Please give Pop-up window permission
    Please give Draw over other permission
  • Noob vs 1000 zombies Мод APK [Remove ads] 3.8

    Noob vs 1000 zombies Мод APK [Remove ads]

    Mr Noob - Lucky Block story is an official Noob vs Pro vs Hacker style shooter game on mobile. Help Mr Noob to kill 1000 zombies and open all Lucky Blocks to get new skins of Noob

    ▼ Story mode - single player
    ▼ Open lucky block cases
    ▼ Interesting story with Noob in the lead role
    ▼ Funny humour and jokes
    ▼ Shoot zombies and TNT
    ▼ 25 000 000+ players in previous Noob vs Pro team games

    You will play as Noob. Shoot lucky blocks to smash zombies!

    Also you can get funny skins of Noob, Pro or Hacker from lucky blocks

    It's a great shooting-adventure - time to try it is now! :)
  • Prime Novus Substratum Мод APK 2.9.2211020 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4

    Prime Novus Substratum Мод APK 2.9.2211020 [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Supported system;
    • Android 10 Q*
    • Android 9.0 Pie*
    • Android 8.0 & 8.1 Oreo*
    • Android Nougat 7.1 *
    • For Samsung Support check out Cygnus Substratum for Samsung
    *Stock AOSP & AOSP based CustomROM. (Stock OEM like EMUI/MIUI/ZenUI etc are NOT supported.)

    • Overlay List [Themed Apps]
    • Theme Changelog
    • Telegram Community Group

    • Substratum/Substratum Lite Theme Engine needed
    • Reinstall Overlay after App Update
    • Disable Overlays before System Update
    Overlays can cause bootloops and app force closes
  • Telescope calculator pro Мод APK 4.0.0 [Cracked] 4.5

    Telescope calculator pro Мод APK 4.0.0 [Cracked]

    Calculation of parameters and characteristics of telescopes using different eyepieces and visualization.

    - language (Russian, English, Hungarian, Spanish, German, French, Romanian, Croatian, Italian, Sinhala, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, Catalan, Dutch, Arabic, Greek, Malay, Luxembourgish, Hindi, Indonesian , Ukrainian, Hebrew, Sardinian, Czech, Swedish, Finnish, Chinese, Bengali, Tamil, Slovenian, Turkish, Bosnian, Thai, Bulgarian, Vietnamese)
    - scale
    - text font size
    - input by the slider
    - comparison of telescopes
    - bookmarks
    - Moon phases
    - help
    - swipe

    - List of telescopes
    - Diameter
    - Focal length
    - Focuser

    - Eyepiece list
    - Focal length
    - Field of view
    - Barlow lens

    - list of cameras
    - pixel size
    - image size
    - matrix size
    - Binning

    - Magnification
    - Stellar magnitude
    - Field of view
    - Maximum field of view
    - f-number
    - Diameter of exit pupil
    - Angular resolution
    - Size of craters on Moon
    - 2D, 1.4D, 1D, 0.7D, 0.5D

    - Sun
    - ISS

    - Mercury
    - Venus
    - Earth
    - Mars
    - Jupiter
    - Saturn
    - Uranus
    - Neptune
    - Pluto

    - Ceres
    - Pallas
    - Juno
    - Vesta
    - Ida
    - Gaspra

    - Moon
    - Titan
    - Io
    - Europa
    - Ganymede
    - Callisto
    - Titania
    - Ray

    M1, M8, M13, M16, M17, M20, M27, M31, M33, M42, M45, M51, M57, M58, M63, M64, M74, M78, M81, M82, M83, M88, M97, M99, M100, M101, M104, M108

    891, 2359, 2392, 2440, 4565, 4631, 5189, 6302, 6543, 6960, 6979, 7000, 7662

    1805, 1848, 2118
  • Tone Player PRO Мод APK 1.2.4 [Paid for free] 4

    Tone Player PRO Мод APK 1.2.4 [Paid for free]

    Tone Player plays continuous simple tone at the specified frequency

    - No advertisement
    - Four types of waveform (sine / triangular / sawtooth / rectangular)
    - 1.0 Hz to 24,000 Hz (Upper limit varies depending on device model)
    - Two types of pitch control unit (Hz / Cents)
    - Volume control
    - Background play
  • Sound Analyzer Мод APK 1.14.0 [Paid for free] 4

    Sound Analyzer Мод APK 1.14.0 [Paid for free]

    Sound Analyzer is an application for analyzing audio signals using only a mobile device.
    Its main function is to display frequency (Hz) and amplitude (dB) spectra in real time, but it can also be used to display changes in spectra over time (waterfall view) and to display waveforms (waveform view) at the same time.
    The frequency measurement accuracy of the Sound Analyzer is very high, and in a relatively low-noise environment, the measurement error is generally within 0.1 Hz. (when measured with default settings)

    Main Functions
    - Peak frequency display function (displays the frequency [Hz] and amplitude [dB] of prominent spectral components in real time)
    - Change of display range by touch operation
    - Switchable frequency axis scale between logarithmic and linear scale
    - Max hold function
    - Waterfall view (displays spectral changes over time)
    - Waveform view (displays sound waveforms)
    - Note display mode (displays pitch in terms of A to G♯ note names and error [cents])
    - Screenshot function (with timer)
    - No advertisements

    About High Frequency Spectrum
    The app allows the highest frequency setting to be raised to 96 kHz, but settings above 22.05 kHz are primarily for high-performance devices, not for general-purpose devices.
    In most devices on the market today, data in the high frequency range above about 22 kHz is filtered out. Since it is not possible to acquire data in the removed range even with a higher setting value, it is normal for the spectrum in this range to contain only weak noise of less than -60 dB.
    However, depending on the model, larger noise due to filter processing may appear at certain frequencies such as 48 kHz and 96 kHz.
  • A-Tuner Мод APK 2.5.1 [Paid for free] 4.9

    A-Tuner Мод APK 2.5.1 [Paid for free]

    A-Tuner is a chromatic tuner corresponding to any instruments and boasting the highest level of accuracy among many similar applications.

    Precise tuning in increments of 0.1 cents is possible with the strobe tuner like display.
    It also has high precision pitch pipe (tuning fork) function which is convenient for training with tuning with ears.

    We are planning to improve performance and expand functions in the future. Enjoy!

    In addition to the features of the free edition (A-Tuner Lite), the following features are included.
    ・Note name notations (English, German, Dutch, French, Italian)
    ・Pitch selection mode (automatic / manual)
    ・Simple metronome
    ・Classical temperaments
     - Pythagorean temperament
     - 1/4 comma meantone
     - Pure intonation (major / minor)
     - Werckmeister III / IV / Ⅴ
     - Young Ⅰ / Ⅱ
     - Kirnberger I / II / III
     - Vallotti
     - Kellner
  • Photo Auto Snapper Pro Мод APK 2.12 [Paid for free] 4.2

    Photo Auto Snapper Pro Мод APK 2.12 [Paid for free]

    Looking for an automated photo taker at your next BBQ?
    Want to create a time lapse video of wild life in your backyard?
    Need to record an event (triathlon) with periodic, unattended photos?
    Care to monitor your home while you are away?
    Or, are you a shy model searching for an auto selfie tool?

    Then, Photo Snapper may be worth checking out.

    Photo Snapper is a powerful, light-weight, ad-free app that programs your Android phone or tablet to take photos at a regular interval.

    Photo Snapper, aka Photomatic, AutoPhoto or SafetyCam, comes in two versions. To avoid disappointment (because of variations in Android hardware and software, it will not work on some devices), please buy this paid version only after testing the Free version available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rudy.android.partysnapfree.

    Here's Photo Snapper's resume:
    - Light-weight, by design
    - Photos show up in the built-in app, Gallery, or in Pictures if viewing via a USB connection
    - A host of options, including
    * Camera tweaks (resolution, flash, white balance, focus, exposure)
    * Time interval (min. 15 seconds)
    * Option for "warning" ring 2 seconds before snap (with ringtone selection)
    * Alert option to help prevent theft (try Reggae Horn)

    More details & limitations:
    The device's display must be left on; the app will dim it. (This is to prevent Android's battery saver algorithm from terminating the app)

    Photos will be stored within the Pictures folder of either your SD card (if available) or internal storage
    Photos will always be in the "natural" orientation of the device (usually landscape)
    Photo Snapper will not automatically make a time lapse video; use one of the many apps available
    Photo Snapper does not offer posting to social media; again, use one of the many apps available
  • Timestamp Camera EnterprisePro Мод APK 1.234 [Paid for free] 4.3

    Timestamp Camera EnterprisePro Мод APK 1.234 [Paid for free]

    This app can add non-forged date, time, location and GPS watermark on photo and video. By getting the current time from the network, the photo and video will still have a real time watermark even if the user changes the phone time.
    This app can be used in a variety of occasions which need real time and location, such as the work report of the construction site , traffic accident scene, goods transfer, private detective work, evidence of borrowed items and so on.

    The main features:
    ● Add the current date, time, GPS and address watermark when taking photo or video.
    - Supports change font, font color, font size.
    - Supports set timestamp in 7 positions: top left, top center, top right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right,center.
    - Supports auto add address and GPS.
    - Supports input and display custom text on camera.
    - Supports change opacity of text and text background.

    ● Supports import logo image to display on the camera. Can change the position, size, margins and transparency of the logo.
    ● Supports change video resolution.
    ● Supports power saving mode of black screen.
    ● Supports record video without audio.
    ● Can pause and continue record fragments to one video.
    ● Can toggle camera when recording.
    ● Supports portrait and landscape.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, please email to [email protected]. Thank you.
  • Harmonomics Ear Training Мод APK 3.2.5 [Paid for free] 4.9

    Harmonomics Ear Training Мод APK 3.2.5 [Paid for free]

    -- Harmonomics is an ear training tool for all musicians, from beginners to professionals --

    The creator of the innovative metronome Metronomics has created an ear training app flexible enough to help YOUR ears, whether you are a beginner learning interval recognition or a professional who needs to recognize sequences of complex chords in inversions.

    - 50+ exercises, from beginner to advanced
    - Each exercise is customizable with exercise-specific settings
    - Large chord library (over 35 chords, all of which come in different inversions)
    - Creative exercises -- exercises that go beyond the usual interval, melody, and chord identification
    - Detailed statistics for each exercise, plus the ability to send reports to a teacher
    - Motivating "achievements" for accuracy, questions per day/week/month, etc
    - and more!

    Exercise Categories:
    - Interval
    - Melody
    - Chord
    - Chord Progression
    - Scale
    - Perfect/Relative Pitch

    The details:
    Harmonomics has over 50 exercises (more coming in updates) that can each be heavily customized to fit the your individual needs, regardless of your level or the genre of music you are working on. Musicians interested in improving their recognition of chord types will be thrilled to explore Harmonomics' large library of chords (over 35 types), all of which can be played in different inversions. No other app offers such a wide variety of chords that can be played in so many different ways.

    Statistics play a big role in Harmonomics. Each exercise keeps track of your accuracy, the number of questions answered, average time per question, and more, letting you review your progress and see when and how quickly you're improving. Harmonomics also awards "achievements" as you work, such as recognition of doing 1000 questions a month or 250 questions in a session, keeping you motivated to stay vigilant about your ear training work. If you're a student, you can choose to send reports of your stats to a teacher.

    Most ear training apps offer a limited number of exercises, including simple interval identification, melodic dictation, and chord identification. Harmonomics has all of those as well as clever and practical variations, such as exercises that ask you which degree of a chord a certain note is or which inversion a chord is being played in. Plus, each exercise can be customized; for example, a chord identification exercise can be limited to just inverted dominant chords with alterations and made to play three chords in a row, all of which must be identified correctly. No other app offers that level of advanced exercise to meet the needs of professionals.

    Start using Harmonomics today and start expanding what your ears can hear.

    Exercise Examples:
    - Diatonic Major Melody
    - Simultaneous Intervals
    - Multiple Intervals
    - Diatonic Notes to Key Center Relationship
    - Root Movement of 7th Chords
    - Harmonic Minor Modes
    - Dominant Chords with Alterations
    - Multiple Chords / Inversions
    - Multiple Simultaneous Pitches

    Chord Examples:
    Maj7, min7b5, 7b9#11, Maj7#5, min11, 7sus4, 7#5#9, 7b5b9, min6/9, etc
  • RASTER ❖ PRIME Мод APK 1.0.0 5

    RASTER ❖ PRIME Мод APK 1.0.0


    Welcome to the TRAPPIST System. A monolith was recently discovered dotted with obelisks emitting holographic glyphs and binary controls. What could they mean? Enter the sequences to travel further into the unknown, and unearth a deeper mystery that may never be fully understood.

    Due to the nature of this voyage, your screen has been outfitted with vacuum-tolerant pixaels, a more resilient form of pixel. This does however preclude the use of advertisements or in-visor purchases. A complimentary synthwave mix-tape has been included to mitigate space-madness.

  • Kolumno Мод APK 1 3.7

    Kolumno Мод APK 1

    Wait for the right moment and make the ball fall through the intricate columns. Does it seem easy for you? It isn't! Behind its apparent simplicity, Kolumno hides really challenging and fun game mechanics.

    Kolumno, as other puzzle games, requires intelligence, planning, and patience, but the challenge doesn't stop there. It will also test your reflexes with puzzles that will require you to use special abilities such as: stopping mid-air, falling faster, making smaller or breaking the rings that make up the columns.

    Don't let yourself be fooled by its minimalistic style and its relaxing soundtrack, Kolumno is one of the most elegant and challenging games in recent times.


    - 4 different items that expand the complexity of the puzzles.
    - 75 levels full of challenges.
    - Elegant graphic and sound styles.
    - Easy to start, hard to master.
  • Cow Level Immobile Мод APK 5

    Cow Level Immobile Мод APK

    A lost cow Viking has heard of this new smart phone which gives her the fairly controversial ability of immortality! However, in order to obtain this new device, she must out run an unseen blizzard while dodging overpowered goats! Also she has to collect credits to buy this said phone! Go, run, and become an immortal!

    Infinite running and double jumping!
    16-bit styled Aesthetics
    A whole game dedicated to an overdone meme in the gaming community!

    From the developers of Cosmotion, Amateur Tank and games on home consoles that you probably never heard of!
  • Amateur Tank Мод APK 4

    Amateur Tank Мод APK

    Aliens have invaded and its up to you and this questionably obtained tank. Shoot, destroy and try to handle this tank and save the planet! Also watch the fuel!

    From the developers of the Wii U game Space Hunted and the mobile game Cosmotion!
  • Push Chess Мод APK 1.0 4

    Push Chess Мод APK 1.0

    Each player takes turns moving their pieces into advantageous positions, and then pushing with one of their pieces. A back-and-forth game of lures, escapes, and clever aggression ends when a single piece is pushed off the board.
  • Zombies Prison TD Мод APK 10.0.0 4.0

    Zombies Prison TD Мод APK 10.0.0

    Это игра на выживание и TD против зомби.

    Как играть?

    Шаг 1
    Спешите в тюремную комнату, чтобы поспать как можно скорее. Сила мечты приносит вам золото, чтобы строить и улучшать различные здания.

    Шаг 2
    Стройте и улучшайте дверь и оружие. Вы можете победить зомби с помощью оружия и зданий со специальными навыками.

    Шаг 3
    Победителем станет тот, кто доживет до последнего или убьет зомби.

    Начни и попробуй!


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